商务口语基础2教参 1 5单元 Unit1教参

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1、Teachers Book Unit 1 Job Hunting Teaching ObjectivesLearn the expressions for seeking advice, making appointments, and applying for a job. Familiarize the students with the job interview. Warming UpCan you list some job-hunting methods?A. cyber recruitment 网络招聘B. want ads in the newspaper 报纸上的招聘广告C.

2、 employment service department / employment agency / job bank 职业介绍所D. posters 海报E. job fair / job market 人才市场 / 人才招聘会F. recruitment session (由学校组织的)招聘会Lead-inYou will step into the society after graduation. The first problem you face is how to find a suitable job. For some of you, it may be very eas

3、y to find a good job. But for most of you, it probably takes a great deal of time and effort to walk into an ideal employment situation. There are quite a lot of career opportunities nowadays. However, what you face is really an extremely competitive job market. Anyway, the ideal situation is that y

4、ou do the kind of job that you know is worth doing and that also gives you lots of satisfaction. There are many ways to find a job, such as reading the classified ads, consulting employment agencies, surfing on the Internet, making a personal phone call to contact employers directly and so on. If gi

5、ven a chance of interview, you should be well prepared because it is what makes the first and most lasting impression.Chinese Versions of the Situational Dialogues 对话1:我将步入社会。 (苏珊快要大学毕业了,但是她很迷茫,不知道哪种工作会适合她,所以她去找ABC咨询事务所的顾问咨询。)顾问:早上好,欢迎光临ABC咨询事务所,请坐。苏珊:早上好,谢谢。顾问:我是布朗特纳,有什么可以为您效劳的吗?苏珊:我是苏珊,苏珊怀特。我将要步入社


7、好考虑的。 Key to Task 1 1. how to prepare a resumehow to handle an interview 2. good communication skills the ability to speak English 3. university degreehobbies 4. poorly presented myself put the wrong information in my resume Task 2 Step 1: Go through the expressions used in the sample dialogue with

8、the class. Step 2: Direct students attention to the useful expressions for seeking advice. Step 3: Have students work in pairs to prepare a role play for one of the situations. Remind them that in a role play, they are actors, and should not read their lines from a paper. Step 4: When all pairs have

9、 finished, invite volunteers to present their role plays to the class. 对话2:这个职位还空缺吗? (苏珊正打电话给新贸易公司询问有没有空缺的职位。) 斯蒂文:你好,我是斯蒂文约翰逊。 苏珊: 嗯。约翰逊先生,我是苏珊怀特。我打电话来是想问关于招聘销售员的广告,那个职位还空缺吗? 斯蒂文:我们正打算在接下来的两周之内决定人选,现在已经有很多求职者了。 苏珊: 哦,那有没有可能为我安排一次面试? 斯蒂文:你是否熟悉这个工作? 苏珊: 事实上,我刚毕业,但是我有经济学学位而且我可以说流利的英语。另外我在兼职的时候也受过那种工作的

10、培训。 斯蒂文:让我想想,明天早上九点你可以来面试吗? 苏珊: 太好了,谢谢您。我需要带什么吗? 斯蒂文:好的。请记得带上你的简历,大学毕业证和其他你获得的证书。 苏珊: 好的。 斯蒂文:好,怀特小姐,再见。 苏珊: 谢谢,明天见。 Key to Task 1 1. What job openings do you have? 2. You seem to have had the right kind of experience. 3. be paid according to my abilities 4. You have the job. Welcome aboard.5. how l

11、ong my probation is Task 2 Step 1: Go through the expressions used in the sample dialogue with the class. Step 2: Direct students attention to the useful expressions for making an appointment by telephone. Step 3: Have students work in pairs to prepare a role play for one of the situations. Remind t

12、hem that in a role play, they are actors, and should not read their lines from a paper. Step 4: When all pairs have finished, invite volunteers to present their role plays to the class. 对话3:非常感谢你能抽空给我面试。 (第二天上午九点,新贸易公司人力资源部的主管斯蒂文约翰逊正在面试苏珊。) 苏珊: 早上好,约翰逊先生。 斯蒂文:早上好。你是苏珊怀特,对吗? 苏珊: 是的,很高兴见到您。 斯蒂文:首先来谈谈你

13、的学习情况吧。 苏珊: 好的,我今年六月份将毕业于华东商学院,我主修国际贸易。 斯蒂文:你之前是否做过销售工作? 苏珊: 是的,我曾经在一家纺织品公司做过兼职销售助理,并且我的工作受到了好评。 斯蒂文:很好。你喜欢旅游?我们的销售职员经常要走南闯北。 苏珊: 是的,我很喜欢旅游。 斯蒂文:我们正需要你这样的人。你的语言能力怎么样? 苏珊: 我在大二时就通过大学英语6级了,而且我获得过英语演讲比赛三等奖。 斯蒂文:很好。我们正急需既懂商务又擅长英语的职员。苏珊:您的意思是我被录用了?斯蒂文:等等,怀特小姐。我还要和首席执行官讨论之后才能做最终的决定。嗯,还有一个问题,为什么你对我们公司感兴趣呢?

14、 苏珊: 因为我希望有机会在你们这样的大公司工作。斯蒂文: 我明白了。怀特小姐,你有什么问题要问吗? 苏珊: 嗯.约翰逊先生,我可以问一下工资吗? 斯蒂文:好的,在我们公司,销售助理的起薪是每月人民币 2000 元,六个月后按业绩加薪。 苏珊: 那太好了。斯蒂文:怀特小姐,和你交谈令人非常愉快。我们将在一周之内通知你我们的决定。苏珊: 谢谢,约翰逊先生,非常感谢您抽空给我面试。我期待能再次见到您。 Key to Task 1 Interviewer:Why do you want to apply for the position of accountant in our company?Ca

15、ndidate: I have always been interested in working with figures. And I think I can discover more challenges in a company like yours.Interviewer:I see you have been working for Telecom for two years. Did your job involve any bookkeeping?Candidate:Yes, I had a lot of experience there in bookkeeping. Also I did a course in the Polytechnic in bookkeeping. It was one of the subjects on the curriculum.Interviewer:What about your other activities when you were a student?Candid


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