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1、马钢两公司2009年外语水平测试英语公外模拟试卷5(答题写在答题纸上 否则无效)PartI.Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer by writing the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. The news _ we were having a holiday tomorrow is not true. A. of which B. which C. that

2、D. as2. You speak English very well. Your English is much better _. A. as IB. than IC. as mineD. than mine3. After a long walk on a hot day, one often feels _. A. exhaustB. exhausting C. exhausted D. tired of4. His strange behaviour aroused the _of the police.A. doubtB. mistrust C. misbeliefD. suspi

3、cion5. He_to the teacher of Johns dishonestyA. accused B. complainedC. scolded D. grumbled6. I found _ to answer all the question in two hours.A. no possibility B. there was impossibility C. impossibleD. it impossible7. Some people think they have an answer to the troubles of _ crowding and dirty ai

4、r in large cities. A. submarine B. automobileC. aircraftD. engine8. It looked _ the horse really could think and count. A. just as B. as if C. likeD. as 9. He was asleep before I _him in.A. tuckedB. insertedC. squeezeD. chip10. The monument looks different _ what the visitors expected. A. than B. wi

5、th C. from D. of11. The oil must be used up, _ the light went out. A. since B. as C. because D. for12. Almost all foreigners_ to find the city wreathed in yellow-grey mist for most of the year. A. look forwardB. expectC. look upD. look out13. The board deemed it urgent that these files _ right away.

6、A. had to be printedB. should have been printedC. must be printed D. should be printed 14. I need _ to cut this picture out of the paper. A. screwdriverB. chopsticksC. scissors D. canoe15. He suggested that the work _at once.A. would startB. would be started C. should start D. should be started16. I

7、t took Jane a whole morning to _this algebra problem.A. work atB. work onC. work outD. work over17. The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also _ a large number of social customs. A. share B. join C. take D. make 18. We are _ with these experienced technicians. A. too ple

8、ased to workB. too pleased workingC. only too pleased to workD. only too pleased working 19. The banker is offering a _ to anyone who can give information about the robbery. A. compensationB. prize C. reward D. fund20. According to a recent _, the majority would rather have newspapers without a gove

9、rnment than a government without newspapers.A. electionB. campaignC. pollD. votePartII.Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth Section B)Direction: In this part there areseveral passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passage and answer the questions. Then,

10、 mark your answer by writing the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. Can you imagine traveling to work in a one-man submarine? Scientists believe that someday one-man submarines will be as numerous as automobiles are today. Jacques Yves Cousteau says, “One day soon, men will walk on the ocea

11、n floor as they do on the street.” Perhaps, during your life time, people will travel, work and live in the sea. Ships carrying oil and articles of trade will move beneath the ocean. Passenger ships will be built to travel underwater, where storms cannot delay them or make people seasick. Special un

12、derwater ships will be designed for mining, fishing, and exploring unknown areas. For military use, there may be submarines that can fly and then dive underwater to approach the battle area without being seen. First, however, the human problems associated with living in the ocean will need to be stu

13、died in detail. Many of these problems are the same as the problems of living in outer space: pressure, lack of oxygen, and weightlessness. Already scientists have begun to study these problems. In 1963 and 1964, scientists and Navy divers lived and worked underwater for several days in two projects which were called Sealab I and Sealab II. The Sealab II experiment kept the scientists and divers 215 feet below the sur


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