世纪英语听说教程3 第四版 ppt 课件Unit 12

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1、Unit 12,Future Trends,Contents,Section One,Section Two,Section Three,Warm-up Activities,In-class Activities,After-class Activities,Warm-up Activities,Useful Expressions Task 1,Directions: Create dialogs with your partner, using the following expressions. Present one of your dialogs to the class.,Sta

2、rter,Translation, For next year, we plan to spend two million dollars for investment. Yes. Hope the trend continues. About forty million dollars., How much do you plan to spend on capital investment next year? Are the sales up this month? What are the estimated costs for this program?,Response,Warm-

3、up Activities,Translation, 你们明年的资本投资是多少? 这个月的销售有所上升吗? 这个项目的预估成本是多少?, 明年我们计划投入200万美元。 是的,希望这种趋势能继续下去。 大约是四千万美元。,Warm-up Activities, Intensified competition, cost increase of raw materials, and over capacity of the industry. We will try to increase the probability of winning the future programs.,Trans

4、lation, What are the challenges for the next five years? Do we have plans to compete for future programs?,Directions: Create dialogs with your partner, using the following expressions. Present one of your dialogs to the class.,Warm-up Activities,Translation, 激烈的竞争、原材料价格上升以及行业 生产能力的过剩。 我们会尽力去提高赢得未来项目

5、的可 能性。, 未来五年的挑战有哪些? 我们有未来项目的竞争计划吗?,Warm-up Activities, That is what I want to talk about with you. The planning within next year. We want to become the best small car producer in the industry.,Translation, Any obstacles for our growth in the next five years? How do we define short-term planning? How

6、 do we define our vision?,Directions: Create dialogs with your partner, using the following expressions. Present one of your dialogs to the class.,Warm-up Activities,Translation, 我正想和你谈这个问题呢。 就是未来一年之内的规划。 我们要成为业内最好的小型车制造商。, 我们未来五年的发展有什么障碍吗? 我们如何定义短期规划的? 我们是怎样定义我们的发展目标的?,Warm-up Activities,A: We than

7、k you very much for your preparing such a wonderful banquet for us. B: It is our great pleasure to have friends coming from distant quarters. A: China s trade with our company is now growing very fast. I believe your company must have been quite busy.,Word Tips,Directions: Read the model dialog. Pay

8、 attention to the highlighted expressions, and then role-play it with your partner.,Warm-up Activities,B: That s right. Since China entered the WTO, our government adopted a more flexible approach in foreign trade, so our import and export business has been more active than ever before. More and mor

9、e enterprises are coming to China looking for opportunities. A: Let me propose a toast to the further development of our cooperation and to your health. B: Thank you. I propose a toast to the health of everyone here and to our bright future.,Word Tips,Directions: Read the model dialog. Pay attention

10、 to the highlighted expressions, and then role-play it with your partner.,Warm-up Activities,Word Tips,banquet /5bANkwit/ n.宴会 adopt /E5dCpt/ vt.采用 flexible /5fleksEbl/ a.灵活的 propose /prE5pEuz/ vt.提议,In-class Activities,Mutual understanding and trust is needed for the world to and knowledge of China

11、. To achieve this, the channel for between China and the international community should increasingly be expanded. We believe China s future and fate is increasingly . Thus, it is necessary to provide domestic and overseas scholars a new platform . With the country s rapid development in recent years

12、, China studies, which originated from Sinology, have expanded to include , social and military affairs and foreign policy, rather than just focusing on literature, history, philosophy and archaeology.,Directions: Listen to the dialog twice and supply the missing words.,Word Tips,have a more objecti

13、ve view,_ _,mutual communication,_,linked with the world s future,_,to study developing trends in China,_,economics, politics, education,_,In-class Activities,Word Tips,mutual /5mju:tFuEl/ a.相互的,共有的 channel /5tFAnEl/ n. 渠道 platform /5plAtfC:m/ n.平台 sinology /sai5nClEdVi/ n.汉学 archaeology /7B:ki5ClEd

14、Vi/ n. 考古学,In-class Activities,Directions: Listen to each dialog twice and answer the questions.,Dialog 1 Q: What s the woman s advice? A:,She advises the man to improve his product designs.,_,Dialog 2 Q: What s the man s response? A:,He s very glad to cooperate with the woman.,_,Dialog 3 Q: What wi

15、ll the woman do? A:,She will give the man technical guidance.,_,Word Tips,In-class Activities,Directions: Listen to the dialogs twice and answer the questions.,Dialog 4 Q: How do you understand the woman? A:,Buying the knowledge is better than buying the right to use the knowledge.,_ _,Dialog 5 Q: Why does the woman say that there


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