unit 6 mysterious dreams 同步练习 2

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1、Unit 6 Mysterious Dreams 同步练习Period OneGetting Ready & Reading()基础落实.单词检测1n.抱负,雄心,野心_;结论,推论,最后的决定_;满足,完成,履行_;情况,现状;环境_2v.感觉;意识到;理解_;推断出;结束;缔结_;履行;实现,完成_;否认;拒绝给予/要求_;刺激,激励_3adj.感官的,知觉的_;以前的,先前的_;成功的,有成就的_;外在的,外部的_.短语检测1花做某事_2与有(密切的)联系_3关掉(收音机等)_4监视,注意_5把看作_6引起,导致_7从中得出结论_8(非常)重视_9警告某人有_.同义词语替换1The co

2、mpany reserves the right to cancel the agreement in certain conditions._2She became_aware that everyone didnt believe her._ _3He took the job for several_different_sorts_of reasons._4She is_regarded_as a possible future director._5We believe his speech is_very_important._.句型转换1You came late,or you c

3、ould meet the famous singer.If you _ _ _ _ _,you _ _ _ the famous singer.2When you cross the road,you must be careful._ _ the road,you must be careful.3It was concluded that they were not in favour of the plan.We _ _ _ _ that they were not in favour of the plan.4People consider philosophy as a way o

4、f looking at the world around us.Philosophy _ _ _ _ a way of looking at the world around us.5You cant open the door in any circumstances._ _ _ can you open the door.单项填空1We should study hard,but _ we should have some time to play.Ain time Bat one timeCat the same time Don time2With a final conclusio

5、n _,the meeting ended at 430 pm last Monday.Acome BdrawnCopened Dpulled3He was disappointed to find himself _ by that company.Aturning down Bto turn downCturned down Dturn down4Parents _much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.Aattach BpayClink

6、 Dapply5He is always reading so closely _ his deskmate is not.Aand BhoweverCwhile Dwhen6The explanation in the school book makes no _,because the words are hard.Agood BsenseCdeed Deffect7Any information about your son?No.If only I _ those tough words to him.Adidnt say Bhadnt saidCshouldnt have said

7、Dcouldnt have said8Under these _,it is rather difficult for our products to put a footing on this market.Asituations BcasesCcircumstances Dconditions9This is a poor design for a _ of reasons.Avariety BmixtureCextension Dswitch10How did you think _ such a clever way out of difficulty?Aover BaboutCup

8、Don能力提升阅读理解Have you heard the old saying that laughter is the best medicine?Then listen to this. Seriously,research has already shown that mental stress can limit blood flow to the heart. But now a study has linked laughter to increased blood flow. Laughter appears to cause the tissue inside blood v

9、essels to expand. As a result,laughing may be important to reduce the risk of heart disease. So says Doctor Michael Miller of the University of Maryland Medical Center. He led a study of twenty healthy men and women. To make them laugh,they watched the comedy Kingpin. To create the opposite emotions

10、,they watched the battle in war movie Saving Private Ryan. The researchers used ultrasound(超声波) technology to measure changes in blood flow through an artery(动脉) in the arm. Blood flow increased in nineteen of the twenty people after they watched Kingpin. The increase was an average of twentytwo per

11、cent. Doctor Miller says that is similar to the effects of aerobic(有氧的) exercise. Blood flow decreased in fourteen of the twenty people after they watched Saving Private Ryan. The decrease was an average of thirtyfive percent. Studies have shown that stress can reduce the bodys ability to fight dise

12、ase. When the body is under stress,it produces hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin. Cortisol is related to fear;adrenalin prepares the body to react. But too much of these hormones can be harmful. Doctor Miller noted that the study could not explain how laughter is responsible for the effects ob

13、served. Do the effects come from the movement of muscles,or from a chemical release?The researchers say laughter may cause the body to release pleasure chemicals,just as when a person exercises. Doctor Miller says these endorphins(脑内啡) may block the effect of stress hormones and cause the blood vessels to expand. Laughter may also influence the release



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