八年级英语上册_unit 3 lesson 17 presents from canada课件1 (新版)冀教版

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1、Unit 3 Lesson 17 Presents from Canada!,t_ (胶带) a_ (地址) p_ (邮寄)( 英) p_ (邮局) m_(邮寄)(美) w_(等待) b_ (盒子),ape,ddress,ost,ost office,ail,ait,ox,比一比看谁记得快,Read and answer:,1.What are Jenny and Danny making for Li Ming? 2.What are Jenny and Danny going to do? What is Brain doing here? 3.Does Danny buy a gift

2、for Li Ming? 4. What do they write on the box ? 5.What do they forget when they want to mail the box?,Language Points,1. Jenny and Danny are making birthday cards for Li Ming. (1) make为动词,表示“制作”。 常用于句式make sth. for sb. = make sb. sth. Eg: My mother made a skirt for me.=My mother made me a skirt. 我妈妈

3、给我做了一条裙子。,(2) 在英语中,某些及物动词可跟双宾语这一类动词有:bring, give, pass, tell, show, read, leave, teach, buy, make, get, sing等。 (3) make作使役动词,表示“使,让”,后跟“宾语宾语补足语”。结构为:made+宾语+省略to的不定式/形容词/介词短语。 Eg: The teacher makes us study hard.老师让我们努力学习。 She made me happy。她使我很高兴。,2. Jenny passes him her card. (1) pass作动词,表示“传递,传送”

4、。Pass sb. sth.=pass sth. to sb.意为“把某物递给某人”,同义词是hand。当直接宾语是代词时,要把这个代词放在pass之后。 Eg: Please pass me the pen.=Please pass the pen to me. 请把钢笔递给我。 (2) pass作动词,还表示“走过,经过”,相当于go past, walk past或go by。 Eg: The ship passed the Qiongzhou Channel. 船经过了琼州海峡。,3. Best wishes to you on your thirteenth birthday. wi

5、sh作动词表示“希望”,常用三个结构:wish to do sth./wish sb. to do sth./wish+that从句。wish作名词表示“希望,愿望”,用作复数wishes,表示“祝愿,好意”。向人表达祝愿时用to;向节日致意时用for。 Eg: Best wishes to you!美好的祝愿送给你! Good wishes for the New Year.祝你新年快乐。 I wish you to write to me soon. 我希望你能很快给我写信。,【辨析】hope, wish hope 和wish 均表示“希望,想”,后面都可以加不定式做宾语。其区别在于: (

6、1) wish +宾语+ to do, 表示“希望某人做某事”;hope 不能这样用。 (2) hope +for +名词, 表示“可能实现的希望”。 wish +for +名词, 表示“无法实现的愿望”。 (3) hope +that 从句, 表示“希望”。 wish +that 从句, 表示 “愿望”,常用虚拟语气,指不太可能实现的愿望或与事实相反。 (4) wish 可跟双宾语,表示祝福。,4. Remember me when you wear my gift! wear作动词,表示“穿着,戴着”。 Eg: He is wearing a pair of sun glasses. 他戴

7、着一幅太阳镜。 【辨析】put on, wear, be in, dress (1) put on指“穿、带”,强调动作。 Eg: Put on your shoes. 穿上你的鞋子。,(2) wear和be in都强调状态,后接表示衣服或颜色的词。 Eg: He often wears a gray hat. 他经常戴一顶灰色的帽子。 (3) dress作动词,意为“给穿衣服”,后常接表示人的名词、代词或反身代词。 Eg: The boy can dress himself. 这男孩能自己穿衣服了。,Homework: write them in a paper and hand it in.,姐姐给我做了一个蛋糕。 请把水杯递给我。 美好的祝愿送给你! 他穿着一件黑色的衣服。,Thank you!,


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