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1、 1. 灯笼灯笼产生于东汉,在中国古时候主要用于照明。制作灯笼要用到中国画、剪纸等很多工艺。纸和丝绸是制作灯笼的主要材料。灯笼在电出现之前用于照明,现在只是用于装饰,主要在元宵节使用。节日期间,不同形状和大小的灯笼会悬挂在街上,吸引无数的游人。灯笼最流行的颜色是红色。在中国文化里,红灯笼是生活红火、事业兴旺的标志,所以在元宵节、春节、国庆等重要节日都要挂红灯笼。现在,红灯笼在全世界范围内被视为中国文化的代表。 1.灯笼产生于东汉,在中国古时候主要用于照明。 长句的译法Originating during the Eastern Han Dynasty, Lanterns were mainly

2、 used for lighting in ancient China.2.制作灯笼要用到中国画、剪纸等很多工艺。 直译The manufacture/ production of lanterns/ making lanterns use a variety of crafts 3.纸和丝绸是制作灯笼的主要材料。 定语的译法Paper and silk were the major materials used in their manufacture.4.灯笼在电出现之前用于照明,现在只是用于装饰,主要在元宵节使用。 主干Once used for lighting before the

3、introduction of electricity, lanterns are now merely decorative (used in decoration) and mainly used during the Lantern Festival.5.节日期间,不同形状和大小的灯笼会悬挂在街上,吸引无数的游人。During the holiday, lanterns of various shapes and sizes attract countless visitors,hung in the streets.6.灯笼最流行的颜色是红色。 主表互换Red is the most

4、popular color used for lanterns.7.在中国文化里,红灯笼是生活红火、事业兴旺的标志,所以在元宵节、春节、国庆等重要节日都要挂红灯笼。 主干In Chinese culture, the red lanterns are a symbol of booming life and prosperous business, 从属 无主句的翻译so they are always hung on important festivals such as Lantern Festival, Spring Festival, and National Holiday.8.现在

5、,红灯笼在全世界范围内被视为中国文化的代表。Nowadays, they are considered to be (as)representative of Chinese culture worldwide.2. Urban Greening我国城镇化(urbanization)的速度近年来快得惊人,旧城越扩越大,新城不断崛起。可居住在城里的人却时有抱怨:灰尘多、噪音大、天不蓝、空气不新鲜,缺乏城市绿化是造成这些问题的一大原因。城市不能缺少树,城市不能没有林,树林是制氧机,是天然吸尘器(vacuum cleaner) ,是降低噪音的消音器(muffler) 。城中的森林就像是城市的肺和肾,

6、在城市规划中不可缺少绿地。世界卫生组织提出城市人均绿地面积不少于22平方米,我国许多城市甚至离这个最低标准还有很大距离。我们要加强城市绿化,还公众以碧水蓝天。1.我国城镇化的速度近年来快得惊人,旧城越扩越大,新城不断崛起。 China is developing at a stunning peace in its urbanization, with old cities expanding and new ones constantly emerging.2. 可居住在城里的人却时有抱怨:灰尘多、噪音大、天不蓝、空气不新鲜,缺乏城市绿化是造成这些问题的一大原因。 But city dwel

7、lers often complain about the dust, the nose, the grey sky, and the unclean air, which are due in part to a lack of urban greening.3.城市不能缺少树,城市不能没有林,树林是制氧机,是天然吸尘器(vacuum cleaner),是降低噪音的消音器(muffler)。 Trees are indispensable for cities, as they act as oxygen generators, natural vacuum cleaners, and mu

8、fflers to reduce noise.4. 城中的森林就像是城市的肺和肾,在城市规划中不可缺少绿地。 Since the woods of a city are like its lungs and kidneys, green areas should not be left out in urban planning.5. 世界卫生组织提出城市人均绿地面积不少于22平方米,我国许多城市甚至离这个最低标准还有很大距离。 The WTO proposes that per capita urban areas should be no les than 22 square meters

9、, and many of our cities are far from even this lowest requirement. 6.我们要加强城市绿化,还公众以碧水蓝天。 We should build more green areas in our cities and restore clear water and blue sky for their citizens.3. 孔子1. 孔子是中国历史上著名的思想家、教育家,是儒家学派(Confucianism)的创始人,被尊称为古代的圣人(sage)。 Confucius was a great thinker and educa

10、tor in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient sage.2. 他的言论和生平活动记录在论语(The Analects)一书中。 His words and life story were recorded in The Analects.3. 论语是中国古代文化的经典著作,对后来历代的思想家、文学家、政治家产生了很大影响。 An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The An

11、alects has had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius.4.不研究论语,就不能真正把握中国几千年的传统文化。Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years traditional Chinese culture.5.孔子的很多思想,尤其是其教育思想,对中国社会产生了深远的影响。Much of Confucius thought, es

12、pecially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society. 6.在 21 世纪的今天,孔子的学说不仅受到中国人的重视,而且也越来越受到整个国际社会的重视。In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community. 4.男女平等中国

13、曾经有句话,叫做“女子能顶半边天”,意思是说,女人和男人是平等的,女人和男人一样能干,凡是男人能干的事情,女人都可以做。按照传统,男人管外面的大事,女人只管家里做饭、洗衣服、照顾孩子这些小事。现在男女平等了,很多女人也到外面去工作。然而千百年来,中国人习惯了女主内,女人下班回家,再累还得去做所有的家务。“半边天”的说法本来是为了改变重男轻女的旧观念,提高女人的地位,结果反而加重了女人的负担,现在的女人实际上顶着“大半边天”。1. 中国曾经有句话,叫做“女子能顶半边天”,意思是说,女人和男人是平等的,女人和男人一样能干,凡是男人能干的事情,女人都可以做. There used to be a s

14、aying in China: “Women can hold half of the sky.” It means that men and women are equal and women are as capable as men, able to do whatever men can do.2.按照传统,男人管外面的大事,女人只管家里做饭、洗衣服、照顾孩子这些小事。现在男女平等了,很多女人也到外面去工作。 According to tradition, men preside over important matters in the outside world and women

15、 are engaged in trifiling matters at home such as cooking, laudry and taking care of children. 3.现在男女平等了,很多女人也到外面去工作。 As men and women are equal now, many women go to the ouside world to work.4.然而千百年来,中国人习惯了女主内,女人下班回家,再累还得去做所有的家务。However, over thousands of years, the Chinese have become accustomed to the idea that women should be in charge of the house. Though they are tired when they come back from a days work, women have to do all the housework.5.半边天”的说法本来是为了改变重男轻女的旧观念,提高女人的地位,结果反而加重了女人


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