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1、1. 有关 turn 的短语Turn to 翻到页 Please turn to page 10.;求助,转向 turn to sb. for help 向某人求助;Turn up 调大音量;出现,到场Turn down 调小音量;拒绝 =refuseTurn out 结果是,情况是,证明是;It turnsed out that+从句Turn out+(to be)+n.pron.adj.生产;出版;Turn into=change into 变成 ;Turn in=hand in 上交;Turn over 打翻 turn over the lamp 打翻油灯;翻转;翻开 turn over

2、 a stone 翻开石头;心中反复考虑;移交;By turns 轮流In turn 依次,轮流Tts ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事Whose turn is it to do sth.?轮到谁了?2. 介词+关系代词引导定语从句后边是人用 whom,是物用 which3.find(发现)keepleave(使处于某种状态)+宾语+ 宾补+Doing Done Adj.adv.介短3. letmakehave sb. do sth.4. 以下 20 动词 to do 作宾补一头白狗熊吃了一头肥猪A white bear ate a fat pig(每个词的每个字母代表

3、一个动词)Advise warnwant help invite encourage以下 11 动词只能用不带 to 不定式作宾补4 3 2 1 1看 让 听 感觉 注意(主动不带 to,被动带上 to)以下 41 动词只加 doing 作宾语避喜建逃回承忍包禁明避:避免错过少延期Avoid miss delay postpone明:明白喜欢不喜欢Understand appreciate承:承认否定与妒忌Admit deny envy5. like to do 时刻性 like doing 经常性6. look out for 注意,当心7. Believe it or not.信不信由你。

4、8.more X than Y 与其说是 X 倒不如说是 YM2 单词1. amusing adj. amused adj. amuse v. amusement n.+ing:令人使人 +ed:表人的感情、感觉和表情You are disappointing.你真令人失望。Im disappointed with you.我为你感到失望。An excited lookexpression 一个惊奇的表情2. energetic adj.an energetic man=a man full of energy 一个有活力的汉子3. intelligent adj. intelligence

5、n.of+ 抽象可数名词 =与抽象名词相应的形容词be of intelligence=intelligentbe of value=valueableof no use=useless4. nervous adj. nervously adv.5. organised adj. organise v. organisation n.organise sb. to do sth.组织某人做某事6. patient-impatient adj. patience n.be put of patience with 对忍无可忍have no patience with 不能容忍have the p

6、atience to do sth.有耐心做某事with patience=patiently (in silence=silencely)Be patient with+sb.of+sth.7. serious adj. seriously adv.takeseriously 认真对待8. shy adj. shyly adv. shyness n.9. strict adj.be strict+ with sb.in sth.Stictly speaking严格来说HonestlyFrankly speaking坦率的说Generally speaking总的来说10. impressio

7、n n.leavemakecreate a goodbaddeep impressionsb. be impressed with sth.对印象深刻impress sth. onupon ones mindmemory 努力把记在脑海里11. 及物动词必须有宾语,没有宾语就被动12. hate doing 习惯性 hate to do 一次性与 it 有关的固定搭配:hate it;like it;make it(成功,规定);forget it;got it;appreciate it13. under correction(在改正中)discussion (商议中)construction(建设中)treatment(治疗中)14. immediatelydirectlythe momentthe instantthe minutethe secondinstantly 引导时间状语从句时 =as soon as(一就)=in no time=right nowaway 立刻,马上15. admit vt. admission n.admit doingI admit having stolen.sb. be admitted tointo 被接收、入学、录取、允许进入16.with ones helppermission 在某人帮助、允许下


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