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1、2008年11月北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试试题及答案(A) Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken

2、 the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1这篇文章是关于在印度科学家新发明出来的一种生产或者产生电力的新的方式,用小牛来产生能源的一种方式。Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Scientists in India have invented a new way to produce electricity. Their invention does not get its power from oil, coal or other fuels. It pro

3、duces electricity with the power of animals. India has about eighty million bullocks. They do all kinds of jobs. They work in the fields. They pull vehicles through the streets. They carry water containers. (76)Indian energy officials have been seeking ways to use less imported oil to provide energy

4、. Scientists at the National Institute for Industrial Engineering in Bombay wondered whether the millions of bullocks could help. Many villages in India lack electricity, but they have many bullocks. And often the animals are not working. One job done by bullocks is to pump water out of the well. Th

5、e animals do this by walking around and around in a circle. As they walk, they turn a heavy stick that makes the pump move. This simple technology is centuries old. Scientists thought that the same technology could be used to produce electricity. Bullocks walk in a circle only two or three times a m

6、inute. This is much too slow to produce electricity, but it can create enough power to turn a series of gears. A large gear sits next to a smaller gear. As the large gear turns, it causes the smaller gear to turn. That gear turns an even smaller one. Each gear moves faster because it is a little sma

7、ller. The smallest gear may turn extremely fast. (77)Clocks operate with gears. So do cars and so does the device invented by the Indian scientists to produce electricity.According to the officials in the United Nations, the idea is being tested at several places in India. The device is easy to oper

8、ate and repair. And it can be moved easily. It costs about three hundred and seven dollars now to make such a device, but production of large numbers of them could cut the cost of each to about two hundred dollars.1. Who first thought of using bullocks to provide energy?答案】B这是一道细节题,我们会发现浏览以后,我们会找到第一

9、道题可以准确定位到第一句话,到底是谁发现了用小牛来产生能量的方式,我们会发现文章的第一句话就明确指出了是印度的科学家,所以这道题可以读到第一句话的时候就找到答案。A Indian energy officialsB Scientists in IndiaC Officials in the United NationsD Researchers in Europe.2. Which kind of job that the bullocks do is NOT mentioned in the passage?【答案】D第二道题的时候问哪一种工作是小牛没有做过的工作?这个题的正确的定位的词应该


11、中一个答案是耕地,最后一个答案是运输装有物品的篮子,这两个答案当中我们可以回忆一下,其实B答案就是我们在提到小牛工作的项目当中的第一个工作的转述,第一个是小牛在田间劳作,它与第二个答案这两个单词是指小牛在田间的具体工作,是耕地。而最后一个答案在文章当中没有提及,所以这道题可以通过快速定位以后找到正确答案,是D。A Pulling vehiclesB Plowing fieldsC Pumping water out if wellsD Carrying food baskets.3. Why are bullocks used to provide energy in India?【答案】D第


13、题我们可以快速地找到答案D。A Because bullocks have long been used by Indian peopleB Because bullocks walk slowly and are easy to controlC Because there are few non-working bullocks in IndiaD Because there is not enough oil in India4. In the sentence “This simple technology is centuries old” in Paragraph One, “Th

14、is simple technology” refers to _.【答案】C第四个题是已经把定位的句子写在了题目当中,我们可以找到这个句子,并且在原文当中是用黑体标识出来的。它说这个简单的技术已经有几个世纪,已经应用了几个世纪,它问这个句子主要是指的什么?刚才其实已经提到了这个技术,抽水的这个技术就是小牛通过不断地转圈拉动中间很沉的一根棍子,让水泵开始运动的一个技术,所以最后我们可以看到它C答案就是刚才这一部分的同意转述。A using bullocks to produce energyB using pumps to draw water outC having bullocks wal

15、k around to make the pump moveD connecting gears of different sizes to produce electricity.5. Which of the following is true about the device mentioned in the passage?【答案】D第五题讲到到底是哪一个在文章当中提到的,关于这个设备。在文章当中我们可以看最后一段话,第一件事情提到了想法,第一句话根据联合国的官员,这个想法在印度的几个地方正在测试当中,这句话在文章当中提到了,所以我们在答案当中可以看到有这样的完完全全一模一样的表述,因

16、此,选择D项。 A It has a large gear and a smaller gear.B Its easy to use, but difficult to move.C Its quite cheap.D Its still being tested.Passage 2第二篇文章在讲在办公场所吸烟对公司以及对吸烟者和非吸烟者的影响Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:On-the-job smoking is a hot issue for both smokers and non-smokers, and many managers now see smoking as a productivity problem. Although some people question whether smokin


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