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1、Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars,地球 _ 木星 _ 火星 _ 水星 _ 海王星 _,F. 冥王星 _ G. 土星 _ H. 天王星 _ I. 金星 _,Earth,Jupiter,Mars,Mercury,Neptune,Pluto,Saturn,Uranus,Venus,Pre-reading,1. Do you know each religion or culture has its own ideas about the beginning of the universe? In China, we all know that Pa

2、ngu separates the sky from the earth.,Pangu separates the sky from the earth,中国神话传说中有盘古开天地的说法。巨人盘古用一把利斧劈开混沌,将天地分开。死后,他的气息化成风和云,声音变成轰轰的雷声,左眼化为太阳,右眼化为月亮,手足与四肢变成大地的四极与五方的名山,血液化成江河,筋脉铺成道路,肌肉形成田地,须发成为星星,牙齿和骨骼化为金属、珍珠、玉石,汗水成为滋润万物生长的甘霖和雨露。,Other legends about the beginning of universe,The Biblical Account,D

3、ay 1: God spoke and separated light from darkness creating Day and Night Day 2: God spoke and separated the water creating sky and ocean Day 3: God spoke and created dry land,Day 4: God spoke and created the sun, moon and stars Day 5: God spoke and created living creatures in the air and sea Day 6:

4、God spoke and created the land animals and man Day 7: God rested and blessed this day calling it Holy,2. Do you know what a scientific idea is? It should be an idea coming from scientific theory.,想一想,HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH?,Reading,重点词汇精讲 1violent adj. 猛烈的,强烈的;强暴的,暴力的 violently adv. 猛烈地;凶狠地 vio

5、lence n. 暴力,暴行;激情 1. The boat sank in a violent storm. 2. 她的丈夫是个粗暴的人 Her husband is a violent person. 3. Children should not be allowed to watch violent movies.,2in time 及时;迟早;终于;过一段时间。如: She will be back in time to prepare dinner. 她及时回来准备晚饭。 Ill see him in time. 迟早我会遇见他。 All the students liked Engl

6、ish very much in time. 过了一段时间之后,所有的学生都很喜欢英语了。,against time 争分夺秒 for the first time 首次 for some time 很长一段时间 ahead of time 提前 all the time 一直,始终 at the same time 同时;然而 in no time 立刻,马上 from time to time 偶尔,间或 at one time 曾经,一度 at times 有时,偶尔,3unlike (1)prep. 不像,与不同 反义词是 like (prep. 像,类似) He is unlike

7、his brother who is very lazy. 他不像他懒惰的哥哥。 (2)adj. 不同的,不像的,相异的 They are so unlike that nobody believes they are sisters. 她们如此不同,以至于没人相信她们是姐妹。,4harmful adj. 有害的。 harmless adj. 无害的 harm n. & v. 伤害,损害 do no harm 无害 do harm to 对有害 be harmful to be bad for 对有害 吸烟有害健康 Smoking is harmful to our health.,重点句式剖

8、析 1However, according to a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions. 然而,一种普遍为人们所接受的理论是:宇宙起源于一次大爆炸,这次大爆炸将物质抛向四面八方。,widely 是副词,意为“范围广地”,多表示抽象概念;而 wide 作副词时表示具体概念,意为“充分地”。 Computers are widely used in the world. 计算机在世界上被广泛应用。 Open your mouth wide. 把嘴张大。,即境活用 He came _ and stopped to look at the picture _. Aclose; closely Bclosely; close Cclose; close Dclosely; closely,


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