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1、译林四年级英语知识点Unit1 I like dogs短语1.看look at 2.吃蛋糕 have a cake 3.这些玩具动物 these toy animals 4.我的好小狗my good little dog5.孩子们boys and girls 6.我的大包my big bag7.这只猫this cat 8.在木棍上on the log 9.又胖又可爱cute and fat 10.在树上in the tree11.一头大象an elephant 12.跟我跑run with me 13.喜欢马like horse 14.在垫子上on the mat 句子1. Look at t

2、hese toy animals, boys and girls. 孩子们,看这些玩具动物。2. Look at this cat! 看这只猫。3. I like cats. Its cute. 我喜欢猫。它很可爱。4. Do you like dogs? Yes, I do.5. Theyre cute and fat.它们胖胖的很可爱。6. This is a dog. I like dogs.这是一只狗。我喜欢狗。7. Do you like tigers? 你喜欢老虎吗?No, I dont. I like monkeys. 不,我不喜欢。我喜欢猴子。8. Would you like

3、 a pie? 你想要个馅饼吗?9. I like cakes. Do you like cakes? 我喜欢蛋糕。你喜欢蛋糕吗? Yes, I do. I have a cake here.是的。我这儿有块蛋糕。10. Do you like it? 你喜欢它吗?11. Whats this? 这是什么?Its a lion. 这是狮子。12. Whats that? Its an elephant. 那是什么? 那是大象。 音标语音:英语字母g在这里发的音为gBag dog get girl good tiger bug dig mug god glad gooseMy good litt

4、le dog, go and get my big bag on the log.我的好小狗,去木头上把我的大包拿回来。小技巧:Like 喜欢用法:(1)I like cakes.我喜欢蛋糕。(+可数名词复数) (2)I like milk. 我喜欢牛奶。(+不可数名词) (3) I like this dog. 我喜欢这只狗。(可数名词单数,表特指)Unit2 Lets make a fruit salad 短语1. I have 我有2. how many多少 3.have a banana有一个香蕉 4. how many mangoes多少芒果 5. an orange 一个橘子 6.

5、 a hot cake with a cherry樱桃热蛋糕 7. some grapes 一些葡萄 8. make a fruit salad 做水果沙拉9.lets= let us让咱们 10.our fruit salad 我们的水果沙拉11. purple grapes紫葡萄 12. nice and sweet好又甜 句型1. I have a pineapple.我有一个菠萝。2. I have an apple and an orange.我有一个苹果一个橘子。3. I have some grapes.我有一些葡萄。4. Do you have a banana? Yes, I

6、 do.你有一个香蕉吗? 是的,我有。5. Here you are.给你。6. Do you have any bananas? No, I dont.你有香蕉吗?没,我没有。7. Lets make a fruit salad.咱们做水果沙拉把!8. Look at our fruit salad.看我们的水果沙拉。9. How nice!多美呐!10. Do you like mangoes?你喜欢芒果吗?11. I have two pineapples.我有两个菠萝。12. How many mangoes do you have? 你有多少芒果?13. Do you like pu

7、rple grapes? 你喜欢紫葡萄吗?语音英语字母H在单词里,发音为 hHelen have hurry hot behind horse hot he hamburger happy hello howHelen, Helen, please hurry. Have a hot cake with a cherry.海伦,海伦,请快点。来吃樱桃热蛋糕。小技巧Mango的复数 mangoes本单元的重点句型是:Do you have.? have后面可以跟单数,如 Do you have a banana?Have后面如果跟复数,则需要用到 any(一些),如 Do you have an

8、y bananas? Any用在疑问句或否定句中,而 some 用于肯定句Do you have .? 这个句型有两种回答,肯定回答为:Yes, I do. 否定回答为:No, I dont.Unit3 How many?词组1.my car我的车 2. some stichers 一些贴纸 3.have a look 看一看 4. very beautiful很漂亮 5. many balls很多球 6. in that box 在那个盒子里7. play table tennis打乒乓球 8. fifteen dolls 十五个玩具娃娃9. I can 我能 10. all those c

9、akes所有的那些蛋糕 11. so funny 很有趣 12. in the library 在图书馆句型1. Look at my toy cars.看我的玩具车。2. Theyre nice.他们很美丽。3. How many cars do you have?你有多少玩具车?4. Do you have any toy cars?你有一些玩具车吗?5. What do you have?你有什么?6. I have some stickers.我有一些贴纸。7. Can I have a look? Yes, you can.我能看嘛? 是的,你可以看。8.Theyre very be

10、autiful.他们非常漂亮。9. Can I have one? Sure.我能要一个吗? 可以。10. I have a ball. Lets play.我有个球。咱们玩去吧?11. Theyre in that box.他们在那个盒子里。12. Can you play table tennis?你会打乒乓球吗?13. No, but I can do this.不会,但是我能这样做做。语音字母L在单词里,发的音为lLook lion library lovely eleven ruler Helen little like salad Look at the lion in the l

11、ibrary. It looks so funny and lovely.看在图书管里的那只狮子,它看起来如此有趣和可爱。小贴士:How many后常可跟可数名词复数,询问数量。如: How many cars do you have? Three. How many robots do you have? Ten.2. Can I have a look?我能看嘛? Can 在这里表示一种请求。如:Can I have one?我可以有一张吗?Have 可以与动词同形的名词连用,表示一种动作Have a look看一看 have a talk谈一谈 Have还可以表示吃、喝 have bre

12、akfast吃早饭 have a drink 喝一杯Unit 4 I can play basketball词组1. play basketball打篮球 2. have a try 试试3. play football very well 足球踢得好 4. my sister 我的姐姐或者妹妹5.play table tennis 打乒乓球6.my brother我的哥哥或者弟弟 7. run and swim 跑和游泳 8. look at me 看着我9. eleven years old 十一岁10. five footballs五个足球 11. cant fly 不会飞 12. fi

13、ve funny boys五个有趣的男孩句型1. I can play basketball. What about you? 我会打篮球,你会吗?2. I can skate, but I cant swim.我会溜冰,但我不会游泳。3.We can play football very well.我们打篮球打得非常好。4. They can swim.他们会游泳。5. Can you skate? Yes, I can./ No, I cant.你会溜冰吗?是的,我会。 不,我不会。6. Can they play table tennis? 他们会打乒乓球吗?7. Yes, they c

14、an. / No, they cant.是的,他们能。 不。他们不能。8. Can Mike swim? Yes, he can.麦克会游泳吗? 他会9. He can swim very well.他游泳游的好。10. Can she play football? No, she cant.她会打篮球吗?她不会。11. She can jump.她会跳高。12. She cant skate, her brother cant skate either.她和她的弟弟都不会溜冰。13. My father can play basketball.我的爸爸会打篮球。14. Dont be sad

15、.别难过。语音字母F在单词里发 f音Afternoon breakfast family father football four fat fly fish fruit for Father have five footballs, for his five funny boys.父亲有五个足球,给他五个可爱的儿子。小贴士:本单元学习了一些与运动有关的动词和词组,在日常生活中我们能做很多运动,如Walk行走 run跑 jog慢跑 ski滑雪, climb攀登, fish钓鱼, play table tennis打乒乓球, play badminton打羽毛球, play volleyball打排球, ride a bike骑自行车Can 在本单元的意思为“有能力做某事”意思是“能”、“会”如,I can skate. She/ He can swim. They can play football. 不管人称变化都是“Can+动词原形”.否定句的形式为 “Cant +动词原形”。



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