护理英语基础教程 unit88

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1、Unit 8 Hygiene of the patient,1,Warming-up,2,Communicative Activities,3,Reading,4,Extra Reading,Warming-up,Hygiene of the patient refers to offering personal care and assistance to the patients who have lost self-care ability. The purposes of health care of patients include: removal of necrotic tiss

2、ue, microorganisms, secretions and other dirt; to stimulate blood circulation and relax muscles, by which patients feel comfortable, to help restore energy; to change the patients sickly look and eliminate bad odor; to prevent bedsores and cross-infection; easy to observe the condition.,Warming-up,(

3、Nurse or Doctor) Remember to change bed linens whenever they are wet. I am going to change the sheets. Let me help you to clean up. We will clear his oral cavity twice a day and his eyes once a day. Do you need to use the bathroom? We should turn the patient every two hours to relieve pressure. May

4、I offer you a bedpan? Do you mind my opening the window to air the room a little? Lift your hips and Ill wipe you and take the bedpan. You had better take a bath this afternoon.,Essential Expressions,Communicative Activities,Good morning, Mr. Zhang. You slept well last night, didnt you? All right. W

5、ould you like me to help you clean up? Here are some water, your toothbrush and toothpaste. Yes, I did. I really had a nice sleep. When did you have your last bath? Youd better take a bath this afternoon. Thank you. I think it was the day before yesterday. You are right. I feel itchy.,1,Listen to th

6、e sentences and rearrange the order to form a dialogue.,Communicative Activities,2,Listen to and read the dialogue and decide whether the statements are true or false.,Personal Hygiene N: Li Hong, you are welcome to have your practice here. Now lets go to see Mrs. Brown. L: OK. It seems she is uncon

7、scious. N: Yeah. She is. She has diabetes, hypertension and this time she suffers from a stroke that contributes to her unconsciousness. L: I was taught that the care of an unconscious patient would be a comprehensive one and almost cover all the basic nursing skills. N: You are quite right. Today w

8、e will just focus on hygienic care for the patient. L: Personal hygiene usually includes skin care, bathing and the care of mouth, eyes, ears and nose. N: You get the point. ( ) 1. Mrs. Brown suffers from diabetes and hypertension that contributes to her unconsciousness. ( ) 2. The care of an uncons

9、cious patient would cover all the basic nursing skills.,Communicative Activities,4,Oral Work,Task 1 Dialogue Making: A patient wants to go to the bedroom but cant get out of bed. Please make a dialogue between the patient and the nurse. Task 2 Topic: Make a dialogue between the patient and the nurse

10、 after the patient Mr. Brown getting up.,Reading,1. Why was Mr. Folkman admitted for the second time?,Pre-stage,1. What does a general hospital usually consist of?,2. What should nurses understand for providing the best possible care for their patients?,2. Can you list some sections and parts in a h

11、ospital?,Reading,Psychological Care Nurse Jennifer was asked to interview Mr. Folkman on his admission to the ward for minor dental surgery the following day. Mr. Folkman, a 32-year-old engineer, was married and had two children, a girl and a boy. He lived with his family near the hospital and worke

12、d in a factory in a nearby town. During the interview, nurse Jennifer noticed that while Mr. Folkman appeared to be in good health and to have a clear understanding of the surgery he was facing he seemed uneasy. Knowing that many patients feel apprehensive before having surgery she asked him how he

13、was feeling. Mr. Folkman replied:“I feel silly, stupid and embarrassed about it but I am very scared, I have been like this since I got the appointment in the post and I cant understand why! I havent been able to sleep for the past week and when I do I have awful dreams.” The nurse talked further ab

14、out Mr. Folkman about his fear. She asked him if he had ever been in hospital before and he recalled with some difficulty how as a small child he had been admitted as an emergency for a circumcision. As he talked he realized how frightened he had been and that when he had been readmitted for an infl

15、amed wound his fear had become even greater.,Reading,The following day Mr. Folkman had his surgery. Before leaving the ward he said to Nurse Jennifer that he had felt better after talking with her. He had still felt afraid but the strong feeling of terror had gone. As we know, most psychological ill

16、nesses are caused by stressors, such as interaction between the individual and his environment. The individual appraises the situation in an attempt to judge how threatening it is and makes a response on the basis of that appraisal. The process of appraisal is highly individual, each person will perceive a threatening situation differently and attach to it his own meanings. Support and supervision are required. Nurses need to have a clear understanding of various stres


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