江苏省宿迁市2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第10课时 unit 2(八下)课件

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《江苏省宿迁市2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第10课时 unit 2(八下)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省宿迁市2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第10课时 unit 2(八下)课件(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、宿迁专版,第 10 课时 Unit 2(八下),PART ONE,第一篇 教材梳理篇,beauty,sailing,flight,dead,dying,death,direct/directly,outdoor,rode,ridden,felt,felt,feeling,travelling,such as/for example,have a fantastic/great time/have fun/enjoy oneself,the whole day,by underground,on the way to,do some shopping,cant stop doing sth,a

2、couple of,at that time of year,go to the countryside,take a direct flight,leave for,have/take a look/look at,on the first day,on business,by the way,learn/know more about,check sth for sb,be away from,be over,get ready,all year round,dont think,moved at high speed,really exciting,hurried to,to have

3、a quick meal,ran after,stop taking photos,for,At the end of the day,watched the fireworks in front of,have been dead for some time,three and a half hours to fly to,visit it again some day, speed n. 速度 【点拨】 at a speed of意为“以的速度”; at top speed 意为“以最高速”。 The high-speed rail train Fu Xing can run at a s

4、peed of 350 kilometres an hour. “复兴号”高铁可以以每小时350千米的速度行驶。, hurry to do sth 赶快做某事 【点拨】 hurry to do sth意为“赶快做某事”。 When I saw the thief stealing a wallet from a man, I hurried to call the police. 当我看到那个小偷正在偷一个人的钱包时,我急忙报了警。 【拓展】 含hurry的常用短语: (1)hurry up 意为“快点儿”,通常用于口语中。 Hurry up, or well be late again. 快

5、点儿,否则我们又要迟到了。 (2)in a hurry意为“急忙地;匆匆忙忙地”,其中hurry为名词。 He is in a hurry to catch a train. 他急忙去赶火车。 There is no hurry to make a decision. 不用匆忙做决定。, have/has been to/have/has gone to/have/has been in,I have been to Beijing three times. 我去过北京三次了。 Wheres your father? 你爸爸在哪儿? He has gone to the market. 他去市

6、场了。 Ive been in China since 1990. 从1990年以来我就在中国。,【典例】 (1)2017泰州 Neither Jim nor Tom Australia before, but they know the country very well. A.has gone to B.has been to C.have gone to D.have been to (2)Where is your father? He Australia and he Sydney for two weeks. A.has been to; has been in B.has gon

7、e to; has been in C.has been in; has been to D.has gone to; has been to,B,(1)B 考查主谓一致和have/has been to与have/has gone to的区别。neithernor连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近一致原则”,主语Tom提示用has,下文but引导的转折句提示用has been to,表示“去过”。故选B。,B, for example/such as,Ball games, for example, have spread around the world. 例如,球类运动已经在世界各地

8、传播开了。 English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia and Canada. 许多国家说英语,如澳大利亚和加拿大。,【典例】 用for example或such as填空 (1)Mark has been to many places of interest in China, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. (2)Daniel likes playing computer games. , he would rather play it at

9、 home than go out with friends.,such as,For example, except/except for/besides,We all went to see the film except Amy. 除了埃米,我们都去看电影了。(埃米没去) Your composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes. 除了一些拼写错误,你的作文写得很好。 Besides Amy, we also went to see the film. 除了埃米之外,我们也去看电影了。(埃米去了),【典例】 用exc

10、ept, besides或except for的适当形式填空 (1)You can take any of the presents this one. Its for your brother. (2) learning English, we want you to experience the life in the US. (3)Your handwriting is good some mistakes.,except,Besides,except for,He lives at the end of the road. 他住在马路的尽头。 In the end, we won th

11、e game. 最后,我们赢得了比赛。 I will have finished reading the book by the end of next month. 到下个月底,我将读完这本书。 【典例】 2018自贡改编 How is your work going? It will be finished the end of this week. We must be on time. A.at B.in C.on D.by, at the end of/in the end/by the end of,A, such/so,【注意】 当名词前有many, much, few或litt

12、le(少)等修饰词时,其前必须用so而不用such。 I havent seen so much money in my life. 我一生中从没见过这么多钱。 【典例】 Mum, can I do much work in a short time? Dear, I think you can. A.so; so B.such; so C.so; such D.such; such,C, I dont think itll be a holiday for me. 我想对我而言这不会是什么假期了。 【点拨】 “I dont think+宾语从句”是含有否定前移的主从复合句,意为“我认为不”。

13、该句型的主语必须是第一人称;形式上否定主句,翻译时否定从句。 I dont think its right to make such a hasty decision. 我认为做出如此仓促的决定是不正确的。 【拓展】 (1)该句型改为反意疑问句时,附加部分的主语与谓语要和从句的主语和谓语保持一致,而且宾语从句要视为否定句,即把主句的dont所表示的否定转移到宾语从句,遵循“前否后肯”的原则。 I dont think you are right, are you? 我认为你不对,是吗? (2)类似用法的动词还有believe, suppose, expect等。 I dont suppose

14、they will say sorry to her, will they? 我认为他们不会对她说对不起,对吗?,【典例】 I dont think the film newly directed by Zhao Wei is as interesting as people say, ? A.do I B.dont I C.is it D.isnt it,C,8 C 当主句的主语是第一人称且谓语是dont think/suppose/expect/believe等时,附加部分应和从句的主语和谓语保持一致,而且宾语从句要视为否定句。故选C。, I ran after them and coul

15、dnt stop taking photos. 我跟着他们跑,忍不住一直拍照。 【点拨】 (1)cant stop doing sth 意为“忍不住一直做某事”。类似的结构还有cant help doing sth,意为“情不自禁地做某事”。 The mother couldnt stop crying when her son was saved.当她的儿子得救时,那位妈妈忍不住一直哭。 (2)take photos 意为“拍照片”;take a photo/photos of 意为“拍的照片”。 Some students are taking photos of the river. 一

16、些学生正在拍那条河的照片。, I bought a couple of key rings for classmates. Im sure youll love them. 我为同学们买了几个钥匙环,我相信你们会喜欢的。 【点拨】 (1)couple是名词,意为“两人,两件事物;几个人,几件事物”。a couple of 意为“一对;几个”。 My brother and his wife are a happy couple. 我弟弟和他的妻子是一对幸福的夫妻。 I have a couple of things to do. 我有几件事情要办。 (2)sure 作形容词,意为“对有把握,确信”;作副词,意为“的确,当然”。 【搭配】 be sure to do sth 务必



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