module 5 the conquest of the universe periodthree cultural corner 课件

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1、.单词识记 1_nthe feeling of being sorry for somebody 2_nthe willingness to work hard and give your energy and time to a job or an activity 3_nthe act of watching somebody/something carefully for a period of time 4_nstrong religious belief,Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe Period Three Cultural Corne

2、r 课件,5_vto speak to God,especially to give thanks or ask for help 6_adj.firmly fixed;not likely to move,change or fail 7_adj.exciting and impressive 8_vto go to somebody for information or advice 答案 1.sympathy mitment 3.observation 4faith 5.pray 6.stable 7.dramatic 8.consult,.短语天地 1_科幻电影 2_按任意顺序 3_导

3、致 4_指责某人干某事 5_愿力量与你同在 6a series of _ 7be similar to_ 8pray for_,答案 fantasy films random order 3.result in 4.accuse sb of doing sth 5.may the force be with you 6一系列的,一连串的 7.与相似 8.祈望,祈求,.little did he know what impact he was going to make. 信息提取 具有否定意义的词或短语置于句首时(除否定词修饰主语外),一般用倒装语序。 例句仿写

4、我还没来得及坐下,就听见有人敲门。 Hardly _when I heard someone knocking at the door.,1,.句型搜索,Incredible as it may seem,both the observations of science and evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption. 信息提取 as引导让步状语从句用倒装语序。 例句仿写 尽管有天分,但他工作不努力。 _,he doesnt work hard. I have a grave announcement to make. 信

5、息提取 have sth to do 有事要做。 例句仿写 我有一封信要写。 I have a letter _ 答案 1.had I sat down 2.Talented as he is write,2,3,latter n(the latter)(刚提及的两个人或物中的)后一个,第二个 Tom and Mary came,the latter wearing a red dress. 汤姆和玛丽来了,后者穿着红色衣服。 They keep cattle and horses,the former for food,the latter for riding.他们养牛和马,前者

6、供食用,后者供乘骑。,1,the former.,the latter.前者,后者 latter adj.(两者中的)后者的 latterly adv.最近,最新;最后一段时间 former adj.前者的 late指时间时,意为“后来”,比较级为later,最高级为latest 指顺序时,意为“后一个”,比较级为latter,最高级为last,【完成句子】 最近几年他的健康越来越差。 His health has been deteriorating in these _years. 关于旅行的事,我们要以后再决定。 As to (As for) the journey,we must de

7、cide about that_ 她最近的书是一部天才作品。 Her _book is a work of genius. 最后笑的人才笑得最开心。 He who laughs _laughs best. 答案 latter later latest last,broad adj.宽阔的,广阔的,广泛的,丰富的;概括的,一般的,方言的;典型的;宽的 Broad prairies stretch out as far as the eye can see. 辽阔的草原一望无边。 A smile overspread his broad face. 他那张宽大的脸上堆满微笑。,2,a broad

8、river宽阔的河流 a broad imagination丰富的想象力 the broad outline of a proposal提案的纲要 a broad accent很重的口音 a broad expanse of water一片辽阔的水域 5meter broad 5米宽 broadly adv.大体上,基本上;不考虑细节的 broaden v变宽,加宽 broadness n breadth 宽度 breadth of mind胸襟开阔,【完成句子】 读书和旅行使人开阔心胸。 Reading and traveling _the mind. 有宽容精神的人通常胸襟开阔。 A to

9、lerant person usually has _ 答案 broaden breadth of mind,The witness swore to tell the truth/swore that she would tell the truth.证人发誓保证一定讲实话。 Rich tripped over the dog and swore at it. 里奇被狗绊了一跤,并咒骂起它来。 swear (at sb/sth)咒骂,诅咒 swear to do sth/thatclause发誓做 swear by sb/sth以某人(某物)名义发誓;极其信赖 swear sb in/int

10、o sth使某人宣誓就职;使某人宣誓忠于某组织(或国家等) swear to sth断言;肯定;保证 swear sb to do sth使某人发誓做某事,3swear v发誓,起誓;咒骂,【完成句子】 奥巴马宣誓就任美国总统。 Obama was _President of America. 那女人在咒骂什么? What is the woman _? 答案 sworn in as swearing at,consult v请教,咨询;查阅;参考 Have you consulted your lawyer about this? 你就此事咨询过你的律师吗? The president co

11、nsulted with European leaders before taking action.总统在采取行动以前曾与欧洲领导人商议。 consult with sb about sth 与某人磋商某事 consult sb about sth向某人请教某事 consult.for在查找 consultant n顾问,4,【单项填空】 If you want to find a book easily in the library you should _the catalogue first. Aconsult Bconsist Cinstruct Dinsult 答案 A,a ser

12、ies of 一系列的;一连串的 The band arranged for a series of concerts. 乐队安排了一系列的音乐会。 He proposed a series of informal meetings. 他建议举行一系列非正式会议。 series既是单数又是复数形式。表示“一套”的单数意思时,谓语动词用单数,即使series紧接of和复数名词也如此;当它有“多套”的复数意思时,谓语动词用复数。 A series of reformation test has been completed. 一系列改革试验完成了。 Two series of lectures a

13、re scheduled. 两套演讲已安排好了。,1,【完成句子】 因受一系列武装抢劫银行案的牵连,他被捕了。 He was arrested in connection with _armed bank robberies. 我们将采取一系列措施制止空气污染。 We shall take_measures to stop air pollution. 答案 a series of a series of,Gold is similar in color to brass. 金和铜颜色相似。 Their house is similar to ours,but ours has a bigge

14、r garden.他们的房子和我们的差不多,只是我们的花园大些。 be similar to sb/sth in sth 与某人/物在某方面相似 resemble sb /sth in sth 在某方面与某人或某物相似 be the same as sb/sth in sth 与某人或某物在某方面完全相同,2be similar to与相似的,【单项填空】 She_ her sister in appearance but they _in temperament. Alikes;distinguish Bis similar to;different Cis similar to;diffe

15、r Dis similar;transform 答案 C,后接to do,表示“开始着手做”;后接介词for,表示“动身去某地”。 Today we have accomplished what we set out to do. 今天我们完成了我们预定要做的工作。 We set out for the Western Hills at 10:30. 我们十点半出发去西山。,3set out,set about (doing ) sth 开始某工作;着手做某事 set aside将某物放在一边;暂不考虑 set off/ out 出发,启程 set up 建立,开创,摆放或竖起某物 set sth down写下来 set forward 促进,推动 set sail 起航,【完成句子】 如果你打算只为你自己一个人而生活,我决不相信你会生活得快乐。 I do not believe you will live happily if you _a life for yourself



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