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1、Read and Explore,Unit 3 Fame and Success,Get Started,Listen and Respond,Optional Classroom Activities,Enhance Your Language Awareness,Get Started - discussion,Sit in pairs or groups and discuss the following questions.,Who is the most successful person in the world in your opinion? Could you tell us

2、 something about him or her? (Open. ) What qualities do you think successful people have in common? What do you think fame can bring to people?,Get Started-discussion,Quotes,Study the following quotes about fame and success and discuss in pairs what you can learn from them.,Quote 1,The secret of suc

3、cess is constancy of purpose. Benjamin Disraeli,Interpretation: The key to success is that you have a goal and remain committed to it at all times.,Click Picture,Quote 2,Fame is a heavy burden. Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire,Interpretation: Enjoying fame is not always a good thing. It may hinder you

4、 from progressing further and it brings about troubles as well.,Click Picture,Quote 3,The highest form of vanity is love of fame. George Santayana,Interpretation: Vain and shallow people seek fame they have no character.,Click Picture,Quote 4,The talent of success is nothing more than doing well wha

5、tever you do without a thought of fame. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,Interpretation: Some people think that being famous is everything but in fact doing your very best in your own work without thinking about being famous is great in itself and it is the only key to success.,Click Picture,Quote 5,Many

6、of lifes failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Thomas Edison,Interpretation: There are many people who could have been very successful today. Unfortunately, they gave up when they encountered failure. If they had kept on, they would have been very

7、successful. To them, failure is the end of their struggle.,Click Picture,Get Started - watching and discussion,Fame is a 2009 American musical drama film and a loose remake of the 1980 film of the same title. The movie follows NYC talents attending the New York City High School of Performing Arts, w

8、here students get specialized training that often leads to success as actors, singers, etc.,Get Started - watching and discussion,Watch the following video clip “Success Is Not” and do the tasks that follow :,click here,1) Success is not . Its not or . 2) Success is waking up in the morning excited

9、about, its getting to work with,. Success is connecting with, and making people feel. Its finding a way to bind together people who have nothing in common but . Its falling asleep at night knowing .,video,1. Fill in the missing information.,fame,_,video,click here,money,_,power,_,people you love,_,t

10、he world,_,a dream,_,you did the best job you could,_,what you have to do,_,3) Success is and and . And success is .,video,joy,video,click here,freedom,_,friendship,_,love,_,_,video,2. Discuss whether you accept the girls understanding of SUCCESS or not. (Open. ),video,click here,inconsistent a. (of

11、 ideas, opinions, etc.) not in agreement with each other or with something else (思想、意见等)不一致的 preliminary a. coming before and introducing or preparing for something more important 初步的,Listen and Respond Word Bank,Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the information

12、contained in the listening passage.,L&R 2,L&R 2,What should young people do in order to be successful according to the speaker?,A) They should have dreams, hopes and wishes. B) They should have the courage to write down their intentions. C) They should have clear goals in life and go after them. D)

13、They should make a good choice in their career.,L&R 2,2. What should young people do to make clear their values according to the speaker?,A) They should put health as their priority. B) They should put financial independence as their priority. C) They should make their life healthy and comfortable.

14、D) They should make their goals consistent with their most important values.,L&R 2,3. What advice does the speaker give on writing down ones goals?,A) You should write down your goals every day. B) You should be specific and describe your goals in detail. C) You should have the courage to tell your

15、friends your goals. D) You should read your goals to your friends every day.,L&R 2,4. What does the speaker mean by taking action?,A) He means that people must jog every day to run a marathon. B) He means that people should have a loving marriage or happy children. C) He means that a loving marriage or happy children take too much time. D) He means that peoples daily actions must be consistent and persistent.,L&R 2,5. Which of the following is NOT recommended by the speaker as a step to successful goal-setting?,A) Be financially independent. B) Write down the details


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