2016春三年级英语下册 unit 4《fruit》(第1课时)教案 广东版开心

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1、fruitPeriod II 教学内容分析(Analysis of the teaching contents) 本课是选自广东人民出版社开心学英语三年级下册Unit 4 Fruit 本课将学习水果单词及简单的句型。水果,常出现在我们的日常生活中,通过学习这些单词和句型,学生将提高使用英语进行交流的的能力。II学生分析(Analysis of the students) 本次教学的对象为小学三年级的学生,他们已有一个学期学习英语的经验,对学习英语知识有一定的认知能力;他们活泼好动,思维活跃,乐于与人交流合作,喜欢玩游戏,对学习英语有浓厚的兴趣;但自制力不足,注意力容易分散,缺乏一套自我学习英语

2、的方法,需随时留意并控制课堂气氛,提高教学质量。III教学目标(Objectives)1语言知识目标(Language knowledge)1)能够听说认读单词: pear; watermelon; grape; cherry 及其复数2)掌握并运用句型: Are these .? Yes, they are. No, they arent . 2语言技能目标(Language skills)学生能听说认读单词,能够运用句型.3.学习策略目标 (Learning strategy)通过图片,游戏,多媒体,pair work等,让学生更好的融入课堂。4.情感态度目标(sentiment)1)能够

3、学会用英语去辨认水果,并且运用到实际交流当中。2)培养学生的自主学习能力和合作精神,要求学生用所学词汇、句型开展小组活动。教具(Teaching Aims): 录音,幻灯, 图片教学过程 T代表老师 Ss代表全体学生 S代表学生 1热身准备(Warming up)1)热身并与学生相互问好T:Good morning,boys and girls.2) 播放歌曲apple tree T:Lets enjoy a song.2.呈现与操练(Presentation and practice)1) 导入T:today,gogo and Jenny go to the supermarket and

4、buy some fruit(水果). What will they buy? Yes,today we are going to learn unit4 Fruit. 2)呈现展示各种水果的图片T:Whats this? You can say in Chines.T:Yes,It a cherry/pear.跟读单词两遍。齐读单词两遍。T:Look,there are many cherries/pears. Read after me. cherries,cherries(用不同的音调) Are there any different between the words? Yes,一样的

5、东西,有很多的时候,要加S或es.(总结规律) Now,let read the words together. Ss: pear pear cherry cherry.pears pears3) 操练T: Let me check you memory. (指着图片)Are these apples? Yes, they are. No, they arent.Ss: Yes, they are. No, they arent . (分组,个人进行提问)T:Practice with your partner, you can chose any picture you want, use

6、this two sentences. Are these.? Yes/no ,it is/isnt .玩游戏1.(在单词的图片上写上序号,老师说单词,同学说数字,反之调换)T:look there are some number in the picture, I say number you say words, I say words you say number. Are you clear? 2. (老师描述水果的样子,让同学猜)T:Its red and round. Whats this ?3. 巩固和总结(Consolidation)让同学齐读单词和句子。老师和同学一起总结今天学过的知识点T:what do we learn? We learned some fruit apple,pear,grape,watermelon and the sentences Are these.?4.作业(Homework)1.Copy the new words one line for each. 抄写新单词每个1行。2. Use the language to ask and answer in your groups. 用今天学过的句型在小组内找同学进行问答交流。VI.板书设计2


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