国际商务函电第二版课件刘惠玲 郐军参考答案Keys to Test6

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1、Keys to Test 6I. Translate the following into Chinese(10%): 汇票 以毛作净 目的港码头交货 国际货币基金组织 人力不可抗 运费、保险费付至 程租船 多式联运提单 记名提单 还款保证书 货交承运人;特许会计师协会正式成员 空白背书 拍卖 永久性正常贸易关系 回扣 大路货/良好平均品质 共同海损 平安险 偷窃和提货不着险 不可撤销的信用证II. Choose the best(15%) 1. d 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. a 6. c 7. a 8. d 9. c 10. c 11.a 12. d 13. c 14. d 15.

2、 aIII.: Fill in the blanks with the following words and phrases (10%): (1)quantity (2)wrong goods (3) packing (4) inferior (5) standard (6) discrepancy (7) delay (8) penalty (9) Complaints (10)negligenceIV. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the message(10%): 1. In 2. confirming 3. Enclosed 4

3、. duplicate 5. countersigned 6. established 7. conformity 8. amendment 9. delay 10. cooperationV. Turn the following letters into Chinese(20%):A执事先生 5月18日函悉。按要求我方已与今晨发去传真,保CFR盘100公吨羊毛。 关于中国人民保险公司经营的险别范围,如客户无明确指示,我们通常按发票金额的110%投保水渍险和战争险。也可安排一切险, 保险费稍高一点。如客户有要求,也可安排其他险别,但额外保险费应由买方负担。 希望上述信息能满足你方要求。 xx

4、x谨上B执事先生:谢谢你方6月2日寄来的订单。很高兴通知你方,除包装一项外我们可接受你方所有条件。你方订单中提到的包装是我们几年前采用的旧式方法,我们一直在对此进行改进。 经过改进后,今来货物装运已完全令客户满意。我们的雨衣用塑料袋装后再装入纸箱。每箱装10打,毛重30公斤。箱子用塑料布衬里,然后用带子捆牢,以防货物受潮,也不会因为野蛮装卸而受损。我们觉得,正因为用塑料袋包装,雨衣不仅看上去美观而且完全可供橱展,这肯定会有助于销售。另外,改进后的包装及经济又便于携带。上述情况供您参考。 如本月底前未接到贵方的不同意见,我们将按照要求执行订单。 XXX 谨上VI. Translate the f

5、ollowing letter into English: (15% )Dear sirs,We learn that you are a prospective buyer of Chinese textiles from our connections.We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you.In order to acquaint you with a general idea of the various kinds

6、of Chinese textiles now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a sample-cutting booklet.Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let us know by fax. Quotations will follow upon receipt of your specific enquiry.It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendsh

7、ip between us on the basis of the principle of equality and mutual benefit.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely,VII. Check the following Letter of Credit with the contract terms given and then write letters asking for amendments. (20%)Dear Sirs, L/C No. LST 150We have received

8、 the above mentioned L/C against our Contract No.245B. After checking the L/C carefully, we have found a number of discrepancies and would request you to make the following amendments:1. The place of expiry should be China instead of London;2. The correct name of the applicant is “London Food Imp. C

9、o., Ltd.” Not “London Imp. Co., Ltd.”;3. The unit price should be 2,200 per m/t instead of 2,000 and the total amount both in figure and in words should respectively be “11,000” and “SAY POUNDS STERLING ELEVEN THOUSAND ONLY” instead of “10,000” and “SAY POUNDS STERLING TEN THOUSAND ONLY”;4. Amend “90% of the invoice value” to read “full invoice value”;5. The contracted goods are “Frozen Shrimps”, not “Fresh Shrimps”;We hope you will send us your amendment advice without any delay so as to enable us to effect shipment in time.Yours faithfully,



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