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1、carried out practice line pioneer standard, and post spurs members concentrated service months, activities, education guide members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their

2、own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term

3、. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the partys ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the

4、 role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take strict education and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the

5、 Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party

6、 lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully

7、 dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on r

8、ecurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the citys party organization focused inves

9、tigation, check out a total of lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find there are 640 lost party members are not contacted 148 Pocket party members and implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. We

10、ak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educational interaction. In short,

11、 through solid and effective work initiatives销售知识培训手册(一) 现代企业的销售人员是开拓市场的先锋力量,是企业形象的重要代表,必须具备良好的素质。家具销售人员应具备的素质概括起来包括以下四个方面:1、精神一个优秀的销售人员必须具备强烈的敬业精神,热爱本职工作、精力充沛、勇于开拓。2、知识这个方面的条件决定了销售人员的销售能力,是做好销售工作的基础。包括以下几个方面:(1)商品知识 要熟悉商场所有商品的生产工艺、质量特点(包括面料、材料、油漆等)功能(适合在何种环境和条件下使用)、规格型号(包括面料和产品等)、生产周期、付货时间、付货周期、库存情

12、况:了解商品的使用方法、保养及维修知识;了解本行业竞争产品的有关情况。(2)企业知识 要掌握本公司的历史背景、经营理念、生产能力、产品结构、品种系列、技术水平、设备情况及服务方式、发展前景等。了解公司的销售情况及在各地区的销售网络。(3)用户知识 了解橱柜购买者(包括潜在客户)的消费心理、消费层次、及对其橱柜布置的基本要求。(4)市场知识 了解橱柜市场的环境变化、顾客购买力情况,根据销售过程中所搜集的信息及顾客反馈信息进行市场分析。(5)服务知识 了解接待的基本礼节(注意国外客户的忌讳和有关民族、宗教等社会知识)细心、认真、迅速地处理单据;有效运用身体语言(包括姿态、语言、动作)传递信息是获得

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16、们讲解本商品的特点,不要急于求成,容顾客比较、考虑再作决定;对于已成为商品购买着的顾客要继续与客人保持交往,可以重点介绍公司的服务和其他配套商品,以不致其产生被冷落的感觉。5、引导消费在顾客已对其较喜欢的产品有所了解,但尚在考虑时,销售人员可根据了解的家具装饰知识帮助客人进行选择,告知此商品可以达到怎样的效果,还可以无意的谈起此类商品的消费群体的层次都比较高,以有效促成最终的成交。引导消费是最终要的一点是销售人员以较深的专业知识对产品进行介绍,给顾客消费提供专业水平的建议。 6、处理意见在销售工作中,经常会听到顾客的意见,一个优秀的销售人员是不应被顾客的不同意见所干扰的,销售人员首先要尽力为购买者提供他们中意的商品,避免反对意见的出现或反对意见降低至最小程度,对于已出现的反对意见,销售人员应耐心地倾听,如顾客所提出的意见不正确,应有礼貌的解释;反之,应有诚恳的态度表示感谢。7、抓好售后售后服务是一个比售后还重要环



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