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1、Module 3 Heroes,Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.,Norman Bethune,Yang Liweis my hero because he is a great astronaut.,Who is your hero? Why?,用所给的连接词和提示完成状语从句。,Look and say, because a great astronaut,The girl has to rewrite her homework because she did it careless

2、ly .,Why did the girl have to rewrite her homework?, because carelessly,Why does he get up early to practise singing every day?, so be a singer,He wants to be a singer so he gets up early to practise singing every day.,Millie wanted to help other people so she became a doctor.,Why did Millie become

3、a doctor?, so want to help other people,Word List,war soldier wound wounded realise tool manage operation,n. 战争 n. 军人,士兵 n. 伤,伤口 adj. 受伤的 v. 意识到,了解 n. 工具,器械 v. 做成,设法完成 n. 手术,w: sld wund wundd rilaz tul mnd pren,These soldiers fought against the Japanese during the Anti - Japanese War .,sld n. 军人,士兵,

4、w: n. 战争,斗争,Many of them were wounded and died.,wundd adj. 受伤的,The doctors were doing an operation on the wounded soldier.,pren n. 手术,It was very difficult for them at that time, because they didnt have good medical tools.,tul n. 工具,器械,I hope you realise the seriousness of smoking.,rilaz v. 意识到,了解,m

5、nd v. 做成,设法完成,You should manage to stop smoking.,Norman Bethune 诺尔曼 白求恩 (1890-1939),Look at the pictures and discuss who the person is.,n:mn beju:n,He was born in Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada on March 4, 1890.,He graduated in University of Toronto in 1916.,加拿大安大略省格雷文赫斯特,He went to Spain in 1936 and

6、organized a mobile blood transfusion service, the first of its kind, to operate on a 1000 km front.,组织了一个移动输血服务 (移动医疗队),Bethune came to China and join the 8th Route Army in the Shanxi-Hobei border region. He was a tireless surgeon then.,In 1939, he died because of septicemia(败血症) when he was only 49

7、.,(边界地区),不知疲倦的,外科医生,septsim,Norman Bethune was from Canada.,He tried his best to treat the sick soldiers.,He was a doctor.,Canadian doctor hospital sick soldier treat war wound,Make some sentences about what Norman Bethune did, using the words in the box.,P20,There is a passage about Dr Norman Bethu

8、ne. Read it and finish the following tasks.,Listen to the passage about Dr Norman Bethune and choose the correct answer. (There might be more than one right answer.),P20,Task 1,1 Where is Dr Norman Bethune from? A. China B. Spain C. Canada 2 What did he do to take care of the sick? A. He treated the

9、m on his own. B. He invented special medical tools. C. He taught local doctors and nurses. 3 What did Dr Bethune die of? A. hard work B. tiredness C. his wound 4 Who are still remembering him today? A. Chinese B. Canadians C. Spanish,Read and match the questions about Norman Bethune with the paragra

10、phs.,Why was he a hero in China? Para _ Where was he from? Para _ Why did he invent new ways to treat soldiers? Para _ What did he do after coming to China? Para _ How did he die? Para _,1,5,2,3,4,Task 2,4,5,1,3,6,2,Read the passage again and underline the years. Then number the events about Norman

11、Bethune in the order they happened.,P21,a) came to China b) wrote books about ways of treating the sick in China c) was born in 1890 d) invented medical tools to use outside hospitals e) died f) went to treat the wounded soldiers in Spain,Task 3,Check the sentences and correct the wrong ones.,1. Nor

12、man Bethune began to work as a doctor in 1936. 2. Because of Dr Bethunes inventions, doctors could treat the wounded more quickly. 3. There were some doctors during the Anti-Japanese War. 4. He often worked hard to save the soldiers without taking care of himself. 5. Dr Bethune is a hero in Chineses

13、 mind.,1916,few,Task 4,Read and answer the questions.,1. Where did Bethune come from? 2. How did Bethune save the wounded soldiers lives during the war in Spain? 3. What did Bethune do to help the Chinese doctors and nurses during the Anti-Japanese War? 4. How long did Bethune work in order to save

14、over a hundred lives? 5. What do Chinese people think of Bethune?,He came from Canada.,He invented special medical tools to use outside hospitals and close to the fighting areas.,He helped treat the wounded , developed training courses and wrote books.,Sixty-nine hours.,They think he is a hero.,Task

15、 5,Language points,1. Dr Bethune developed new ways of taking care of the sick. 白求恩医生研究出了照料病人的新方法.,1) take care of意为“照顾,照料”,相当于look after。take good care of和look afterwell意义相同,都是“好好照料,好好照顾”的意思。如:,Dont worry. I can take good care of your pet while you are away. Dont worry. I can look after your pet well while you are away.,2) 本句中the sick的结构是形容词前面加上定冠词,表示复数概念,泛指某一类人,这类结构作主语时谓语动词要用复数形式。例如:,The young have plenty of opportunities here. 年轻人在这里有大量的机会。 The blind learn skills in special schools. 盲人在特殊学校学习技能。,ptju:nitiz,2. so that doctors could treat t


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