初中英语 名人演讲稿 美国国务卿约翰克里在外事机构同性恋雇员活动上的讲话素材

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1、美国国务卿约翰克里在外事机构同性恋雇员活动上的讲话Thank you very much. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Please, please, please, please. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you very, very much. Ken, thank you for a generous welcome. Thank you all. Secretary Pat Kennedy and Director General Linda Thomas-Greenfield, thank

2、 you for being here, and others. We appreciate it. Tara, everybody, thank you for being here.非常感谢大家。谢谢。(掌声)谢谢。谢谢。好啦,好啦。谢谢大家。(掌声)非常、非常感谢大家。肯,谢谢你美言欢迎。谢谢各位。帕特肯尼迪副国务卿和总干事琳达托马斯-格林菲尔德,谢谢你们前来,也谢谢其他人。我们很感激。塔拉,大家,谢谢你们来到这里。And Ken, when I heard you say you could talk forever about my efforts on behalf of LGBT

3、, I was sitting there, like any formerly elected person for 29 years, and I said, “Go ahead, keep talking, keep talking.” (Laughter.) But no such luck today.肯,当我听到你说可以滔滔不绝地讲我为同性恋者、双性恋者和变性者所作的努力时,我就坐在那儿,像任何一个做过29年民选代表的人那样,我说:“继续,接着说,接着说。”(笑声)但今天没有这样的运气。I appreciate the opportunity to be here with all

4、 of you, and very, very special to welcome just some super special guests here, and I want them to stand up and I want everybody to say thank you to them and recognize them. Judy and Dennis Shepard are here, and were so grateful for you being here. Thank you very, very much. Thank you. (Applause.)我很

5、高兴有机会和大家一起在这里,而且要非常、非常特别地欢迎几位超级特殊来宾,我请他们站起来,我希望大家向他们道谢并表彰他们。朱迪和丹尼斯谢泼德在那儿,我们非常高兴你们能来。非常、非常感谢你们。谢谢你们。(掌声)I remind everybody that it is amazing to think, but it has been nearly 15 years since we mourned the tragic murder of their son, Matthew. And I can remember very clearly meeting them previously and

6、 speaking to the crowd gathered on the National Mall in front of the Capitol building at a vigil that was held two nights after he was killed. Thousands of people came together to share their grief, but also to share their sense of outrage that such an act could be carried out, such a senseless, vio

7、lent, terrible heartbreak. And we were all standing with Judy and Dennis on that dark night, and frankly, since then, they have helped to lead the way through darkness and into the light, and theyve turned their pain and their loss into a remarkable global message of hope and of tolerance. So, Judy

8、and Dennis, make no mistake: You really do inspire us and we are very honored to have you here with us today. Thank you.我要提醒大家,自从我们悼念他们的儿子马修惨遭杀害以来,已经过去近15年,这想来令人不可思议。我还很清楚地记得,我上次与谢泼德夫妇见面并向聚集在国会大厦前的国家大草坪上的人讲话的情景,那是在他遇害两天后的守夜活动。成千上万的人聚到一起表达他们的哀痛,同时也共同表达对有人居然做出这样毫无情理、可怕和令人心碎的暴行的愤怒。在那个黑暗的夜晚,我们所有人都和朱迪与丹尼

9、斯在一起,坦率地说,自那以后,是他们帮助引领我们穿过了黑暗步入光明,他们将丧子之痛化为引起世人注意的希望和宽容之讯息。因此,朱迪和丹尼斯,毫无疑问:你们真的激励了我们,我们非常荣幸你们今天能来到这里。谢谢你们。I also want I know Congressman John Lewis was here a little bit ago, I think, and he had to leave to go vote. There are few members, few people Ive met in life who I admire as much as John Lewis.

10、 He was almost killed on that day down in Selma, and he led, at the side of Martin Luther King and others, to break the back of Jim Crow in this country. John is just without doubt one of the most self-effacing, beautiful human beings I have ever met and an amazing person of courage who demonstrates

11、 what you can do against, as Bobby Kennedy said, the enormous array of the worlds ills. So we thank him for being here today, and most importantly, we thank him for standing up on the front lines of fighting for peoples rights for all of these years.我还想我知道国会议员约翰刘易斯刚才在这里,我想,他要去投票而不得不离开。在我一生中很少遇到有什么人像

12、约翰刘易斯那样让我钦佩。他那天在塞尔玛市差点遭到杀害,他和马丁路德金以及其他人一起,带头打破了美国的种族隔离。约翰毫无疑问是我遇到过的最谦逊、心灵最美丽的人之一,他拥有惊人的勇气,向我们展示了如何可以通过自己的作为反抗被鲍比肯尼迪称之为的数不胜数的世界弊病。因此,我们感谢他今天来到这儿,最重要的是,我们感谢他这些年来一直在第一线为人们争取权益而奋争。I also want to thank Mara Keisling from the National Center for Transgender Equality. Thanks for being here and for your con

13、tributions. And I want to thank Acting Assistant Secretary Uzra Zeya from our Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. Were very, very grateful also to the Gay Mens Chorus of Washington for that wonderful rendition of our national anthem, and thank you for their performance.我还要感谢来自全国变性人平权中心的玛拉凯

14、斯林。感谢你前来以及你所作的贡献。我要感谢来自我们民主、人权和劳工事务局的代理助理国务卿乌兹拉泽雅。我们也非常、非常感谢华盛顿男性同性恋者合唱团精彩的国歌演唱,感谢他们的表演。As Ken said, I have had the privilege of being involved in the struggle for rights, for LGBT rights, for a long period of time. And it is a privilege. Coming from Massachusetts, maybe we inherently know something

15、 about fighting for rights from the inception. But it wasnt that long ago, as I recall, and many of you, Im sure, do too, when things looked very different from the way they look today. If you want an amusing read before you go to sleep, go get the transcript of my testimony before Strom Thurmond on

16、 the Armed Services Committee 20 years ago, when we first pushed for an end on the ban on gays in the military. If you want to read a Senate hearing that is actually literally like a Saturday night skit Saturday Night Live skit, that is it. And I wont go into all the questions that Strom and his inimitable accent posed to me (laughter) but I walked out of there thinking that I was truly on a different planet, or he was; one or the other. (L


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