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1、工业工程专业英语,课程性质、目的和任务 专业英语是工业工程专业的一门专业课,通过对本课程的学习,及一步巩固和提高英语水平,特别是提高阅读科技英语及专业英语资料的能力。其任务是培养学生阅读、写作科技英语等方面的能力,使其能以英语为工具顺利获取有关本专业所需的信息。 教学基本要求 了解专业英语的语法特点、专业英语的词汇特点及专业英语的各种文体中常用的符号、公式及其他。掌握工业工程专业的英语文献阅读和理解,能快速阅读科技文章,迅速获取信息和中心思想。理解专业英语翻译的基本方法。 计划学时:26学时,工业工程专业英语,课时安排,工业工程专业英语,作业要求(共10次作业) 要求每次作业独立完成,并在完成

2、学习后3天内上交,要求以Word文档形式上交,文档命名格式为“作业1_10603101_小王” 。 作业格式按给定“作业模板”排版。 最后一次结课作业应在课程学习结束前上交 期末结课作业(毕业设计答辩前,要求有科技文献翻译一篇,这项工作可以说是一举两得,希望同学们认真完成,并注意保存) 要求通过文献检索数据库,检索一篇工业工程相关英文科技文献,最好结合毕业设计题目,并翻译成中文。 具体要求: 上交一份检索文献过程的贴图; 检索文献(英文)要求字数(不是字符数,A4版式小五字体大约4页)超过2000字; 上交内容放在同一个word文档中,要求按“论文规范”排版,要有目录,分3个部分,包括: 文献

3、检索过程 外文文献 中文翻译,Chapter1 Introduction to Industrial Engineering,计划学时:4学时 教学内容: 3学时,精读,逐句翻译,掌握专业词汇 Unit 1 Introduction to IE 1学时,泛读,了解文章大意,掌握专业词汇,翻译重点语句 Unit 2 History of IE Unit 3 Academic Disciplines of IE Unit 4 Development of IE,教学要求: 了解工业工程的角色,工业工程毕业生的需求,学习本书的目的,掌握工业工程的定义。 了解工业工程设计的学科,工业工程的发展。 了解

4、美国工业工程专业在学科中的地位与中国的不同。 本章共两次作业(作业1,作业2),本章专业词汇,hypotenuse:斜边(hypothesis:假设) lag:落后,延迟 impede:妨碍,阻止 civil engineering:土木工程 military:军事的 fortification:防御工事 mechanical engineering:机械工程 steam engine:蒸汽机 culminate:达到顶点 electrical engineering:电气工程 magnetism:磁学 static electricity:静电学 carbon-filament:钨丝 tra

5、nsmission:传送 transportation:运输 transformation :转换 fuel:燃料 dye:染料 lubricant:润滑剂 internal combustion engine:内燃机 artificial material:人工材料 assiduity:勤奋、刻苦 interchangeability:互换性 specialization: 专业化 standardization: 标准化 institute of industrial engineers:工业工程师学会(IIE) physical science:自然科学(natural science

6、) productive:有生产价值的、多产的 cost-effective:有成本效益的、划算的,industrial engineering:工业工程 manufacturing industry:制造业 production system:生产系统 service system:服务系统 efficiency:效率 effectiveness:效果 curricula: 课程 (or curriculum) harmonious society:和谐社会 IE graduates:工业工程毕业生(IEs) IE engineers:工业工程师(IEs) facility:设备、设施 he

7、alth-care delivery: 卫生保健服务 discipline:学科 methodology:方法 literature:文献 economic and knowledge-based era:知识经济时代 specialty:专业 feedback:反馈 hand in hand :合作 inclined plane:斜面 corkscrew: 螺丝刀 simple lever:单杠杆 friction: 摩擦 molecular:分子的 electricity: 电、电学、电流、电气 thermal process:热处理 manipulate:处理,使用,操纵 variabl

8、e:变量 Pythagorean theorem:勾股定理,Unit 1 Introduction to IE Origin and Definition of Industrial Engineering,Manufacturing Services Origin of IE Definition of IE,1.Manufacturing,Manufacturing is defined as making of articles by physical labor or machinery, especially on a large scale. by physical labor:

9、a person with hand tools used craft skills to make objects. by machinery: it has played an increasing role. on a large scale: with the mass production,2.Services,Health-care delivery systems Transportation systems Governments Banks Departments and supermarkets,Characteristics of Services,Products ar

10、e intangible Closely contact with customers High intensive-labor Difficult to evaluate performance Difficult to control quality of services,3. Original of Industrial Engineering,Engineering Science Industry,A. Engineering,Engineering is concerned with the application of scientific knowledge to the s

11、olution of problems and to the quest for a “better life.” e.g.: the Egypt Pyramids, the Great Wall, the Roman construction Civil Chemical Electrical Industrial Mechanical Military Manufacturing Nuclear Electronic Computer Aeronautical Astronautical Bioengineering Agricultural/Ocean,B. Science,Scienc

12、e is concerned with the quest for basic knowledge. e.g.:Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Social science (Behavior science, psychology, philosophy, sociology),Engineering and Science,Engineering and science have developed in a parallel, complementary fashion, although not always at the same pace

13、. Obviously, knowledge cannot be applied until it is discovered, and once discovered, it will soon be put to use. In its efforts to solve problems, engineering provides feedback to science in areas where new knowledge is needed. Thus, science and engineering work hand in hand.,Modern era of engineer

14、ing,Beginning in 1750 ,Engineering schools appeared in France in the eighteenth century. The term civil engineer was first used in 1750 military engineering civil engineering mechanical engineering: steam engine electrical science:electricity and magnetism,4. Definition of Industrial Engineering,Ind

15、ustrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mechanical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of e

16、ngineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate, the results to be obtained from such systems,Understanding the definition of IE(1),Industrial: any organization integrated systems: a factory, a city specialized knowledge: mechanical, physical, and social sciences, the principles and methods of engineering analysis Objectives: to specify, predict, and evaluate, the results to be obtained from such systems,Understanding the definition of IE(2),Discipline charac


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