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1、unit8 period1 vocabulary,by Ivan Fang,1.motivation n.动机,促动因素, 动力 eg The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. 一个人学外语的内在要求越高, 那么他就学得越快。 motive n. 动机;目的( 指“任何使人产生行动的推动力、感情、愿望等”) His motive for working so hard is that he needs money.他这么卖命干的目的在于他需要钱。 adj.起动的;发

2、动的 The motive power of trains is usually steam or electricity.火车的动力通常是蒸汽或电。 Motivate vt. -vated, -vating 引起动机;促起;激发 Examinations can motivate a student to seek more knowledge.,2.memorise vt. 记住 (亦作: memorize) “He memorized the list of dates, but neglected (忽视) the main facts Learnby heart Remember M

3、emory n. ries 记忆力 Grandmother has a good memory;she can remember things which happened many years ago. 回忆 I had happy memories of my school,bear in memory 记着, 没有忘记 bring back to memory 使想起 come to ones memory 想起, 清醒过来 in memory of 纪念.,Memorial n.(=monument) 纪念物; 纪念碑;纪念仪式 ;历史记载 memorials of a past ag

4、e 一个昔日的历史记录 The Monument to the Peoples Heroes 人民英雄纪念碑 adj.记忆的; 纪念的; 追悼的,3.dictation n(c,u) 命令; 口授令人笔录;听写 Well have dictation today. 我们今天要听写了。 take sbs dictation 记录某人的口授,4.correction n(c,u). 改正;纠正,校正 He made several corrections to the letter. 他在信上改正了几个错。 under correction 有待指正, 请予匡正 correct adj. 正确的;

5、恰当的 a correct answer 正确的回答 vt. 改正;纠正 Please correct this mistake.请改正这个错误。 责备;惩罚;管教 Mary hates to correct her children. 玛丽讨厌惩罚孩子们。,5.stick n(c) 柴枝,小树枝 We made the fire out of dry sticks. 我们用干柴枝来生火。 手杖,拐杖 The old man walked leaning on a stick. 老人拄着拐杖走路。 vt.stuck, sticking (常与in, into, through连用)(把尖 物)

6、插入,刺入,戳入 I stuck a needle into the cloth. 我把一根针扎进布里。,(与in, into, on连用)粘住;贴住 I stuck a stamp on the letter. 我把一张邮票贴在信上。 附着;固着 The wheels of the car stuck in the mud and we could not go on. 车轮陷入泥里,我们不能前进了。 放,置 Stick the chair in the corner. 将椅子置于墙角。,6.make progress 前进, 进步 Progress n.前进, 进行, 进展 进步, 上进;

7、 发展; 改进; 【生】发育, 进化 progress in civilization 文明的进步 The building of the house is in progress . 房子在建造中。 vi. 前进, 进行, 进步; 进展; 发达, 发展 The work is progressing steadily. 工作正在扎实地进行。,7. acquire: to get for oneself by ones own work, skill, action, etc. vt.获得, 学到 He has acquired an extraordinary command of(能自由应

8、用=have a good command of)the English language. 8. make sense of 搞清的意思 Can you make sense of what he says?,9. in other words I soon find the work I was doing had already been done by someone else - in other words, I was wasting my time. 10. instruct: give knowledge or information to vt.教, 教导, 命令, 指示,

9、 通知 His teacher instructed him in how to do it.,11.academic adj.学院的, 理论的;学术的 academic research学术研究 n (c)大学教师, 大学生; 学会会员; academy n(c) mies 学会 The Royal Academy皇家学会 学院;高等专科学校 an academy of music 音乐学院 University n(c) (综合)大学 Oxford University牛津大学 college n(c) (综合大学中的)学院 (独立的)学院, 高等专科学校 a college of agr

10、iculture农学院 institute n(c)学院; (大专)学校;,prehension n. 理解(力);包含, 包括, 含蓄, 概括, 综合 【逻】内涵(与“外延”相对) reading comprehension阅读理解力 “Power” is a word of wide comprehension. “力”是一个意义广泛的术语。 be above comprehension难理解的 be beyond sb.s comprehension 不可理解的,13.anxious adj.忧虑的;焦虑的, 不安的;令人忧虑的;令人担忧的;渴望的 We are all anxious

11、about/for his safety. 我们都为他的安全而忧虑。 He was anxious to meet you. 他急切地想与你会面。,eager,avid,keen,anxious意思都含“渴望的”。 eager指“以巨大的热情渴望实现愿望或达到目的的”, 有时也指“由于其他感情影响而表现急不可耐的”, 如: He was eager to see her. 他渴望见到她。 avid 指“以强烈的(有时是贪婪的)愿望去获取的”, 如: He was avid for gold. 他贪图黄金。 keen 指“对某人、某物怀有极大兴趣或热情的”, 如: They were keen

12、to win. 他们急于取胜。 anxious 指“热切地希望实现愿望,并因顾虑愿望落空而心情不安,感到焦虑的”, 如: lm anxious to know the final result. 我急于想知道最后的结果。,14. secure: sure to be won or not to be lost adj.安全的, 可靠的, 放心的, 无虑的 v.保护 His election is secure. 15. take risks/take a risk v.冒险 You have to take a lot of risks in my job.,16. experiment wi

13、th In order to discover the crops most suited(适合的)to the soil, they are experimenting with various kinds of grain. 17. adopt: to take and use as ones own 采用 I adopted their methods of making the machine.,18.easygoing adj.悠闲自在的;懒散的; 随和的 放荡的;步伐从容不迫的 an easygoing way 懒散的作风 an easygoing pace 安闲的步子 an ea

14、sygoing person 随便的人; 不过于认真的人,19.operation n 操作;【医】手术;运转 The skilful operation of a computer is hard to learn. 学会熟练地操作电脑是不容易习得的。 an operation on her stomach 给她的胃动的手术 be in operation 在运转中; 在行动中; 在实施中; 在生效中 come into operation开始工作运转;生效 go into operation开始工作运转;生效 perform an operation on sb. for a diseas

15、e给某人动手术,20.junior adj.(常与to连用)-senior(用法同junior) 初级的 She teaches a junior class. 她教一个低年级班。 地位较低的;资历较浅的 He is the junior partner in the firm. 他是这家公司地位较低的股东。 小(指较年幼 者) John Smith Junior is the son of John Smith. 小约翰史密斯是约翰史密斯的儿子。,21. option n.(c)选择;选择自由; 供选择的事物 You have no option.你没有选择的余地。 at ones opti

16、on 随意,22.proficiency n(c) 熟练, 精通(in) proficiency in music 擅长音乐 proficiency in English 精通英语,acquisition motivation dictation correction comprehension operation association instruction translator interpreter,1.词性变化 n. v.,acquire motivate dictate correct comprehend operate associate instruct translate interpret,that is to say safe stick to,in other words/ ie secure insist on,everyday every day,他每天喝每日牛奶。,He drinks milk .,everyday,every day,


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