初二英语module 7 a famous story模块综合测试题及答案解析

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《初二英语module 7 a famous story模块综合测试题及答案解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初二英语module 7 a famous story模块综合测试题及答案解析(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、由莲山课件提供http:/ 资源全部免费Module 7A famous story模块综合测试题(测试时间45分钟总分100分)第卷(共50分). 听力(10分)()录音中有五组对话及五个问题, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分)1. A. Once. B. Twice. C. Once or twice. 2. A. Doing his homework. B. Doing nothing. C. Sleeping. 3. A. She was sad. B. She was hurt. C. She was ill. 4. A. He was going shopping. B. He

2、was going into the shop. C. He was standing outside. 5. A. At 3: 45 p. m. B. At 4: 15 p. m. C. At 4: 45 p. m. ()录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分)6. What did Tom like doing? A. Watching TV. B. Doing sports. C. Playing computer games. 7. Did Tom always listen to the teachers carefully in class? A. Yes, he d

3、id. B. No, he didnt. C. We dont know. 8. What would Toms mother give him if he got a hundred in the exam? A. 20 dollars. B. A football. C. A bicycle. 9. How many grades did Tom get in math? A. 80. B. 70. C. 60. 10. How did Toms mother feel when she heard Toms words? A. Sad. B. Angry. C. Happy. . 单项选

4、择(10分)1. There were many apples _ the tree. A monkey was picking them _ it. A. on; onB. in; inC. on; inD. in; on2. I was cleaning my bedroom. _ a mouse came out. 【 】A. SuddenlyB. ActuallyC. LuckilyD. Badly3. I was doing my homework _ my mother was cooking in the kitchen. A. afterB. whileC. ifD. unti

5、l4. I often hear the girl _ beautifully next door. When I passed by the door, I heard her _ just now. 【 】A. sing; singingB. sings; singC. sing; singsD. singing; sing5.Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. anything interestingB. interesting anythingC. something interestingD. interesting something6. Its

6、very friendly _ him _ me when I am in trouble. A. of; helpB. for; to helpC. of; to helpD. for; helping7.When I walked past the park, I saw some old people _ Chinese Taiji. A. doB. didC. doingD. are doing8. _ did you go there for? To have a meeting. A. WhyB. WhatC. WhereD. When9.Dont forget to write

7、to me as soon as you _ Brazil. No problem. A. arriveB. reach toC. get inD. arrive in10. Tony, dont draw on the wall. It isnt a good behavior. _ . A. Never mindB. Yes, Id love toC. Of course notD. Sorry, I wont. 完形填空(10分)One morning a fox was searching for his breakfast. He went down to the lake to1s

8、ome fish. Suddenly he saw a rabbit digging a hole on the bank of the lake and decided to eat it instead. Not wanting the rabbit to discover him, the fox moved2towards his meal. As he got closer, he stepped on some dry leaves. The rabbit then3in fear. When he saw the fox, he started to shout. “Quiet!

9、 Why do you rabbits shout so much? ”asked the fox, slightly annoyed that he had lost his4. “I am sorry, but you scared me. Your sharp teeth make me5, ”replied the rabbit. “But I dont want to eat you, ”lied the fox, “I am only here to help with your6. I will be back tomorrow and help you dig your hol

10、e. ”The next day, the fox returned to the7. There he saw a group of rabbits busily digging holes on the bank. He thought about catching one. At that moment the rabbit he had met the day before started jumping up and down, making a8noise to warn his friends. All the rabbits and even the fish quickly9

11、. The poor fox could not find anything to catch for food and ended up10fruit. 1. A. catchB. buyC. smellD. cook2. A. noisilyB. silentlyC. confidentlyD. angrily3. A. looked downB. looked awayC. turned offD. turned around4. A. timeB. placeC. mealD. fish5. A. sadB. excitedC. nervousD. happy6. A. foodB.

12、workC. storyD. friends7. A. breakfastB. houseC. lakeD. mountain8. A. loudB. lowC. usualD. dangerous9. A. returnedB. shoutedC. enteredD. disappeared10. A. growingB. eatingC. pickingD. selling. 阅读理解(20分)Once there was a man traveling in a faraway village. As he was passing the elephants, he suddenly s

13、topped. He found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains(锁链), no cages. It was clear that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their ropes but for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals jus

14、t stood there and didnt try to get away. “Well, ”the trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, its enough to hold them. As they grow up, they still believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can hold them, so they never try to break free. ” How could it be? These animals could at any time break free from their ropes. But because they were always stuck right where they were, they believed they couldnt. Just like t


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