unit 2 period 5 同步练习

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1、Unit 2 period 5 同步练习.语境填词1How many _ (洲) do you know in the world?2The government has _ (编制预算)100,000,000 yuan for education spending.3The statue was _ (移走) to another site.4The head teacher often acts as (a) _ (介绍人) for his pupils.5He _ (吹口哨) to his friends to keep hidden.6Black coffee leaves a _ (

2、苦的) taste in the mouth.7She talks about nothing except her _ (珍贵的) car.8Shes due to arrive on Tuesday._ (在此期间) what do we do?.选词填空Under control, make way for, add up, keep a close watch on, by accident, due to, pass to, take part in1.Do you know how many athletes will _ the 2012 Olympics?2I found my

3、 missing bike _ yesterday.3You must get your spending _.4_ these figures please.5Please _ patients in case of sudden change.6Why do they keep _ back _ the goalkeeper?7The teams success was largely _ her effort.8Our family cars should _ the ambulance.同义词辨析1用 expect/hope/wish的适当形式填空(1)Do you think the

4、 Stars will beat the Bulls?Yes. They have better players,so I _ them to win.(2)He _ he had listened attentively in class.(3)_ you every success.(4)I _ to go to a key university.2用 when/while/as填空(1)We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall,_ in fact,there were 40.(2)_ the day went on,the

5、weather got worse.(3)I was about to tell you about it _ someone patted me on the shoulder.(4) My sister prefers staying at home _ my brother likes playing football.3用 likely/possible填空(1)He is _ to accept our help.(2)It is quite _ that a decision will be made before the end of year.(3)It is _ that h

6、e went there.单项填空1This is the nurse who _ to me when I was ill in hospital.Aaccompanied BattendedCentertained Dcared2It is what you do rather than what you say _ matters.Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dthis3Listening attentively is _ of the crowds respect for the speaker.Asignificant BsignificanceCinsignificant

7、 Dinsignificance4Who do you know Dora is going to _?A man twenty years older than her. I just dont understand.Aget married Bmarry toCmarry with Dmarry5Did John _ the general cleaning yesterday afternoon?Ajoin BattendCtake Dtake part in6She devoted herself _ science,and made great contributions _ the

8、 development of technology.Ain;to Bto;of Cin;in Dto;to7We have to practise _ more English materials every day,if we want to improve our English.Ato read BreadingCread Dto reading8The meeting room requires _,but itll have to wait until Sunday.Acleaning Bbe cleanedCclean Dbeing cleaned9Your garden wan

9、ts _.Yes,it does. Im going to have it _ tomorrow.Ato be weeding;weedBto weed;to weedCweeding;weededDbeing weeded;weed10Guess what!I have got an A for my term paper.Great!You _ read widely and put a lot of work into it.Amust BshouldCmust have Dshould have.阅读简答Firefly (萤火虫) is just a name. They are ac

10、tually very cool insects. They are not even flies. They are beetles. They have a way of sending out light signals every now and then. If you see them at night on a tree,you might think it is a brightly lit Christmas tree. That is the kind of light these fireflies produce. But the light they send out

11、 does not have heat like the bulbs we use,and the fireflys light is cold. Actually these beetles could be the most efficient bulbs if we knew how to use them,for almost all the energy they produce gets changed into bright lightcool light.How do they do it?The back portions of their abdomens (腹部) are

12、 pellucid. There are cells of crystals or chemical substances inside which get broken down by enzymes (酶)Some energy is released in the form of light.The fireflies send out light signals at fixed intervals. And the purpose behind it is to attract beetles for mating (交配)But one fireflys signal is dif

13、ferent from anothers,depending on its sex and the type of family it belongs to. If a firefly sends out a light signal at a fixed interval but gets a response either too soon or too late,it will ignore the light signal. It is like a perfect dance sequence. If you are faster or slower than your partne

14、r,the dance fails.Fireflies come from two families of beetles. One family of fireflies is usually found in Europe,North America and Australia. The other family of fireflies is found in the Pacific islands. There is another type of beetle which gives out a softer light. It is called the glow worm.1Whats the difference between the light of the bulb and the fireflys


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