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1、脊 髓 疾 病 (Diseases of the spinal cord),Diseases of the spinal cord,Outline Acute myelitis Compressive myelopathy Syringomyelia Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord Motor neuron disease,The anatomy of the spinal cord,External components: The upper and lower boundary of the cord The capsul

2、e The spinal nerves The relation between the cord and spine,The anatomy of the spinal cord 1. External components:,The upper and lower bourn of the cord Length: 4245cm, It is the continuation of medulla(occipital foramen). The lower end forms terminal cone. It occupies 2/3 length of the spine. Lumba

3、r enlargement: L1S2, cervical enlargement: C5T2 Terminal filament end on the periosteum of the 1st coccygeal vertebra,Next,The anatomy of the spinal cord 1. External components:,Spinal nerves: 31pairs of nerves were sent out: C8, T12, L5, S5 The segmental distribution of cutaneous sensory innervatio

4、n 见图1 图2,The anatomic base of the spinal cord 1. External components,The capsule: 图例 Three layer capsule: spinal dura mater, arachnoid, tenuis mater Three spaces: epidural space: venous plexus and adipose subdural space subarachnoid space: CSF,The anatomy of the spinal cord 1. External components:,T

5、he cord of C18 is one segment higher than the correspond spine respectively, T18 is two segment higher, T912 is three higher, the count-part of lumbar is the 1012th thoracic vertebra , sacral cord lies in the 12th thoracic vertebra and the 1st lumbar.,The anatomy of the spinal cord 2. Internal compo

6、nents:,Gray matter: shape like H. Anterior horn: motor neuron. The fibers are anterior root Posterior horn: Lateral horn in the myelon of C8L2 and S24 White matter: anterior column, lateral column, posterior column,The anatomy of the spinal cord 3.Blood supply,Anterior spinal artery: which supplies

7、the anterior two-thirds of the cord 供应脊髓全长和脊髓横断面前2/3区域。 Posterior spinal arteries: 供应脊髓全长及脊髓后柱、后索,脊髓横断面后1/3区域。 Radicular arteries: 根动脉与脊髓前、后动脉吻合,构成冠状动脉(coronary artery)环围绕脊髓表面,分出无数小支供应脊髓表面结构及脊髓实质外周部分的供血。C6、T9和L2处最大,T4和L1为交界。见图,Cord impairments-Clinical features,Motor deficits: spastic or flaccid par

8、alysis Disorders of somatic sensation:见图 posterior horn & root: 节段性感觉障碍 posterior horn :节段性分离性感觉障碍 anterior white commissure: 感觉分离现象 spinalthalamic tract:传导束性感觉障碍: Sphincter dysfunctions: paruria and dysporia incontinence or retention (including urination and defecation) Autonomic nervous imbalance,

9、Cord impairments-Clinical features,脊髓半侧损害 (hemi-transverse impairments): Brown-Sequard syndrome 脊髓横贯损害(transverse impairments): spinal shock 1) 高颈髓(C14): cervical myelon 2) 颈膨大(C5T2): cervical enlargement 3) 胸髓(T3T12): thoracic myelon 4) 腰膨大(L1S2): lumbar myelon 5) 脊髓圆锥(S35和尾节): terminal cone 6) 马尾(

10、cauda equina),判定脊髓病灶上界依据,根性症状:最上位根痛、根性感觉缺失、节段性肌无力或肌萎缩部位。 传导束性感觉缺失平面:皮肤感觉支配三根定律。见图 Cutaneous sensation is in a segmenttal pattern because of overlap there is no loss of sensation unless three adjacent segments are affected.,判定脊髓病灶上界依据,Tendon reflex change: C56, biceps and brachioradialis C78, triceps

11、 L24, knee jerk S12, ankle 自主神经征: 反射性皮肤划纹症(reflective dermatography) 头颈部立毛反射(pilomotor reflex) 阿司匹林发汗试验(Aspirins weating test) 中断处,均为脊髓病变上界。,脊髓横贯性损害推算脊柱节段,分三步走: 脊髓病变上界=皮节1, 如皮节即感觉障碍平面,T7脊髓病变,上界T6。 病变上界脊柱节段=脊髓病变上界n。 (C14, n=0; C58, n=1;T18, n=2;T912, n=3)本例病变上界脊柱节段T62=T4 。 病变中心层面脊柱节段=病变上界脊柱节段+1 (向下1个

12、层面)。本例为T5 。,急性脊髓炎 (Acute myelitis),Concept Acute transverse impairments caused by demyelination or necrosis on white matter of the myeline. Such as: myelitis following infection, myelitis following vaccine inoculation, demyelinative myelitis, necrosis myelitis, para-tumor myelitis.,Acute myelitis- P

13、athogeny,unclear auto-immune reaction in association with a viral infection or vaccine inoculation 14 weeks ago. But there were no detective virus in nervous tissues, also no antibodies in CSF detected.,Acute myelitis-Pathology,Every segment may be involved, Range: T35, cervical or lumbar segment. F

14、ocal or transverse lesions, Findings under naked eyes: 脊髓肿胀,质地变软,软膜充血渗出,切面灰白质不清,变性。 Findings under microscope: 髓内血管扩张、充血,血管周围炎性细胞侵润,神经细胞肿胀,破裂,消失,白质脱髓鞘,轴突变性,胶质增生。,Acute myelitis-Clinical features,Characters: 1. The youth & post adolescent, No difference between the two sex. Infection or vaccine inocu

15、lation history Inducement of cold, overfatigue, trauma,Acute myelitis-Clinical features,2. Acute onset, gets to the peak after several hours or 23 days. The initial symptoms: Numbness and weakness Backache and girdle sensation The most frequent sites: T3-5,Acute myelitis- Clinical features,Dyskinesi

16、a: spinal shock 24weeks upper motor neuron paralysis Sensory disturbance: 损伤以下所有感觉障碍,恢复较运动慢。 Autonomic nerves dysfunction: 早期尿潴留(无张力性神经原性膀胱)。膀胱充盈300400 ml即自动排s尿 (反射性神经原性膀胱)。损害平面以下无汗、少汗、皮肤脱壳、角化。,Acute myelitis-Clinical features,3. Acute ascending myelitis: 危重型,起病急感觉平面数h或12d天上升至高颈髓,瘫痪迅速波及上肢及延髓支配肌群,出现吞咽困难、构音不清和呼吸肌麻痹而死亡。 4. Demyelinative myelitis: 脊髓内有两个以上散在病灶,横贯性损害多不完全。,Acute myelitis- investigation,1. Blood routine test: 急性期周围


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