《Unit 6 Meet my family! Part A Let’s learn》优质课教案

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《《Unit 6 Meet my family! Part A Let’s learn》优质课教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit 6 Meet my family! Part A Let’s learn》优质课教案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Meet my family!教案Part A Lets learn1、教学内容:小学英语四年级上册Unit 6 Meet My Family!第一课时,本单元的教学应充分利用Unit 3 My Friends旧知识,从而降低学习难度,并使知识得以循环巩固。2、教学目标:知识目标能够听说认读单词:family , parent , uncle , aunt , baby brother.能力目标:能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭,如This is my uncle.能听懂价绍家庭成员时使用的语言。情感目标:(1)培养学生热爱家庭,热爱生活的美好情感。(2)了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称

2、呼习俗。3、教学重难点:重点:使学生掌握五个生词,并能在情景中运用。难点:能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭。教学过程Step 1 Warm up课前歌曲I love my familyGreeting:T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, teacher!T: How are you?Ss: Fine, and you?T: Im fine.T:There are some questions.Ss: Yes!1: Are you strong?Ss: Yes!2: Do you have a brother?Ss: Yes!3: Do

3、you have a sister?Ss: Yes!4:Do you love your father?Ss: Yes!T:I love my father and mother,do you love your father and mother?Ss: Yes!Now lets sing a song about our father and mother , ok ?齐唱歌曲Father and MotherStep 2 PresentationT: Look! This is my father and mother .Father and mother , I love you !(

4、出示幻灯片)T: The first letter of each word can make a new word. What will it be ?词Lets spell together.领生齐读每个单词的首字母,组成新单词family. 教学单词family.T: This is my father and mother. This is my parents! In our family , we can call our father or mother parent ; we call our father and mother parents .Whats the meani

5、ng ?(师手指图片帮助学生理解parent和 parents 的区别。)教学单词parents .出示父母图片练习句型:They are my parents .出示uncle 图片T:Look! He is my fathers brother ,Who is he ?Ss: 叔叔!T: Yes! Hes my uncle .教读单词uncle .T: Uncle is your fathers or mothers brother . Whats the meaning ?引导学生理解uncle 的意思。出示aunt 图片I: Guess! She is your fathers or

6、mothers sister ,how can we call her ?Ss: 阿姨!T: Yes! We can call her aunt.教读单词aunt出示cousin的图片T:This is my aunt s child. This is my cousin.T: We call aunts child or uncles child cousin.教授单词 cousin出示baby brother 图片首先声音出示一个宝宝的哭声。T: Look! Its a baby , yes ?Ss: Yes!T: He is my brother , so I can call him

7、baby brother .教读单词 baby brotherT: We have learned so many words, can you read?齐读所学单词。T: Now open your book and turn to page ,listen and point , ok ?打开课本听录音并指单词。T: This time, listen, point and repeat !听、指并跟读。两遍。Step 3 Practice1T: Read the words loudly in your group now .小组内自由读。2T: Now, close your boo

8、k and look at my mouth ,. Guess the word .看口型猜单词。3T: Good job! Look here . there are many pictures ,guess who are they .看遮盖住大半边的图片猜单词。出示家庭照图片4Who can help the boy to introduce his family ?同法找生替图中人物介绍自己的家人,根据提示,慢慢提升难度。5Say and drawOne student introduce his or her family member , others draw . Lets se

9、e who s picture is the best .Step4: ProductionSay and drawDraw a member of your family. Then talk about he or she.T: Now lets have a rest .See the topic of family.看关于家庭的公益广告。Father and mother protect us and love us , lets say :thank you dad , thank you mom “At last , lets sing a song for our father

10、and mother together .齐唱歌曲。Step5: ProgressHomework1. When you go back home and see your family members ,call them in English, tell them : I love you! and try to say something about them .2. Make a card to introduce your family and show their photos , bring the card to our school and talk about your family members with your friends .4


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