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1、个性化教案第二讲 丰富的感情世界适用学科初中英语适用年级初二初三衔接教材版本通用课时时长(分钟)120分钟知识点1.动词短语辨析;2.定语从句;3.宾语从句教学目标1、 掌握本课文中的重点单词、短语及相关句型2、 培养英语学习兴趣3、 训练阅读理解能力培养训练教学重点课文中的重点单词、短语及相关句型的掌握和运用教学难点重点单词、短语的灵活运用教学过程一、复习预习教师引导学生复习上节内容,并引入本节课程内容二、知识讲解(一)The passage 丰富的感情世界Li Dehua, A friend of all of you, is a junior high school student of

2、 grade eight. now he is on his way to school. Usually he is pleased to go to school but today he is afraid to face his strict English teacher, who is usually excited and energetic at class but angry with rude and lazy students. Do you know why Li Dehua is terrified of meeting his teacher? Now follow

3、 me to see what happened to Li Dehua yesterday? Li Dehua is interested in tasty food, especially salty or sour food. yesterday he ate much food ,his mother was worried about his health and annoyed with Li Dehua. But Li Dehua disliked his mothers bother and became unhappy, too. He lost the patience i

4、n study, so he was unwilling to review his lesson and didnt finish his homework yesterday.Now he is very anxious and tense. To be honest, his teacher is usually proud of him. today maybe he will let his teacher down, and his classmates may laugh at him. Thinking of this, Li Dehua feel embarrassed an

5、d unpleasant. Although he walked slowly, he arrived at school at last. But to his surprise, his English teacher didnt look frustrated. His confusing behavior made Li Dehua more nervous. Can you guess what trouble will Li Dehua face today? 课文逐句翻译: 李德华,你们的一个朋友,和你们一样,是一个八年级的初中生。现在他正在去上学的路上。通常他很高兴去学校。但是

6、今天他却害怕见到自己严格的英语老师。他的英语老师是一个在课堂上很兴奋精力充沛但是对那些粗鲁懒惰的学生会非常生气的一位老师。 你知道为什么李德华今天很害怕见到他的老师吗? 接下来跟我一起看一下昨天李德华发生了什么事? 李德华对美味的食物很感兴趣,尤其是咸的或酸的食物。昨天他就吃了很多东西。他妈妈很担心他的健康并且对李德华很生气。但是李德华不喜欢他妈妈的烦扰变得也不高兴了。于是就失去了学习的耐心,不愿意复习课程,没有完成昨天的作业。现在他非常忧虑和紧张。说实话,他的老师通常都以他而自豪,而今天或许他要使老师失望了,同学们也许会嘲笑他。想到这里,李德华感到非差的尴尬和不高兴。 尽管他走的很慢,但最终

7、还是到达了学校。但是,使他感到吃惊的是,他的英语老师看起来并不失望。他的令人迷惑的行为使李德华更加紧张了,你能猜出来李德华今天会面临怎样麻烦吗? (二)重点知识总结与解析:The important words in this passage:1. pleased高兴的;满意的 2.afraid 害怕的3. strict 4.excited 兴奋 5.energetic精力充沛的 6.angry 生气的 7.rude粗鲁的;无礼的 8. Lazy 懒惰的 9.terrified 害怕的 10. interest使感兴趣 11.tasty 味道好的 12.especially 尤其是13.sal

8、ty 咸的 14.sour 酸的15. worry 烦恼;忧虑16.annoy使生气;使烦恼17.dislike 不喜欢18.bother 使恼怒;打扰 19.unhappy不高兴20.lost 丢失 21.patience耐心22.willing 乐意的23.anxious忧虑的 24.tense紧张的;焦虑的25. proud 自豪的;骄傲的26.behavior行为27.laugh大笑 28.embarrassed尴尬的;为难的29.unpleasant不合意的;令人不愉快的 30.slowly缓慢的31. look 看起来32.frustrated.失望的33.confusing令人困

9、惑34.nervous紧张的35.trouble困难,麻烦The important phrases in this passage:1.on ones way to在某人去某地的路上2.be pleased to do很高兴做某事3.be afraid to do/of 害怕.4.be angry with sb生的气5.be terrified of非常害怕的6.happen to sb碰巧发生.7.be interested in对.感兴趣8.be worried about担心,挂念9.be annoyed with对.生气10.lost the patience in对.失去耐心11

10、.be unwilling to不愿意做.12.To be honest老实说13.be proud of对.感到自豪14.let . down使失望15.laugh at嘲笑;取笑16.think of17.arrive at/in18.at last19.to ones surprise令某人惊奇的是(三)知识点讲解: 知识点1: terrify vt.使恐怖;恐吓 terrified adj.恐惧的;受惊吓的 terrifying adj.(令人)可怕的【例句体会】 1). He terrified his children with ghost stories. 他讲鬼故事吓坏了他的孩

11、子。 2). Her husband s violence terrified her. 她丈夫的暴力使她感到恐惧。【归纳拓展】be terrified at/by sth. 被某事(物)恐吓 be terrified of sth. = be afraid of 害怕某事(物)知识点2: trouble:n 麻烦;烦恼;故障;动乱【例句体会】Again they got into trouble. 他们再次碰到了麻烦。If you domesticate this raccoon,it will have trouble living in the wild. 如果你驯养这只浣熊,它生活在野

12、外将会有困难【归纳拓展】 have trouble/difficulty/a hard time (in ) doing sth 做某事有困难 He has trouble in making himself understood. China has great trouble in solving the problem of population. 相关短语: (1) in trouble处于困境 (2) ask for trouble自找麻烦 (3) make trouble制造麻烦 (4) save/spare trouble 省事,避免麻烦 (5) put sb to the tr

13、ouble of doing sth 麻烦某人做某事 (6) there be trouble (in) doing sth 陷入困境 (7) be a great trouble to 对来说很麻烦 (8) get into trouble陷入困境 (9) take trouble to do 费心做某事,不辞劳苦做某事 (10) put sb to trouble 给某人添麻烦知识点3:finally/at last/in the end :最后,最终。具体区别如下: finally 有两个意思,一是在按顺序列举事物或论点时引出最后一项内容,“最后,末了”;二是表示“在经过很长时间之后才,

14、终于。” 另外,finally 一般位于动词前。 at last强调经过一番努力 in the end强调经过许多困难、变化之后,事情才发生at last和in the end 同finally 的第二个意思知识点4:to be honest = to tell (you) the truth = honestly speaking老实说;说实话【例句体会】1). To be honest, I have no time to do it. 老实说,我没有时间做这件事情。2). To be honest, I dont think we have a chance of winning. 说实

15、话, 我认为我们没有获胜的可能.【归纳拓展】英语中表示“说”的短语:generally speaking一般来说 exactly speaking确切地说 to be frank = frankly speaking坦率地说 or rather更确切地说in general一般地来说 in other words换句话说to sum up概括地说知识点5:patience 耐心。常用短语 out of patience【例句体会】1). Jim has been out of work for several months. 吉姆已经失业几个月了。2). Marys cell phone has been out of work for


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