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1、Vocabulary Learning unite-opportunity,Learning Aims Improve your pronunciation. Improve your translation. Remember the words with different meanings. Put what you have learnt into use.,无论发生什么,我们必须团结。,无论发生什么,我们必须团结。 Whatever happens, we must unite.,the USA the UN the UK,united adj. 联合的,the United Sta

2、tes of America the United Nations the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,Wales,England,Scotland,Great Britain,Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland and Wales.,consist of = be made up of 由.组成,Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales.,Success consists in persever

3、ance.,consist in . 在于.= lie in.,The cake is divided into eight parts.,divide.into.把.分成.,I cant make sense of this question. Can you clarify it to me?,clarify vt. 解释清楚;澄清;阐明;,I promise to accomplish the task.,accomplish v. 完成;实现,accomplish ones dream/ goal,They are in conflict with each other.,confli

4、ct n./v. 冲突;矛盾,They are conflicting with each other.,The UK has announced to break away from the European Union.,break away from 脱离,Having a credit card makes our life much more convenient.,credit n. 信用;信贷,As a college student, if you cant gain the required credits, you will not be allowed to gradua

5、te.,credit n. 学分,- Congratulations on your winning. - Thanks, but I think the credit should go to those who work behind the scene.,credit n. 赞美;赞扬,To his credit, he returned the money that he picked up to its owner.,to ones credit 值得称赞的是,RMB is Chinese currency.,currency n. 货币;通货,For convenience, we

6、 often call the United States of America the USA.,for convenience 为了方便起见,rough adj. 粗糙的,The hands are rough.,Which road is rough?,rough adj. 高低不平的,Road A,Road B,Picture A,Picture B,In which picture is the sea rough?,rough adj. 风浪大的;汹涌的,The two players are rough.,rough adj. 粗野的;粗暴的,There are roughly

7、20 books.,roughly adv. 大致地;粗略地 =approximately,This is a nationwide singing competition.,nationwide 全国性的;全国范围的,世界性的;世界范围的,worldwide 世界性的;世界范围的,Do you prefer modern architecture or historical architecture?,architecture 建筑;建筑学;建筑艺术,architect n.建筑师,This is my collection of stamps, which I have collected

8、 for over 20 years.,collection n. 收藏品;珍藏;收集,The organization is named Food and Drug Administration.,administration n.管理;行政部门,port n. 港口,This is a famous port city.,联想: passport/ import/ export,He is having an enjoyable time on the swing.,enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的/高兴的,The letter “n” is left out in the wor

9、d.,goverment,leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑,The kid felt left out with his parents absorbed in playing with the cellphones.,be/ feel left out 受到冷落,Only those who are well prepared can catch opportunities.,opportunity n. 机会;时机,1. credit n.,1),3),2),2. rough adj.,3),2),1),Words with different meanings,1)信贷;信用,3)

10、赞扬,2)学分,3)粗野的,2)高低不平的,1)粗糙的,4)风浪大的,成功在于态度。 我们班有19个女生,40个男生。 我们班有8个组。 他抓住机会,实现了梦想。 为了方便,他省去了几个词。 和队友有矛盾,他想脱离这个队。 值得赞扬的是,他把收藏品捐给了政府。 他在这个港口城市度过了令人愉快的假期。,成功在于态度。 Success consists in attitude. 2. 我们班有19个女生,40个男生。 Our class consists of 19 girls and 40 boys. 3. 我们班有8个组。 Our class consists of 8 groups. Our

11、 class is divided into 8 groups. 4. 他抓住机会,实现了梦想。 He caught the opportunity and accomplished his dream.,5. 为了方便,他省去了几个词。 For convenience, he left out some words. 6. 和队友有矛盾,他想脱离这个队。 In conflict with his teammates, he wants to break away from the team. Having conflicted with his teammates, he wants to

12、break away from the team.,7. 值得赞扬的是,他把收藏品捐给了政府。 To his credit, he contributed his collection to the government. 8. 他在那个港口城市度过了令人愉快的假期。 He had an enjoyable holiday in the port (city).,Vocabulary Learning description-consistent,Learning Aims Improve your pronunciation. Improve your translation. Rememb

13、er the words with different meanings. Put what you have learnt into use.,The scenery is beyond description.,description n. 描写;描述,furniture n. 家具,This is a furnished house.,The house is furnished.,furnished adj. 带家具的,You can use a fax to fax files(文件).,fax n.传真(机) v. 传真,by fax,plus prep. 加上;和,Six plu

14、s four makes ten.,They are having a quarrel with each other.,have a quarrel with sb. 和sb.争吵,They are quarrelling with each other.,quarrel with sb. 和sb.争吵,The father and the son look alike.,alike adj. 相同的;类似的,take the place of 代替;取代,There is a possibility that robots will take the place of human bein

15、gs to work in the coming ten years.,break down (机器) 坏了,Her car broke down on the road to work and she was very frustrated.,She broke down under great pressure.,break down (身体)垮了,break down (谈判)失败,They quarreled and the business talk finally broke down.,She broke down after the failure.,break down (情

16、绪) 失控,arrange v.筹备;安排;整理,The wedding has been arranged well.,arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人去做,He is arranging for his assistant to pick up an important guest at the airport.,fold v. 对折,fold the paper,unfold v. 展开,The amazing scenery unfolds before our eyes.,unfold v. 展开;摊开,You can go sightseeing around the city on a sightseeing bus.,sightseeing n. 观光,To his delight, he caught a big fish.,delight n. 高兴;欣喜,Catching a big fish delighted him.,delight vt.使高兴;欣喜,Catching a big fi


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