(菏泽专版)2018中考英语总复习 第二部分 专题语法 高效突破 专项8-14课件

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1、专项 8 副 词,考点1 副词的词义辨析,一、how long,how soon,how often 和how far(具体讲解见本书P38) 二、hard和hardly hard意为“努力地,费力地,猛力地,猛烈地”,是程度副词;hardly意为“几乎不”,常用作频度副词。如:We should study hard as students.作为学生,我们应该努力学习。She hardly ever calls me.她几乎从未给我来过电话。 三、already,yet和still already表示事情已经发生,主要用于肯定句;yet表示期待某事发生,主要用于否定句和疑问句,still表示

2、某事还在进行,主要用于肯定句和疑问句,有时也可用于否定句。如:Weve already watched that movie.我们已经看过那部电影。I havent finished my homework yet.我还没有完成我的作业。He still works hard every night.每天晚上他仍然努力工作。,四、ago和before ago表示以现在为起点的“以前”,和表示时间概念的词组搭配使用,常用在一般过去式的句子中。before指已过去的某一时刻为基准的“以前”,也可泛指以前,常用于现在完成时和过去完成时的句子中。如:The meeting began five min

3、utes ago.会议5分钟前开始了。I have never been to Suzhou before.我以前从未去过苏州。,考点2 副词的比较等级,1.构成(请参见形容词比较等级的变化方法) 2不规则变化表,3.用法 (1)在两者进行比较表示“A不如B”时,部分双音节和多音节副词除使用“not.as/so副词原级as”结构外,还可使用“less副词原级than”结构。如: Bill didnt do his homework as carefully as Jim.Bill did his homework less carefully than Jim.比尔做作业没有吉姆认真。 (2)

4、副词最高级前一般不加定冠词the。,八年真题全练,菏泽中考中对副词的考查主要集中在词义辨析上。其中单项填空涉及较多,主要考查频度副词或关系副词辨析;完形填空主要考查副词在语境中的运用。故在解答试题时要根据具体的语境辨析所给的选项。对于副词的比较等级,近几年中考题中均没有涉及,但未来中考可能考到,所以仍需掌握其构成与用法。,考点1 副词词义辨析,12015菏泽,30_A_ will your brother come back? Im not sure.Maybe in a week. AWhen BHow CWhether 22014菏泽,14Look at the flowers I gav

5、e you last month.They are dying!_B_do you water them? Sorry,I forgot to water them. AHow long BHow often CHow soon DHow much,32013菏泽,4Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone? No.I _A_ do that because it makes me uncomfortable. Aseldom Boften Cusually Dsometimes 42013菏泽,12The World Health Org

6、anization has given some advice on _A_ to protect us from being infected (感染) with H7N9. Ahow Bwhat Cwhere Dwhen 52012菏泽,6My friend Frank sings well,and he is _B_ good at playing guitar. Anot Balso Cyet Dtoo 62012菏泽,12Steve,_D_do you play basketball after school? Twice a week.It can keep me healthy.

7、 Ahow far Bhow soon Chow long Dhow often,72010菏泽,24I _D_ ride a bike to school.But this morning I took a taxi because I got up late. Anever Bsometimes Cseldom Dusually 82010菏泽,29We havent decided _D_ well go to Shanghai next week. Awhere Bwhen Cwhy Dhow 92010菏泽,32_C_ can we get there? In five minute

8、s. AHow often BHow far CHow soon DHow long,猜押预测,1In order to pass the exam,you need to work much _now. Ahard Bharder Chardest 2Who plays the piano_,Sam or Jerry? Jerry.But he gave the performance chance to Sam this time. Awell Bbetter Cbest 3Lin Fang comes home _than before this afternoon.She doesnt

9、 have so many classes in the afternoon. Aearlier Blater Cearly 4Who listens _,Tom,Jack or Bill? Athe most careful Bmore carefully Cthe most carefully 5Though he has studied Russian _ for ten months,he can _speak the language. Ahard;hardly Bhardly;hard Chard;hard,B,B,A,C,A,6What happened outside just

10、 now? A car hit a man._,the man wasnt badly hurt. ALuckily BUnluckily CEspecially 7Did John get Number 1 in the math exam? Yes,no one did so _as him. Agood Bwell Cbetter 8Its best to stay indoors,_ when PM2.5 reaches dangerous levels. Aexactly Bpossibly Cespecially 9Another person was hurt by the ti

11、ger in the zoo. What a pity! That is a lesson to us;we must take rules _ Aquickly Bclearly Cseriously 10To our surprise,the computer _ won the chess game against the human player. Acertainly Busually Cfinally,A,B,C,C,C,专项 9 动 词,高频考点精讲,考点1 系动词,系动词本身有词义,不能单独作谓语,必须和表语一起构成谓语部分,说明主语的状态、性质、特征或身份等。,【注意】1.一

12、般情况下,系动词没有被动语态。 2表示状态的系动词一般不用于进行时(feel除外);变化系动词表示“渐渐”,可用于进行时。如:Its getting warmer and warmer.天气渐渐变得越来越暖和。,考点2 情态动词,情态动词有一定的词义,但它本身并不表示动作或状态,而仅仅是表达说话人的态度,在句中和实义动词一起构成谓语。,考点3 动词词义辨析,1.语境辨析 近几年菏泽,对动词的考查主要为语境辨析,需要学生通过阅读题干辨别选项的不同意思,从而结合常识选出正确的选项。 2近义词辨析 近义词辨析在菏泽近几年的中考中几乎都涉及到,在写作中也常常面临选词的难题,所以掌握常见的近义词的用法是

13、很有必要的。 常见的易混近义词如下: (1)seperate与divide(见P112) (2)accept与receive(见P102) (3)win与beat(见P41) (4)spend,take,cost与pay (见P29) (5)forget与leave(见P23) (6)raise与rise(见P62) (7)borrow,lend 与keep(见P67),考点4 动词短语,动词短语是动词的一种固定搭配形式,常见的动词短语结构有: 1动词介词(宾语只能放在介词后); 2动词副词(宾语是名词时,位于副词前后皆可;宾语是代词时,只能位于动词和副词之间); 3动词副词介词(宾语只能放在

14、介词后); 4动词名词介词(宾语只能放在介词后)。,八年真题全练,分析近几年的菏泽中考试题可看出,主要在单项填空中考查动词,涉及动词的词义辨析、动词短语、情态动词、系动词等。完形填空中也涉及实义动词的辨析,综合填空中则是对动词时态的考查。设题形式为简单句。情态动词是菏泽的必考点,主要考查其基本用法和词义辨析。预计在2018年依旧会考到动词词义辨析、动词固定短语及情态动词。,考点1 系动词和助动词,1.2016菏泽,24Oh,no! I cant find my mobile phone! Well,where _C_ you last put it? Ahave Bdo Cdid 22014菏

15、泽,4How do you like the fish I cooked for you? I havent had it yet.However,it _A_ good. Asmells Btastes Csounds Dfeels,考点2 情态动词,32017菏泽,26Life is valuable,so we should always remember safety_B_ come first wherever we are. Acan Bmust Cmay 42015菏泽,32How do you usually go to school? My school is far away.I _C_ take the bus to school. Amust Bmight Chave to 52014菏泽,11Look,someone left a book. Oh,yeah.This book _B_be Kittys.Only she likes to read this kind of books. Acan Bmust Cmay Dmight,6


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