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1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note,以下是有关广州海洋世界(Guangzhou Ocean World)的介绍,请根据以下内容为广州旅游指南写一篇海洋世界的英文简介。 面积:13 000平方米 总投资:5000万美元 地址:广州市先烈路120号 概况:成立以来深受好评;每年接待海内外游客100万人次,参观内容:各种海洋植物;海洋动物,如:海龟、鲸鱼、海豚等;了解海洋如何形成;许多专门供小孩阅读有关海洋方面的儿童书籍。 乘车路线:201、234、804等多路公共汽车 开放时间:每天早上8点至晚上8点 【写作要求】 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。,Guangzho

2、u Ocean World, located at 120, Xianlie Road, Guangzhou, has been well thought of since its foundation, attracting more than 1,000,000 visitors from home and abroad every year. It covers an area of about 13,000 sq. meters, with a total investment of US$ 50 million. People can see various sea plants a

3、nd sea animals like turtles, whales, dolphins, etc., and they can learn how oceans were formed long time ago. Besides, there are lots of childrens books about sea for,children to read. It is open from 8:00 am. to 8:00 pm. every day, and visitors can get there by bus No. 201, 234, 804 and many others

4、.,1. n. 出生地;故乡 2. n. 小说 adj. 新奇的;异常的 3. n. 奇遇;冒险 4. n. 著者;作家 5. n. (戏剧)一场;现场;景色 6. vi. 漫游;漫步;漂泊 7. v. 许可;允许 n. 通行证;执照,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,birthplace novel adventure author scene wander permit,8. vi. 凝视;盯着看 9. n. 过错;缺点;故障 10. vt. 发现;认出;n. 污点;地点 11. n. 理由;计算 v. 认为;说明;总计有 12. v. 寻找;探索;寻求 13. n. 耐性;忍耐,_ _ _ _

5、 _ _,stare fault spot account seek patience,14. n. 反面 adj. 相反的;相违的 15. adj. 难以置信的 16. n. 数量 17. n. 礼貌;举止;方式 18. vi. 尖声叫 n. 尖叫声 19. n. 破布;碎布 20. adv. 真正地;确实;实在,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,contrary unbelievable amount manner scream rag indeed,1. 抚养;培养;教育 2. 打赌 3. 前进;往下说;可以 4. 偶然;不小心 5. 盯着看;凝视 6. 导致;做出解释 7. 与此相反;正相反

6、,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,bring up make a bet go ahead by accident stare at account for on the contrary,_ _ _,take a chance in rags as for,8. 冒险 9. 衣衫褴褛 10. 关于;至于,1.And _ the ship _ brought you to England. 2.The fact is _ I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, _ accounts for my appearance. 3._ is we

7、llknown _ Americans like to eat a lot.,it was,that,that,which,it,that,1. permit v. 允许,准许 n. 许可证;通行证 They absolutely will not permit you to photograph any of the art work in the museum. 他们绝对不会允许你给博物馆里的任何展品拍照。 permit 和allow意思相近,都表示“允许,准许”, permit稍正式一些。二者用法相同。,allow / permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 allo

8、w / permit doing sth. 允许做某事 with/ without permission 经过/未经过允许 allow for 考虑,顾及,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)请允许我介绍一下玛丽小姐。 Please _ to introduce Miss Mary. (2)我们办公室禁止抽烟。 We _ smoking in our office.,permit / allow me,dont allow / permit,(3)我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验。 We must _ his inexperience. (4)如果天气允许,周末我将去郊游。 If _ (Weather

9、permitting), Ill go outing this weekend.,allow for,weather permits,(5)未经教授允许,没人可进实验室。 Without _, nobody can enter the laboratory.,the professors permission,2. fault n过错,缺点,故障 Her only fault is stubbornness. 她的唯一缺点是固执。 find fault with sb. 挑某人的毛病 commit a fault 犯错误 correct a fault 改正错误 be at fault 有过错

10、;应受责备,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)错不在我。 Its not _. (2)他总是挑别人的毛病,而自己做得更差。 He always _ others and does worse himself.,my fault,finds fault with,3. spot n. 污渍,小点,地方 vt. 看出;看见,发现 Having searched for a long time, I finally spotted my purse. 寻找了好久,我终于看到了钱包。 on the spot 当场;立即 put sb. on the spot 使某人为难,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (

11、1)从人群中我看到了父亲。 I _ my father in the crowd. (2)他的名声没有被玷污。 There isnt _ on his reputation. (3)医生在事故发生几分钟后就赶到现场了。 The doctor was _ a few minutes after the accident.,spotted,a spot,on the spot,4. passage n. 船费;通道;一段(文章) This passage will take us to the other building. 穿过这条通道,我们就可以到达另一座大楼。 earn ones passa

12、ge 在船上做工充作船费 underground passage 地下通道,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)中间是走廊,走廊的每边各有一间房。 There is _ with a room on each side. (2)我们将读一篇有关马克吐温的短文。 Well read _ about Mark Twain.,a passage,a passage,(3)这房子有一条地下通道。 The house has _.,an underground passage,5. amount n. 数量;总数;总额 During the last two years, he accumulated a

13、 great amount of wealth. 在过去的两年里,他积累了大量财富。 a large / great amount of 大量的;许多的 注意: a large amount of 和large amounts of 的意思相同,它们之后都只能带不可数名词,但large amounts of短语作主语时,谓语应用复数。,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)账单上金额总计多少? What is _ of the bill? (2)每年她花大量的钱买衣服。 She spends _ money on clothes every year.,the amount,a large amount of,(3)需要大量的资金。 _ money is required. _ money are required.,A large amount of,Large amounts of,1 .bring up 抚养,培养;教育;提及,提出;呕吐 Born in Guangzhou, h


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