实用阶梯英语—听说教程 基础篇II ppt课件Unit 1

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1、实用阶梯英语 听说教程(基础篇II),Unit 1 Who s Who in Your Family?,Objectives:, To teach about the words and expressions of family members and family types. To teach how to describe family relationships. To have students practice dealing with recorded information. To have students practice observing and imitating

2、recorded information. To have students practice their speaking and communicating skills on family,Examples styles,Get Ready,Listen and Speak,Listen and Relax,Listen and Speak More,Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Part I Get Ready,Background Information Families are the foundation of society. They re

3、where we come into the world and are nurtured. While families have the greatest potential for raising healthy individuals, they can also wound their members in places that will never heal. When families break down and fail to provide the healthy nurturing we need, the effects impact not only our own

4、 lives, but also our communities. A family unit might consist of a couple; a mother, a father and children; a single parent and children; grandparents and grandchildren; a sibling group; or however that family defines itself.,Part I Get Ready,家庭是社会的基础,是我们来到这个世界并得以养育的地方。家庭既极有可能培育出健康的个人,又有可能给家庭成员带来永久的

5、伤害。当家庭瓦解,不能再提供我们所需的健康养分时,不仅会影响我们的生活,也会影响社会。 一个家庭可能会包括:夫妻;父亲、母亲和孩子;单亲父母和孩子;祖父母和孙儿女;兄弟姐妹;或称之为家人的人。,Part I Get Ready,Directions: Listen to a passage on family members. Try to complete the family tree diagram and then repeat the main idea of the passage. One has been done as an example.,manager,_,brothe

6、r,_,me,_,dog,_,cat,_,retired,_,father,_,manager,_,running a flower shop,_,mother,_,Part I Get Ready,Tapescript There are five people in my family, and my parents still have a cat and a dog. I have two older brothers, and the oldest works as a graphic designer for a computer company. My other brother

7、 is a manager of a bank in our hometown. My dad is retired, but he keeps himself busy hiking, taking care of his grandchildren, and volunteering in the community. My mom still runs a flower shop. My grandmother lives around the corner from our house; my grandfather passed away about a year ago, but

8、grandma keeps busy in her garden. I guess you could say that we re a pretty close family. We like doing things together, mainly because we have so many things in common.,Part II Listen and Speak,Words and Expressions nuclear a. of the family considered as mother, father and children only, and not in

9、cluding any less close relations 核心(家庭)的,小(家庭)的 2. extended a. made longer or bigger扩大的 knit v. (cause sth. to) join or grow firmly together(使某物) 紧密地结合 resemblance n. the fact of being or looking similar to sb./sth. 相似 5. primary a. most important; fundamental 首要的,根本的,Part II Listen and Speak,6. res

10、ponsibility n. commitment or duty for which a person is responsible职责 combine v. (cause things to) join or mix together to form a whole (使物件)合并 breed v. lead to (sth.); cause 导致,造成 widespread a. existing or happening over a large area or among many people 普遍的 10. generation n. single stage in a fami

11、ly history(家史中的) 一代,Part II Listen and Speak,11. diversity n. state of being varied; variety 多样性 reconstitute v. reorganize or change the membership of (sth.) 重新组织 13. cereal n. food made from the grain of cereals 谷类食物 comprise v. have as parts or members; be made up of 包括,构成 15. contribute v. help

12、to cause sth. 有助于,Part II Listen and Speak,16. vertically ad. at a right angle to another line or plane, or to the earth s surface垂直地 sibling n. any one of two or more people with the same parents; brother or sister 兄弟姊妹 18. discipline v. punish (sb.) 处罚(某人) 19. twenty-four seven 一直,不断 proportion n.

13、 comparative part or share of a whole; fraction 部分,Part II Listen and Speak,21. outnumber v. be more in number than 在数量上超过 22. survey n. act of surveying; investigation 调查 urge v. try earnestly or persistently to persuade (sb.) 诚恳 地或持续地催促(某人) 24. biological a. of or relating to biology 生物学的 interfer

14、e v. concern oneself with or take action affecting sb. else s affairs without the right to do so or being invited to do so 干涉,介入,Part II Listen and Speak,Section 1 Listen and Repeat,Task 1,Directions: You will hear ten statements about family. Pay special attention to the family information and fill

15、 in the missing words.,Part II Listen and Speak,The traditional British family unit is a . 2. There are more and more in the UK. 3. Only attended the funeral. 4. The wedding invitations were sent to the entire . 5. She s not a , but we re still very close,nuclear family,_,single-parent families,_,immediate family members,_,extended family,_,blood relative,_,Part II Listen and Speak,6. They are a . 7. There s a small next week. You can see a


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