点击职业英语 文秘英语Unit6教参 2稿

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1、Unit 6 Presentation Development第6单元 报告演示1. Getting Started 课前活动【练习参考答案】Activity 1 Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions with your partner.Answer Key:1. A presentation is a word picture discussion which is built using visual methods to deliver information to the audience. 2. Oral presentatio

2、n is a common business activity in companies, especially on occasions of project reports, product demonstrations or training programs. 3. Yes. Its a secretarys job to support his superior in preparing presentation materials. Moreover, there are times when a secretary must create and deliver presenta

3、tions. Activity 2 Label the following objects with the words from the box.Answer Key:1. date projector 2. laptop 3. handouts 4. pointer 5. remote control6. speaker 7. screen 8. samples of products 9. flipchartActivity 3 Listen to the presentation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Answer Key:

4、 1.welcome to 2. partner 3. purpose 4.get you interested 5.First 6.findings 7.requirements and plans 8.investment 9.have any questions 10. at the endScript:Good morning, and welcome to the Justin Hotel. Thank you all for coming. My names Leon Sun and this is my partner, Sue SmithThe purpose of this

5、presentation is to explain our business plans to you and hopefully to get you interested in investing in Clock Options Express.In my presentation, I aim to do three things. First, Ill give you a short summary of our main business idea. Then Ill tell you the findings of the market research that weve

6、been conducting, and finally Ill outline our financial requirements and plans, which should show you what a sound and exciting investment Clock Options Express represent. If you have any questions youd like to ask, Ill be happy to answer them at the end of the talk.Activity 4 Steven, sales manager o

7、f Emily Clothing Company, is answering questions from audience at the end of his presentation. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.Answer Key:1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. AScript:Steven: OK. So that brings me to the end of my presentation. Now I would like to open the floor to qu

8、estions.Questioner 1: According to the line graph of PG20, why is there a sharp decrease in March?Steven: Well, this is a combination of two things: First, seasonal factors, and second, the end of the product life cycle.Questioner 2: I was interested in the new PG30 you just talked about. Do you thi

9、nk it has any real future?Steven: Absolutely. However, we cant expect the same level of sales as weve generated over the last three years. Questioner 2: But it worries me that we dont have any replacements in the pipeline. Do you think so?Steven: Thats difficult to say. Its true we havent come up wi

10、th a replacement for the PG20. On the other hand, we have new products in the pipeline in other areas.Questioner 3: Id like to ask you about the PG30 product. Can you tell us how much longer before its ready for production?Steven: Thats not my field. Jack should be able to give you an idea about tha

11、t.Questioner 3: Ok, Ill talk to him after the meeting.Questioner 4: Steven, could I ask you about the production delays on our new PG32 product?Steven: Please go ahead.Questioner 4: Well, as you know, weve put together a large-scale advertising campaign. All the space was booked for the June launch.

12、Steven: Dont worry. Well be ready for the launch date. There are only some technical problems, but they wont delay us much longer.Questioner 4: Thats good.2. Building Knowledge 知识准备关于报告演示【参考译文】什么是报告演示?报告演示是一种借助视觉辅助手段、向观众传达信息的、图文并茂的报告形式。口头报告演示是企业里一种常见的商务活动,尤其在项目报告、产品展示、培训时最为常用。对于文秘人员帮助上司准备报告演示的材料是秘书的

13、工作之一,而且有时秘书也要会设计和进行报告演示。因此,秘书有必要了解如何有效地做好报告演示。好的报告演示可以给观众留下深刻印象,对于秘书来说,也许还是展示个人能力和体现个人对公司价值的一个绝佳机会。【词汇语法讲解】1、 presentation prezntein n. 报告;展示;陈述例句:What was the result of your oral presentation? 你的口头报告结果如何?2、demonstration demnstre()n n. 示范;实物说明例句:Okay, Im going to give you a demonstration. 好了,我将要给你们一

14、个示范。3、moreover m:ruv adv. 而且;此外例句:Moreover, I will thank all the people who helped me. 此外,我要感谢所有帮助过我的人。4、effectively ifektivli adv. 有效地例句:To be effective in business, youve got to get organized and manage your time effectively. 想生意兴隆,你办事就要井井有条,合理分配时间。5、impressive impresiv adj. 给人印象深刻的, 感人的例句:The fir

15、st ceremony which we went into college is an impressive ceremony. 我们进入大学的第一次典礼给我们的印象很深。 Activity 5 Reading A 【参考译文】如何进行有效的报告演示当你在做报告演示的时候,首先要确定你是在与观众交流还是对观众演说。这两者的不同在于你是希望观众积极参与还是被动听取。如果你是为了达成共识向一批学生或同事提供建议和信息,你会希望他们在你讲话过程中提出意见或者问题,与你达成互动。而对观众演说,更多出现在对新产品(服务或过程)的推介或销售过程中。这种情况你则希望在整个过程中不受打扰,最后才进行提问。在报告演示中,明确你的目的和观众是非常重要的。同时,你还需要了解报告演示场地的位置和场内设施、以及你演讲的时间长度。在写讲稿的时候,要确保你的所有材料都与报告演示目的相关,而且符合逻辑。即使你非常熟悉你的讲题,也要做好注释。要练习、计算你所用的时间,并且检查你可能会用到的所有设备。讲稿的结构清晰、连贯、便于观众理解,这是很重要的。开始一般先表示欢迎:“女士们,先生们,早上好。”记得要面带微笑!然后介绍你的主题:“我将要和大家谈论的是”或者“我的演讲旨在向大家


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