小学三年级下册unit4 part b let’s say教案设计范例 .doc

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1、小学三年级下册Unit4 Part B Lets say教案设计范例 Unit4 Do you like pears?Part B Lets say【教学目标】1.培养学生听、说、读写字母Rt, Ss, Tt,并让学生听懂,会说以这些字母开头的单词rainbow, rain, snake, squirrel, tiger, taxi2.通过有节奏、有韵律的听听做做活动,来复习和巩固A-T的字母。【教学重点】 听、说、认读字母Rr Ss Tt,体会字母在单词中的发音。【教学难点】1、 字母Ss的发音。Tiger中字母I的发音2、 按一定的顺序排列所学的字母。【教学准备】1.教师字母头饰、学生分组

2、R S T 头饰。2.教师和学生的五组大小字母卡片。 S T 的字母描红卡。4.教师给学生准备作为奖励的小礼物。【教学过程】课前欣赏:ABC SONGStep 1:Warm-up talk Hello ,boys and girls ,today Im your new s have our new lesson together.Are you happy? Me too . Good morning ,everyone ;nice to meet you.和每组的学生一起 a song 课件呈现T: Do you like A B C song ? lets sing together .

3、stand up ,sing and dance .ok a wouderful song.T : How many letters are there in the song?T :We have learned how many letters?T:Lets recite the letters from A to Q T: What can you find ? Yes ,first letter is “r”.老师领读单词以及字母在单词中的发音,渗透一点音标知识,让学生有初步的接触。Can you tell me beginning with r? red rabbit ruler r

4、eally.开拓学生的思维。 Show me your fingers and write big R small r .(6)youre group R2、S s , T t 的学习方法同上。3、 T: How to write the new letters ? look and copy利用字母描红卡训练,先观察笔顺 在进行描红。同时教师进行Rr Ss Tt 的板书。4、Untii now , we have learned how many letters ? Group R from a to g ,Group S from h to n ,Group t from o to t.先

5、进行一个小小的比赛,让学生尝到小组合作的力量。Step 3: Practice1、GuessingT: Do you remember these lettes and words ? look at my mouth and guessing . what is it ?2、 Fill in the blanks.课件出示Then , I have a gift for you ,look ,thomas want to go home ,lets help him ,ok?利用学生喜欢的托马斯先生进行补充单词的活动,能刺激学生回答问题的欲望和积极性,让学生在乐中学,寓教于乐。Step4:

6、Summary1、 字母排队活动Lets have a rest , do the letters line up games .第一组 From A to E 第二组 fome E to I 第三组 from J to N 第四组 from L to P 第五组 from P to Q先出示字母卡通头饰,学生先读出,让后发给学生到讲台排队同时上台时打招呼 Hello , Im A 让后按一定的顺序排列,学生读出正确的排列,最后教师加上动作活动。如 A B C D E clap with me .第二组同样的方法练习:三至五组在小组内操练 ,最后每组展示合作的内容,教师加以LETS DO 的活

7、动。在此活动中一直发挥评价的作用。2、 Watch cartoon 课件出示LETS DO 内容First :listen and lookSecon :listen and doStep5: Homework1、 整理队伍There are savel careless letters could not find places,let us help them .课件出示2、 小结This class ,we have learned new letters and six words ,lets read ,用升降调读。引导学生完成小结内容。3、 untill this classic

8、we have learned how many letters 。lets recite together 。Then ,lets sing A B C song ,stand up sing and dance 。4. 对R S T 组的学生进行最后的评价How many small letters do you have ? clap your hands for yourseves。5、 For todays homeworkCollection of the letter of life , made of clip art.板书设计Unit 4 DO you like Pears?B lets sayR的简笔画RrSsT 的简笔画TtS的简笔画


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