综合教程 第二册 教学课件 ppt 作者 熊选琴 刘重霄2-U10

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1、Unit 10,Text A The Farmer and the Old Horse,Text B The Wooden Bowl,Text A: The Farmer and the Old Horse,Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had an old horse. The horse fell into a deep, dry well and began to cry loudly. Hearing his horse crying, the farmer came over and accessed the situation.

2、The well was deep and the horse was heavy. He knew it would be difficult, if not impossible, to lift the animal out. Because the horse was old and the well was dry, the farmer decided to bury the animal in the well. In this way he could solve two problems: put the old horse out of his misery and hav

3、e his well filled. He called upon his neighbors for help and they agreed to assist him with the task. The neighbors began to shovel dirt into the well; shovel full after shovel full; but, as it began to fall on the horses back the horse became hysterical. Then, all of a sudden, an idea occurred to t

4、he horse. Each time they threw a shovel full of dirt on his back, the horse would shake it off and step up. Shovel full after shovel full, the horse shook off his back and stepped up until he stepped over the top of the well and walked through the crowd, exhausted, dirty, but alive.,课文,This must hav

5、e been a very big surprise to the farmer who had a very different plan in his mind. It never occurred to him that things would turn out like this: with the horse surviving and the well being filled at the same time. From this we learned that, sometimes, when we do something with a specific goal in m

6、ind, things often end up quite differently from what we expect. Why? Is it because of changes in our own behaviors, changes in the circumstances or, changes in our targeted objects? In this story, all these three factors came together to produce the unexpected result. First, from the perspective of

7、the farmer, he had quite a simple goal: to bury the horse in the well so that he could put the old horse out of his misery and have his well filled. However, when he made his decision, he overlooked a key factor: that the horse was still alive and would make his own decision accordingly. Were the ho

8、rse dead, or had the farmer shoveled rocks into the well instead of dirt, he would have reached his goal: to bury the horse and fill in the well.,Secondly, we will view the story from the perspective of circumstances. The cry of the horse was heard in time by the farmer, which means the farmer and t

9、he horse were not far away. Therefore, the horses chances of survival increased. Meanwhile, between the horse falling into the well and the arrival of the farmer, no beast had come by, which means the horse was very lucky. Thirdly, the horse is the object in this case. He also played a vital role in

10、 this story. If he had no strong will to live and had not been strong enough to shake the dirt off his back, he would not have been able to survive. As is known to all, the farmer had not intended the survival of the horse, but, when he found the horse was being saved instead of buried, he must have

11、 changed his mind. This is what we call “playing to the score”. In other words, goals can be changed, as can intentions or actions according to a change in the circumstances. This is what the story is trying to tell us. (592 words),New Words well n.井 access vt.得到;了解 bury vt.埋葬,掩埋,隐藏 misery n.痛苦,不幸 f

12、ill vt.装满,注满,充满 assist v.援助, 帮助 *shovel n.铲, 铁铲vt. 铲 *hysterical a.歇斯底里的; 异常兴奋的 shake v.摇动,抖动 exhausted a.耗尽的, 疲惫的 behavior n.举止, 行为 target vt. 以为目标 n.目标, 对象, 靶子 object n.客体, 目标, 对象 factor n.因素,要素,生词,unexpected a.想不到的, 意外的, overlook vt.没注意到;俯瞰 key a.关键的,意义重大的 accordingly ad.因此, 从而 rock n.岩石;石头 secon

13、dly ad.第二,其次 view vt.观看,察看 survival n.生存, 幸存 increase vt.增加,增大 arrival n.到来,到达 thirdly ad.第三 case n.情形,情况 will n.意志,决心 intend vt.想要,打算,score n.得分 intention n.意图,目的 Phrases and Expressions come over 走过来 call upon 号召,要求 all of a sudden 突然 shake off 抖掉 step up 走上去 turn out 结果 end up 告终,结束 from the perspective of sb. (sth.) / from sb.s perspective 从的角度来看 reach ones goal 达到目标 come by 经过 play a . role 发挥的作用,扮演的角色 play to the score 随机应变,Philosophy of Life处世哲学 如果你仔细观察周围的事物或景象,也许能惊奇地发现人类的生活法则竟然与其他生物无异,甚至有些道理人类需从其他生物的生存本能中习得。原来有“理”不仅行遍天下,且让你轻装走过人生之旅。请细细品味下面两则故事: 、在加



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