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1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.,The Middle School of Bu Erjin Mei Guihua,nkspektd,Section A 1a2c,When did you get home yesterday afternoon ?,Leading in,I cooked meal at.,When you got home I had already cooked the meal.,When did you eat dinner?,I took a shower at .,By the time you ate dinner

2、I had taken the shower .,When did you finish your homework?,I went to bed at.,By the time you finished your homework I had gone to bed.,Mary had lots of homework yesterday so she slept late . Did she get up early or late this morning ?,overslept,oversleep,1a Look at the pictures. What happened to Ma

3、ry?,She woke up late.,She wanted to use the bathroom but someone was in the bathroom.,She ran to catch the bus.,The bus had just left.,She got to school and realized she had left her bag at home.,1b,By the time I got up, my brother already in the shower. 2.By the time I got outside ,the bus already

4、. 3.When I got to school, I realized I my backpack at home.,gotten,had,had,had,left,left,Task1: Fill in the blank with the help of the pictures.,2a,Number the pictures 1-4 in the correct order.,1,2,3,4,2b,1.When I (get home), I (realize) I (leave) my keys in the backpack. 2.By the time I (get) back

5、to school, the bell (ring). 3.By the time I (walk) into class, the teacher (start) teaching already.,got home,got,had rung,walked,had started,realized,had left,Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms, finish 2b.,Retell this story about Mary.,Task 2,overslept,got up had taken a shower,got outs

6、ide had left,ran to school,got to school realized , had left her backpack,Marys bad morning .,ran back to school without,got back to school bell had rung,walked into class had started teaching,got home realized , had left keys,Summary: What did you learn this class?,I got home,My little brother went

7、 to bed,By the time I got home, my little brother had gone to bed.,The Past Perfect Tense 过去完成时,过去完成时的构成 助动词 had (用于各种人称和数) + 过去分词,When I got to school, the bell had rung.,2. 过去完成时的用法: 主要是表示在过去某个时间,或是动作之前 已经发生或完成的动作.也就是过去的过去. For example:,当我到达学校时,上课铃已经响过了。,1.他说他以前见过你。,He said that he _ (see) you bef

8、ore.,had seen,2. 当我进来时,他已做完了作业。,When I came in he _(finish) his homework.,had finished,Exercises:,3. The children ran away after they _ (break) the window.,had broken,4. I went to Toms house but he _ (go) out.,had gone,5. My friend _ (buy) the car two years ago. He _ (have) it for two years.,bought,

9、has had,HOMEWORK Writing. Everyone is really busy in the morning. Do you still remember what happened to you one morning last week? Please tell us something about it.,Did you have other the unexpected ?,For example: 1.Lost the keys. 2.You liked a girl but she didnt like you.,Whatever we face, we shuld smile everyday.,Thank you,


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