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1、Module 5 The Great Sports PersonalityGrammar :状语从句 时间状语从句 地点状语从句 状语从句的类型 原因状语从句 条件状语从句 目的状语从句 结果状语从句 方式状语从句让步状语从句比较状语从句一.时间状语从句在句中起时间状语作用的句子成为时间状语从句,可位于句中、句首、句末,常用引导时间状语从句的引导词:when, while, as, after, before, since, ever since, till, until, as soon as, once1、while, when, as 的用法(1)when用得最广,常可代替 while

2、与 as,与 while比较,when 所引导的 从句,动词既可是延续性的;也可以是终止的;as在这一点与 when相同, while引导的从句;动词只能是延续的。例: When the fire broke out, all the students were sleeping sound. The telephone rang while I was taking a bath.Notes:在时间状语从句中,用一般现在时表示一般将来时;用一般过去时表示过去将来时。例: When you get there ,ring me up. Dont forget to bring your cam

3、era here when you come.(2)两个表示时间延续的动作同时发生而又具有对比意义时,我们用while,在这样的复合句中,主句和从句的时态是相同的(通常)。例如: Father was preparing a report while I was playing PC game. While I played the piano, my sister did her homework.(3) 表述两个发展变化中的情况时常用“as”.例如:As he talked on, he got more and more excited. As you grow older, youll

4、 know better and better about yourself.(4)表示“ 一边。一边。”时,常用“as”例如:They talked as they walked along the river.(边走边读)(5)表示随着短暂动作的发生,另一行为伴随发生时,常用“as”例如:My cap was blown away as I sat down.2、until和 till的用法(可以互用) (1)until、 till 指的是某一持续性行为持续到某一时间点,对于终止性动词需要用动词的否定形式。例如:Ill wait untiltill the concert is over.

5、My uncle didnt marry until he was 45.(2)持续性动词的否定形式则表示到某一点这一行为才开始。例如:Until the manager returns ,nothing can be done.Note: Not until all the fish had died did the farmer realize how serious the pollution was.3.since 的用法(1) since表示自某一时间点以来,常用完成时态或完成进行时,在强调语意时since 前可加ever。主句可用持续性动词,也可用非延续性动词,用非延续性动词必须强

6、调动作的频度或多次、多个。如:Great changes have taken place since you left this city.I have returned home twice since I settled down in the USA.不可说成:I have returned home since I settled down in the USA.They have been living happily ever since they got married.(2)Since引导的从句中,若是持续性动词,往往理解为某一状态的终止。Its been a year si

7、nce I worked here.(我不在这里工作已经一年了)。(3)it is.since和it has been since ;it seemssince.和it fells since例如: It is has been a few years since we last met. it seems feels a long time since we parted.辨析:since 和 ever since 二者可用作副词,意为“自那以来”。 “since”修饰的主句一般不用终止性动词,除非表示动词的频率。“ever since”更加强调某一动作或状态一直,他所修饰的主句谓语动词不能

8、为终止性动词。例如: I bought the book last month and I have read it twice since. I graduated from that school 10 years ago. I havent been there ever since.4. before的用法:一般情况下,before表示“在。之前”,有时译为:“才。”eg: I must finish this letter before i go home. The train had already left before i arrived.5.名词短语引导的状语从句常用的这类名

9、词短语有:the time , the moment, the minute, the day, the year, the first/second time, by the time , each time, every time, next time, any time例如:The day he returned home ,his father was already dead .Every time I see him ,he is working hard.6. by the time 用法这个词组常用来指到某一时间点为止,主句常用完成时态。例如: By the time he w

10、as 12, he had traveled to 30 countries. By the time I graduate next year, I will have lived here for 5 years.若主句是“be” 的系表形式或像know 等表示“认知”的持续性动词,则往往用一般时态。如:By the time he went abroad , he was fifteen.7.表示“一就”引导词的用法。常表达“一就”的时间状语从句的引导词:as soon as , immediately, directly, instantly, no sooner than ,hard

11、ly.when.例如: No sooner had I began to talk than he rang off.=I had no sooner began to talk than he rang off.例如: Hardly had I told him my name when he stopped listening=I had hardly told him.Note:除了以上表示时间的从句外,还可用非时间状语从句的形式。 动词的ing 形式。如:Having checked all the answers, I turned my papers in . at. :常用于at

12、 the thought of (一想到。就。), at the touch of (一摸到。就。)等结构中。例如:At the news, she burst into tears. on doing on sth例如:On her arrival at the countrysideOn arriving at the countryside , she felt a gust of cool air around herself.Note: 以上表达中,on doing结构表示“一。就。”,也可用doing 或when doing 结构;但动作没有结构紧凑二.地点状语从句:在句中作地点状

13、语的从句称为地点状语从句,可置于句首、句中、句末。地点状语的从句的用法:常用的引导词有where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere 等。例如: We live where the road crosses the river. You can go anywhere you like. Where there is a will, there is a way.三.原因状语从句在句中作原因状语的从句称为原因状语从句,可位于句首、句尾。引导词:单词引导词because, as , since 等。 短语引导词 now that, in that ,

14、seeing that, for the reason that等。1.because, as , since, 用法(1)because 语气最强,用以回答why 引起的提问,可和强调词only, merely, just及否定词not连用。常用于主句之后,只有强调时才位于主句之前,还可以用于强调结构。例如: He was absent from school because he was ill. He was published only because he broke the law. It was because I wanted to see my uncle that I we

15、nt to town yesterday.(2)as 从句之前不可用强调词和“not”,且不可用于强调结构;as 从句多位于主句之前。例:As it was a public holiday, all the shops were shut.(3)since:既然前不可用强调词和not, 也不可用于强调结构,多用于主句之前。例:Since everyone makes mistakes, you shouldnt always criticize him.Note:for 是一个等立连词,连接并列句, 用来做附加说明,一般把“for”引起的句子放在某一句子之后。例:lets stay home , for its raining hard outside.2.now that


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