常州英语试卷 正衡7a各单元测试卷

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1、七年级英语Unit 1单元检测试卷一1、 单词辨音(10)选出划线部分读音不同的一项( )1. A. waterB. wantC. washD. watch( )2. A. theseB. yesC. eveningD. we( )3. A. dinnerB. listenC. likeD. little( )4. A. goB. doC. shoeD. who( )5. A. cupB. studentC. underD. hungry( )6. A. thankB. pageC. madD. catch( )7. A. nudeB. uncleC. useD. mute( )8. A. l

2、ongB. doctorC. poseD. nod( )9. A. priceB. diceC. dryD. hit( )10. A. pencilB. helpC.then D. Chinese2、 单项选择(10)( )1. - your friend ? - Hong Kong. A. Where are; from B. Where is; from C. Where do; be from D. Where does; from( )2. We the lessons at Zhengheng Middle School. A. are all like B. all like C.

3、 are like all D. is all like( )3. How many there in the shop? A. watch is B. watches are C. watches is D. watch are( )4. - your trousers white? - No, black. A. Is; its B. Are; theyre C. Are; its D. Is; theyre( )5. - What does your cousin like? - . A. He is tall. B. He is a student. C. He likes readi

4、ng. D. He is 14.( )6. - Lady Gagas hair long? - Yes, . A. Is; she is B. Does; it does C. Is; it is D. Is; hers is( )7. What should we at the party tonight? A. wear B. put on C. in D. on( )8. The news very important. A. / B. are C. is D. does( )9. - Who Maths teacher? - Miss Li. A. are you B. are you

5、r C. is your D. is you( )10. - Do the boys like the World Cup? - Yes, they . A. watching; does B. watch; do C. watching; do D. watch; does三、完形填空 (10)Thesedaysmenandwomen,youngandoldare 1 thesamekindof 2 ,andalotof 3 havelonghair.Weoftencant 4 whether theyareboysorgirls,menorwomen. 5 oldmanoftengoest

6、owalkinthepark.Heis 6 onachairnow.Ayoungpersonis standing 7 him.“Oh,goodness!”theoldmansaystotheotherone.“Doyou 8 thatpersonwithlonghair?Isitaboyoragirl?”“Aboy.”saystheotherone.“Heismyson.”“Oh,”saystheoldman,“please 9 me.Idontknowyouarehis 10 .”“Imnothismother.Imhisfather.”saystheotherone.( )1. A. h

7、avingB. wearingC. puttingD. buying( )2. A. clothesB. housesC. hatsD. bags( )3. A. weB. youC. themD. they( )4. A. talkB. chatC. speakD. tell( )5. A. AnB. AC. TheD. That( )6. A. runningB. stayingC. sittingD. standing( )7. A. onB. besideC. inD. at( )8. A. seeB. watchC. lookD. read( )9. A. helpB. excuse

8、C. teachD. answer( )10. A. brotherB. sisterC. fatherD. mother三、 阅读理解(20)AChannel 118:00 Around China18:30 Childrens programme19:00 News19:30 Weather report19:40 Around the West20:10 TV plays: Sisters21:00 English for today21:15 Popular Music21:55 Talk Show Channel 215:45 Computer Today18:10 Foreign

9、Arts18:30 English Classroom19:00 Animal World19:25 China 200320:20 Sports21:00 TV play: Guo Lanying21:45 English News22:06 On TV Next Week( )1. If you want to watch football, the best programme for you would be . A. TV play B. Sports C. Around the World D. Talk Show( )2. The programme of will let yo

10、u know much about western countries. A. Sisters B. Around China C. Around the West D. On TV Next Week( )3. If you are interested in tigers and monkeys, which programme is for you?A. Around China B. Animal World C. TV play D. Foreign Arts( )4.English Classroom is a programme that .A. lets you know something about classroomsB. tells you something about studentsC. lets you know something about school lifeD. teaches you English( )5. The programme at the end of Channel 2 means on TV next week. A. news B. programmes C. people D. placesBWeknowthemosquitoverywell


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