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1、,Nouns 名词,考点揭密,1.掌握名词的概念、分类,名词可分为:普通名词和专有名词; 2.掌握名词复数的构成、用法;名词所有格的构成方法及用法; 3.理解名词在句中的功能,掌握名词作主语、表语、宾语、复合宾语、定语、状语和同位语的用法; 4.能够辨析部分名词的用法区别,并熟练运用,如:family,home,house;work,job等,名词的数,名词的所有格,名词的变化,可数名词,不可数名词,NOUN.,名词的单数形式 一般可用a来修饰 * a car *a book 在元音发音开头的单词前用 an * an elephant * an apple * an orange,要点考点聚焦

2、,flower,flowers,找规律,watch,es,factory-factories,leaf - leaves,box,es,NOUN.,名词的复数形式 1.复数形式的构成方法 (1) 一般在复数名词后加“s”/s/or/z/ * dog dogs * book books (2) 以s、x、ch、sh结尾的名词加“es”/iz/ *box boxes *watch watches,(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加“es” /iz/ * country countries * factory factories 请区别:如果是元音字母加y 结尾的名词则只须加“s” * bo

3、y boys holiday-holidays * monkey monkeys,要点考点聚焦,找规律,tomatoes,potatoes,heroes,NOUN.,radios,photos,找规律,zoos,pianos,NOUN.,(4) 以o结尾的名词加“s” /z/ * radio radios * zoo zoos 只有 potato tomato加“es”构成复数 potato potatoes tomato tomatoes zero-zeros / zeroes。 (5) 以f、fe 结尾的名词,变f、fe 为v再加“es” /vz/ * half halves * shel

4、f shelves * knife knives * leaf leaves,2.特殊变化的单词 (1)单复数同形 Chinese Chinese fish fish Japanese Japanese sheepsheep (2)变元音字母oo为ee tooth teeth foot feet,不规则变化,child-children,woman-women,deer,sheep,man-men,NOUN.,3.变man为 men man men woman women policeman policemen Frenchman Frenchmen 请区别:German(德国人) Germa

5、ns 4. 其它形式 child children mouse mice,5.一些合成名词的复数构成分两种情况 (1)将中心词变为复数 girlfriend girlfriends grandchild grandchildren (2) man,woman 构成的合成词,每个名词都要变成复数 a man doctor men doctors a woman teacher women teachers,6.常以复数形式出现的名词 people clothes police trousers glasses 这些名词作主语时,注意它们的谓语用复数 * My clothes are newer

6、than yours. * The police often come here.,7.可用how many,many,a few,few,any,lots of, some,a lot of 等修饰可数名词复数 *There are a few people in the park. *How many knives are there in your pencil-box?,不可数名词 物质名词和抽象名词属于不可数名词如: water,rice,fish,meat 等。 特别记住housework work chalk time space music money weather cott

7、on homework wood information news medicine,1.不可数名词无复数,作主语时常看成单数 *Some bread is over there. *No news is good news. 2.常用how much, much, a little, little, a lot of, some, any等来修饰不可数名词 *They had much money. *He does little housework at home.,3.常用a piece of, a cup of, a glass of,a bottle of等来表示不可数名词的量,单复

8、数表现在of 前面的名词上,而 of 后始终是单数 *There is a piece of paper in the book. *Three glasses of orange are on the desk.,4.有些可数名词或不可数名词在一定情 况下可相互转化,同一个词,但意思不同 (1) glass(玻璃) a glass(玻璃杯) paper(纸) a paper(报纸) work(工作) a work(著作) room(空间) a room(房间),(2) fruit(水果) fruits (各种水果) fish(鱼肉) fishes(几条鱼) hair(所有头发) hairs

9、(白头发) time(时间) times(时代),指点迷津,Ten years _(is ,are) short time for me. A pair of shoes _(is, are) under the bed. The number of the students in our school _(is ,are) 2,000. The woman with two children _( is ,are ) coming here. Neither he nor I _( is, am ) an American.,NOUN.,is,am,is,is,is,指点迷津,6. Math

10、s _(are, is ) hard to learn for the boy. 7. They are all _( woman, teachers ; women teachers). 8. The population of China _(are, is ) over 1,300,000,000. 9. There are many _(peoples,people )in the street in summer. 10. One of the students _(have, has) gone to Shanghai.,is,is,women teachers,people,h

11、has,NOUN.,1.Several _ are talking under the treeAnd they are_. Awoman;children Bwoman;child Cwomen;children 2. There are three in my family. (2004长春) A.people B. person C. child 3. Most students can go to college for further in our city. A. education B. information C.science 4.Please give me _ paper

12、. A. one B. a pieces C. a piece D. a piece of 5. This table is made of_. A. many glass B. some glasses C. glasses D. glass,典型例题解析,C,A,A,NOUN.,D,D,6. Some _ came to our school for a visit that day. A.Germans B.Germen C.Germany D.Germanies 7. In the picture there are many_ and two_. A. sheeps; foxes B

13、. sheeps; foxes C. sheep; foxes D. sheep;foxs 8.They write most of their_ in English. A. business letter B. business letters C. businesses D. businesses letters 9._are_for cutting things. A. Knife, used B. Knives, using C. Knife, using D. Knives, used 10.John bought_for himself yesterday. A. two pai

14、rs of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pair of shoes D. two pairs shoes,D,B,A,C,A,根据所给单词的正确形式填空: 1. Different people may have different _. (idea) 2. I often go to work on . (foot) 3. I know one of the . (boy) 4. Mr. Brown is wearing a pair of . (glass) 5. Please give them their . (photo) 6. Are ther

15、e any in the box? (watch) 7. There are twelve in a year. (month) 8. Would you like some ? (tomato) 9. Look at those in the boats! (people) 10. Look! The are singing. (woman) 11. Jim has some . (knife) 12. How much are these ? (vegetable),ideas,foot,boys,glasses,photos,watches,months,tomatoes,people,women,knives,vegetables,NOUN.,1.The rich_not always happy. A.are B


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