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1、Unit 1 Book5,revision,answers to the homework,一: 中译英 1.下结论 2. 暴露于 3. 把吸收进去 4. 热衷于(足球) 5.对谨慎 6. 提出一个理论 7.治好某人的(癌症) 8. 应因某事受责备 9. 感染上 10.有意义,行得通 11.在某方面严格要求某人,draw a conclusion be exposed to absorbinto be enthusiastic about (football) be cautious to put forward a theory cure sb of (his cancer) be to b

2、lame for sth become/get infected with make sense be strict with sb in sth,12. contribute (sth) to sth 13. reject ones theory 14. in addition ( to) 15. be linked to sth/sb 16. come to an end 17. take up( a career) 18. be under construction 19. apart from sth 20. lead to sth 21. (from my) point of vie

3、w =from the point of view of sb,12. 为贡献 13. 摈弃某人的原理 14. 除了(以外,还有) 15. 和有联系 16. 结束 17. 开始从事一种事业 18. 在建设当中 19. 除外 20. 导致 21. (在我)看来,(依我的)观点,Translate the sentences into English/Chinese,Hawking puts forward the theory about black holes. 霍金提出了黑洞理论 put forward+表示建议,计划等的名词= come up with put away: 放好.储存(钱)

4、 put up with:忍受 put on :穿上,上演 put out:熄灭,扑灭 e drew a conclusion that we should give him another chance 我们得出结论应该再给他一次机会 draw/ come to/ arrive at/ reach a conclusion得出结论 conclude : V 结束,推断 conclusion: n结论 conclude sth by/with: 以而结束 Eg: They concluded that the disease was SARA,3.Keep in doors and dont

5、exose your skin to the sun 呆在户内,别把你的皮肤暴露于太阳底下 expose sth/sb to使暴露于;使面临;使遭受(危险,攻击等) be exposed to:招致,遭受 Those who were exposed to bird flu were separated. 4. The car was out of control and it hit a big tree 这辆车失去了控制,撞上了一棵大树 Mr. Li is in control of the company 李先生管理这间公司 The company is in the control o

6、f Mr. Li out of control: 失去控制 in control of: 管理控制住 in/under the control of :被 控制管理,ary was so absorbed in reading the novel that she didnt realize the teacher had stood beside her. 玛丽是如此的专注于看小说以至于没有意识到老师已站在她旁边 be absorbed in全神贯注于 be absorbed into被吸收入 ,被合并到 6. The driver was to blame for the accident

7、. 司机应为这次事故承担责任 (sb) be to blame for 应为受到谴责责备承担责任 在业余时间里,除了听音乐,他没别的爱好 _ _listening to music, he has no other hobbies in his spare time apart from用于否定句时表示“除之外(没有)except 用于肯定句时表示“除 之外(还有)= in addition to, besides, as well as,Apart from,长时间没有足够的睡眠往往会导致疾病 Not having enough sleep for a long time always _

8、_sickness 9. 我们每个人都应该严格要求自己 Each of us should _ _ _ourselves. be strict with sb in sth在某方面对某人严格要求 他捐了美元给红十字会(contribute to) He contributed 3000 dollars to the Red Cross contribute( sth) to:为贡献 make a contribution to/towards对做出贡献 这条铁路把西藏(Tibet)和内地(the inland area)连起来了.(link to) This railway links Tib

9、et to the inland areas. be linked to sb/ sth:和有联系,leads to,be strict with,1. _The price, you have to pay the sales tax on it. In addition B. In addition to C. except 2. _ in writing the new poem. Jenny even forgot her dinner Absorbed B. Absorbing C. having absorbed 3. who_ for the pollution of this

10、lake? should blame B. is to be blamed is blamed D. is to blame 4. The reform project _ by Mr. White_ at the meeting now put forward; is discussed B. has been put forward; is being discussed C. put forward; is being discussed,He thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. 2. John Snow t

11、old the astonished people to leave here. 3.So many terrified people died every time. 4.But he became inspired when he thought abou helping ordinary people.,语法:过去分词做定语和表语,过去分词做定语修饰名词的两种位置: 前置定语:单独一个过去分词做定语时,一般放在所修饰的名词之前 a broken vase. a missing boy A: Is there anything unsolved. B: Is there unsolved

12、anything. 复合不定代词something, everything, anything, nothing, nobody, nothing+过去分词 后置定语:分词短语要放在被修饰的名词之后 a book written by Lu Xun The project designed by him was constructed in only two months,2.过去分词做定语表示一个被动的动作或一个完成的动作及物动词的过去分词做定语时可以改为被动形式的定语从句 the fallen leaves the stolen money This is a letter written

13、 in black ink. =This is a letter which is written in black inks The stolen money has been found. =The money which was stolen has been found. 转换的步骤1:找出过去分词所修饰的名词(即先行词) 2:根据先行词的类别选择恰当的关连词 3:把做定语的过去分词改为改动词的被动形式 (即原句中done be+ done的形式,表示一个完成的动作,表示一个被动的动作,Exercises:句型转换 1. The girl dressed in red is my si

14、ster. The girl who is dressed in red is my sister. 2. Father beat the son lost in the on-line games. Father beat the son who was lost in the on-line games 3.This project, which was designed by the Chinese engineers, was constructed in only two years. This project , designed by the Chinese engineers,

15、 was constructed in only two years 4. The castle, which was burnt down in the sixteenth century, was never rebuilt. The castle, burnt down in the sixteenth century, was never rebuilt.,高考题中的过去分词,There have been several new event_ to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. A. add B. to add C.

16、adding D. added. 2.Five people won the Chinas Green Figure” award, a title_ to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection. A. being given B. is given C. given D. was given 3. In the dream Peter saw himself_ by a fierce wolf ,and he woke suddenly with a start. A. chased B. to be chased C. be cha


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