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1、Unit 1 Friendship一、语法直接引语和间接引语(1) 陈述句的转换直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时用连词that(that在口语中常省略)引导,其人称、时态、时间状语、地点状语和指示代词作相应的变化。若引述动词用的是saytosb.通常改为tellsb;若直接引语是两个并列的陈述句,要注意在第二个宾语从句前加连词that,引导第一个宾语从句的that可省,但引导第二个从句的that通常不省。例句直接引语间接引语一般现在时-一般过去时He said,“I walk to school.”“Ihopeyoucancome,”hesaidtome.He said that he w

2、alk to school.HetoldmethathehopedIcouldgo.现在进行时-过去进行时He said,“I am walking to school. ”He said that he was walking to school.现在完成时-过去完成时He said,“I have walked to school.”Jennysaid,“Ihavelostabook.”He said that he had walked to school.Jennysaidshehadlostabook.一般过去时-过去完成时He said,“I walked to school.”“

3、IbrokeyourCDplayer.”He said that he had walked to school.HetoldmehehadbrokenmyCDplayer.过去完成时-过去完成时(不变)He said,“I had walked to school.”He said that he had walked to school.一般将来时-过去将来时He said,“I will walk to school.”Mumsaid,“Illgotoseeafriend.”He said that he would walk to school.Mumsaidshewouldgotos

4、eeafriend.个别动词,指示代词,时间状语,地点状语的变化thisthatthesethosenowthentodaythat dayyesterdaythe day beforethis evening that eveningtomorrowthe next daylast weekthe week beforenext weekthe next weekagobeforeheretherethis placethat placecomegotwodays(years)agotwodays(years)before;thedaybeforeyesterdaytwodaysbefore



7、”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest+动名词或从句”的结构。如:Shesaid,“Letsgotothecinema.”Shesuggestedgoingtothecinema.或Shesuggestedthattheyshouldgotothecinema.二、选择题1、Since Margot found it difficult to settle in a new place, she felt _ that the family had to move. A. upset B. crazy C. happy D. easy2、When I came _ with t

8、he teenager, I was surprised to find him _covered with dust. A. face-to-face; entirely B. face to face; entire C. in face of; completely D. face to face; entirely 3、It was in 1969 _ two Americans went to the moon by spaceship.A. when B. that C. at that time D. just then4、The heavy rain made his busi

9、ness _ a great loss.A. sufferB. suffer from C. suffering D. suffering from5、I am tired _ the partner I have been working with; he is too hard a person_. A. with; to get along with B. from; to be got along with C. of; to get along with D. of; getting along with 6、When I met her this morning, I went u

10、p to greet her but I _ and she continued her way. A. was kept away B. was ignored C. was left alone D. was kept away 7、Remember never to leave your dog _. It might bite people around. A. lose B. lost C. losing D. loose 8、The hostess left the money on the table _purpose to test the honesty of her mai

11、d. A. with B. in C. on D. for 9、Some children are too selfish today. They should be taught to _things with others so that they will show concern for others. A. live B. give C . share D. enjoy 10、_improve her English, Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself. A. So as to B. In order that C. So that D.

12、 In order to 三、将下列各句转化为间接引语1.Susansaidtohersister,“Iwillturnonthelightforyou.”Susantoldhersister.2.Hesaidtome,“Iamgoingtohavemyhaircuttoday.”Hetoldme.3.Herhusbandaskedher,“Doesthedressfit?”Herhusbandaskedher.4.MrLiusaidtothestudents,“Theearthgoesaroundthesun.”MrLiutoldthestudents.5.Sheasked,“Whatdidyoudoyesterday?”Sheasked.四.完形填空“Sheisa1.”Myheartachedwhenmybestfriendsaidthat.Howcouldshe?Mybestfriend,


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