仁爱版九年级上册unit 4 amazing science topic 1 when was it invented section a导学案(无答案)

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1、Project English (Grade Nine)Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 When was it invented? Section A导学案 备课组:九年级英语备课组 主备人:_ 时间:学习目标单词: rocket, metal, satellite, spaceship, lock. laptop, digital词组: allow sb to do, sb be allowed to do, sb spend time on sth / (in) doing sth, be made of, be made from, be made up o

2、f, be made by, be made in, be made into, be used for doing sth, be used to do sth, be used as, be used by, send sth into space, some day, ones dream come true语法:一般过去时的被动语态 学习过程:一、 课前预习(独学):Step 1 预习1a1b1. 熟读本课的词汇,并根据以下中文写出单词和词组:第 6 页1. 允许某人做2. 某人被允许做3. 某人花时间做4. 用制造(材料可见)5. 用制造(材料不可见)6. 由组成7. 被某人制造8.

3、 在某地制造9. 被制成10. 被用来做11. 被用作12. 被某人使用13. 把发射上太空14. (将来)某一天15. 梦想成真2. 完成以下相应练习(课堂展示)。1、我父母不允许我玩电脑。My parents _ _ _ _ _ computer games.2. 我校男生不能留长发。The boys in our school _ _ _ _long hair.3. 他们昨天被禁止去湖里游泳。They _ _ _ _ _ in the lake yesterday. 3. 阅读P 81 1a课文 , 完成1c。a) Why did Kankang ask Jane not to spen

4、d too much time on computer games ?b) Who taught Kangkang some knowledge about spaceships? Mr. Brown. c) Whats Kangkangs dream? 4. 根据1a的内容, 对1a进行复述:Step 2 预习21.阅读2并初步了解被动语态结构。主动语态:主语 + 动词 + 宾语被动语态:主语 + be + 过去分词 + by + 宾语2. 完成以下相应练习(课堂展示)。Many people use computersComputers _ _ by _ _.5) 写出以下词组的中文意思:

5、allow sb to do Sb be allowed to do Sb spend time on sth/(in) doing be made of be made from be made up ofbe made by sb be made in be made intobe used for (doing) sth/ to do sth be used as be used by sb send sth into space some day ones dream come true二、 课堂流程:Step1 默写本课单词。(独学+对学)rocket, metal, satelli

6、te, spaceship, lock laptop, digitalStep2合作探究并展示1a1b(群学+对学+展示)1.小组合作探究完成以下任务:1)看1a视频。2)校对课前预习Step1中的练习答案,讨论预习中遇到的困难并互相帮忙解决。2.展示:1)小组PK 1a。2)小组代表根据1a判断句子。3)小组代表回答1c的问题。Step3合作探究并展示2(群学+展示)1.校对课前预习Step2中的练习答案,讨论预习中遇到的困难并互相帮忙解决。2展示1) 小组PK 2。1. Trees _ (water) in our school every three days. 2. The zoo _

7、 (visit) by lots of children on weekends. 3. A Journey to the West _ (show) on CCTV every summer.4. The trees _(plant) last year.5.The bridge _(build) two years ago.6. When _the computer _(invent)?2)小组代表展示一般现在时的被动语态的结构。主动语态:主语 + 动词 + 宾语被动语态:主语 + be + 过去分词 + by + 宾语 被动语态(Passive Voice ) be + doneStep

8、4 小组讨论下面的区别和用法be made of 由某种物质做成(看得出原材料,物理过程)be made from 由某种物质制成(看不出原材料,化学过程)be made up of 由组成be made in 在某地/某时制造be made by 由某人制造be made into 被制成be used for sth/ doing sth 被用来做be used to do sth 被用来做be used as 被用作used to do sth. 过去常做be used to doing sth. 习惯于做Step5 小组完成3aStep6 随堂测试Step7 Homework1. Re

9、ad the text and retell it.2. Go over the useful expressions.U4 T1 SA 1、我父母不允许我玩电脑。My parents _ _ _ _ _ computer games.2. 我校男生不能留长发。The boys in our school _ _ _ _long hair.3. 他们昨天被禁止去湖里游泳。They _ _ _ _ _ in the lake yesterday. 4. 别花太多时间玩电脑游戏。Dont _ too much time _ computer games.5. 纸是木头做的吗?_ paper _ _ wood?6. 火箭用于发射卫星上太空。 A rocket _ _ _ _ satellites _ space.7. 我相信你会梦想成真的。Im sure your dream _ _ _.教学反思:



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