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1、战略管理 Strategic Management,马连杰 教授 华中科技大学公共管理学院 L 2005年秋季,第五章 战略实施 Strategy Implementation,Ansoff: “it is no trick to formulate a strategy, the problem is make it work.” Knight: “If things are not going accord to plan. People dont fail in planning; they fail in implementation; GE: “ At best, the plan

2、is 20% of the game. Executive is 80%. It is the process of converting ideas into performance. 7 of major conditions that facilitate strategy implementation. (1)组织结构 Organization Structure;(2) 政策 Policies;(3)预算 Budget allocations;(4) 领导 Leadership;(5)组织文化 Corporate culture; (6) 沟通 Communication;(7)激励

3、 Motivation,一、组织结构 Organizational Structure,任务分工和权力安排 A structure means the division of tasks into distinct units and authority relationships among and within these units. 1、组织结构类型 直线式 Entrepreneurial Structure 职能式 Functional structure 事业部式 Strategic Business Units Geographic, product,customer) 矩阵式

4、Matrix 项目管理式 Project management 2、授权、集权与分权 Authority Delegation, Centralization and decentralization,二、政策 Policies,形成稳定的内部环境 Aim to create a stable internal environment and a shortcut to thinking and acting 1. 高层政策 Corporate/ Business Policy Strategic policy, master policy, primary intents, basic as

5、sumption. (1)All new products must earn 20% pre-tax profit; (2) The banks policy forbids financing hostile takeovers 2. 操作政策 Functional Policy All new managers at the entry level must undergo a two-year, job-rotation program 3.程序Procedures: A series of steps or actions, sequentially to implement a g

6、iven policy 4. 规则 Rules: An explicit directive,Policy, Procedures & Rules: Example,Policy: An education assistance program is offered to all employees as a means of providing them with the educational background and skills needed to offer efficient and professional service to our customers. Procedur

7、es: 1. Complete the form; 2. Be forwarded and approved by manager; 3. Requirements; 4. Pre-course form. Rule: The company will not approve more than two courses per academic term,三、预算 Budget Allocation,明星、金牛、幼童、瘦狗 坐鸭、怒虎、黑马、睡狗 1. A Star position: Leverage 2. A Cash Cow position: Maintenance 3. A Ques

8、tion Mark position:Constraint 4. A Dog position: Vulnerability,四、 领导 Leadership,领导风格 Leadership Style -(1) 以任务为中心Task-oriented: getting the job done efficiently; -(2) 以人为中心 People-oriented: Satisfying employees needs. 管理方格理论The Managerial Grid: Country Club Management; Impoverished Management; Middl

9、e of Road Management; Authority-Compliance Management and Team Management,2. 领导特质 Characteristics of a Leader,Leaders have the ability to make things happenpossess both conceptual and administrative skills. They are skillful at inspiring others to strive toward the achievement of common objectives.

10、They have a clear vision and a strong sense. They have warm, likable personality. They have an intuitive and rational ability to anticipate events. They are flexible They possess good communication skills,五、组织文化 Corporate Culture,1. The Meaning: is defined as the pattern of attitudes, norms, beliefs

11、, and values which are shared by members of an organization and which determine the way the organization conducts its business 2. Two Major dimensions (1) 客观维度 Objective: Monuments to and picture of leaders, Organizational stories, sagas, myths, ceremonies, and rituals. (2)主观维度Subjective: Shared val

12、ues; Shared assumptions, Shared meaning, Shared understanding. 西装革履、员工忠诚、要么变革要么出局、五星宾馆、远离老板。,3、组织文化是组织的个性,(1)传统习俗 ()信念 ()价值观 -Market Leader vs. Market Follower -Progressive vs. Stodgy (顽固守旧) -Risk-prone vs. Risk-averse -Cost-driven vs. Service-driven -Product-oriented vs. People-oriented., 、组织文化的建立,

13、(1) 创始人The Leaders (founders) (2) 组织的历史The History of the organization (3) 外部环境的变化The Changes of external environment IBMs Culture Legendary LeaderThomas J. Watson. -Give the best service of any company in the world -Strive for superior performance -Respect the individual,、组织文化的传递,(一)非正式渠道 “Old time

14、rs” and “Newcomers”: the impressions of the organizational environment, communicate their expectation, discuss other organizational members, tell one another “what is really going on around here”. (二)正式渠道 (1)Hiring the “right” type of employees; (2)Indoctrinating employees, Orientation, education, t

15、raining, socialization. (3)Reinforcing the desired behavior, monetary and non-monetary rewards and punishment (4)Setting good examples: Role model,六、沟通,象电流:电线就是组织的信息通报和杂志, 只有当信息在其中时,这些通报和杂志才有 作用。 1、沟通是激励,鼓舞员工的士气 2、在主要管理者之间培养良好的理解 3、吸引高素质的人才加盟 4、改善与相关团体的关系 5、增强客户的支持度 6、强化组织的共同价值观。 沟通的形式包括:出版物、视听展示、定期 会见、小组会议(82%)、通告 (84%)、备忘录、 培训项目。,七、激励 Motivation,一系列的活动,旨在满足个人需要和组织的目标。 1、激励和员工的一致性 公平、团队、合作、少辞退、工作弹性; (1)接受组织的目标和价值观 (2)愿意为组织效力 (3)从工作中参与中享受快乐 (4)对组织充满忠诚和爱戴 (5)强烈渴望成为组织的一员。 2、激励的方式 (1)参与管理 (2)物质奖励 (3)惩罚,


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