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1、1 _in one leg,he never had a chance to get ajobAW eak and lame BHe weak and lameCThough weak and:lame D.Weak and lame as he was提示前后两个句子中间不用逗号,除非其中一个是从句,排除选项B根据句意 逗号之前部分表示原因,排除选项c和D。解答正确答案为A。本题中,形容词weak and 1ame做状语,说明主语的情况。例如:He fell to the floor unconsciousHe came hom e safe and soundHe drank the co

2、ffee hot(句中的形容词说明宾语的情况)2The girl feit_nervous in the presence of a large audience,for itwas her first performanceA1ittle Bnot a little Conly a:little Dnot little提示not a little意为“非常”,而not a bit则作“一点也不”解。根据句意,她第一次登台演出,面对一大群观众觉得非常紧张,因而排除选项A,C和D 。解答正确答案为B。3The pianos in the other shop will be_, but _A c

3、heaper;not as better Bmore cheap;not as betterC cheaper;not as good Dmore cheap;not as good提示本题包含有同等程度和不同程度两种比较结构。同等比较as?as之间要用形容词或副词原形,排除A和B。cheap的比较级由 cheap加er构成,排除Do解答正确答案为c。但须注意,如果同等程度比较放在不同程度结构一定要完整。例如:The facilities of the older hospital_.Ais as good or better than the new hospitalB are as goo

4、d or better than the new hospitalCare as good as or better than the new hospitalDare as good as or better than those 0f the new hospita1(答案:D)4You11 have tO practice times before you ca n doA much more Bmore often C many more D more several提示表示数量比较时,much more加不可数名词,而many more加可数名词。解答正确答案为C。本题中,times

5、表示次数,用作可数名词。又如:There were_in the hall than I had expected.A.much more people B.little more peopleCmany more people D.more than people (答案:c)5The_of the girls is more active in sportsAtallBta11 one Ctaller Dtallest提示句中more active是比较级,暗示主语是两者之间的比较,因而不能用形容词最高级。解答正确答案为C。6The new lab being built now is t

6、o be_high.Afive storeys Bfive-storey Cfive-storeys D.five-storeyed提示由“数词+名词”构成的复合形容词只能用来修饰名词,不能用来修饰形容词。例:a three-hour flight;a five-hundred -word letter解答正确答案为A。注意句中的high是形容词,不是名词。7We have_ in our class as we had last term Astudents as a xhird many Ba third as many studentsca third students as many

7、Dstudents a third as many 提示“倍数(twicethree+times)+as+ 原形+ as”可以用来表示倍数比较。本题中的a third在此相当于一个倍数词。解答正确答案为B。表示倍数还有其他一些说法。例如:This room is_ thatoneA。four times the big as B.as four times big asCfour times the size of D.as big as four times(答案:C)By 2025,the populationin this area is expected to double_of 20

8、02AOne B.it C.that D.what(答案:C)8。The weather was _ worse than wed expectedAfairly B.rather Cvery D.pretty提示rather可以放在形容词比较级之前,但是fairly,quite,very和pretty则不可以。解答正确答案为B。9The concert was_good,I was surprised.Aquite Bfairly Crather Dmuch 、提示rather的语气比quite更强 它可用来表示“比正常的多”、“比所需的多”或“比预期的多”。解答正确答案为C。10。The

9、stars are_ when there is A:brightest Bthe brightestCmore brighter Dmuch bright 提示如果没有比较的范围,形容词最高级不加the,用来表示“非常”的意思It was most kind of you to lend me the money解答正确答案为A。11I have$20,but that will not be_enough for my journey.A.hardly B.nearly C.almost D.mostly提示一般说来,almost,所表示的意思比nearly 更接近一些,例如:Its ne

10、arly lunchtimeIts almost lunchtime。但表示不够,含有“not enough”的意思时,要用nearly。解答正确答案为B。另外,neatly不能与never,nobody,no one,nothing,nowhere,no和none连用;almost:则可与它们连用。例如:_no one went thereA Nearly BScarcely CAlmost D Hardly(答案:C)12We all know that she is too well aware of the danger she is facing nowAjust Bfairly C

11、quite Donly 提示much,a lot,far,a little,a bit,r ather可用来修饰too。例如:Im Only too glad to help youThis one israther too largeGive me a smaller oneIf his lecture takes much too longer time,we11 have to stay here for the night.解答正确答案为D。only too意为“非常”,此外,can not too 连用可表示“怎样也不会过分”的意思。例如:We cannot be_careful i

12、n performing the experiment:as it is such a critical link in the whole projectAvery Btoo Cquit Dso(答案:B)13“It:takes me just twenty minutes to reach the city from here.“Do you really drive_?Asuch fast B.that fast C.with such fastness D.fast like this提示that与形容词或副词连用,意为“那样”、“那么”,等同于so,例如:I know only th

13、at muchHe cant walk that farThe amount of work is simply not that great解答正确答案为B。14 We went by train Shanghai,and there took shipAtoo;to Bto;as far as Cas far as to Das far as ,as far as 提示as far as在句中并不表示同等程度的比较,实际上是习惯用语,意为“到(地点)”。请注意貌似同等程度比较的一些习惯用语: 1 will work as long as I live只要活着,我就要工作。He has been ill as long as five years他已经病了5年之久。I Will go with you flS far as the next bus stop我将和你一起走到下一车站。 The average cost of one day in a hos pital in that country can run as high as$400 dollars在那个国家里一天的平均住院费用可高达400美元。


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