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1、popular innovation, the much anticipated entrepreneurial atmosphere. Six is to highlight the strong comprehensive and strict guarantees, constantly consolidate the basis of the party building. As the biggest achievement in grasping party building, fully strictly administering the party achieved rema

2、rkable results. Cast soul guben caught idea. Adhere to the important mission of inspiring, gather the people with common ideals, with development achievements inspired people, conscientiously study the partys latest theoretical achievements, further carry out various types of mass selecting mode sel

3、ection, multiple trees and carrying forward the righteousness of fresh air, and constantly promote the development of positive energy together. Strict management of cadres. Developed has new promoted section cadres evaluation and debriefing approach, and township section cadres attendance report inf

4、ormed system and leaders talk talk approach, perfect has Township morning will system, specification has Township cadres management; according to good cadres standard selection cadres, set has heavy conduct, and heavy performance, and heavy grass-roots, and heavy public of oriented; research develop

5、ed party work supervision and grass-roots party assessment evaluation approach, formed has three level Secretary linkage caught party of pattern. Wind Su JI caught style. Carry out three-three special education and strictly investigate and called upon to inform the name violates the Central eight ru

6、les of people and things, concentration and control of frivolity and not as style, as issues such as cadres style continuous improvement. Responsibility to catch the independent Commission against corruption. Strictly implement the 3883 responsibility, and fully cooperate with inspections of municip

7、al party Committee, listen to the peoples congresses, Governments, CPPCC Committee, the County party Committee Standing Committee, Township departments mainly responsible for the implementation of responsibility briefing, step by step to carry out interviews, layers of conductive pressure, clean sys

8、tem continuously. 2015 work go hand in hand, with remarkable results, marked Twelve-Five collector of development success. In five years, the County in accordance with the effective strengthening four support and further development of the five industries, accelerate the construction of three major

9、patterns strategy, focused, hard work, and promoting the rapid, sustained and healthy development of economy and society, becoming the fastest-accelerating the adjustment of the economic structure, enhance comprehensive strength, significant infrastructure improvements, urban and rural . For five ye

10、ars, wrote on the event in the history of jingchuan brilliant chapter. The practice shows that in five years, must adhere to the development the first priority is not shaken, must adhere to the project driven strategy up, must adhere to the deep development does not stop, must adhere to a comprehens

11、ive reform does not retreat, must adhere to the strengthening work style building do not slack off,版次日 期状态编制/修改审核修改说明批准者国电泰州发电有限公司21000MW机组工程项目管理文件文件标题:职业健康安全、环境目标、指标的制定和管理程序文件类别:项目管理程序国电泰州发电有限公司文件编号: GDTZDCXMGLCX从小勤奋好学,文武双全,就在岳飞20岁的时候,金兵侵犯中原,所到之处烧杀抢掠,岳飞是个爱国的人,决心杀敌,回报祖国.一切民族英雄,都是中华民族的脊梁,他们的事迹和精神都是激励

12、我们前行的强大力量I目 次1 目的12 适用范围13 职业健康安全、环境目标14 职责15 管理内容与要求16 相关记录21 目的根据公司的职业健康安全、环境管理方针,确定公司的职业健康安全、环境目标指标,明确管理方案的制定、实施和修订等管理要求和职责分配,以便对职业健康安全、环境管理体系绩效进行评价和推动持续改进。2 适用范围适用于公司职业健康安全、环境目标指标和管理体系方案的策划、制定、实施和修订。3 职业健康安全、环境目标3.1目标:3.1.1杜绝重大事故、杜绝人身死亡事故;3.1.2杜绝群体性中毒事故、控制一般事故;3.2指标:3.2.1重大人身死亡事故“O”;3.2.2重大机械、设备

13、事故“O”;3.2.3重大火灾事故“O”;3.2.4死亡事故、群体性中毒事故“O”起;3.2.5年度内50万元以下的一般火灾事故控制在2起之内;3.2.6年重伤事故频率控制在1之内;员工年负伤率不超过3;3.2.7年内主要责任以上的一般交通事故控制在2起之内;3.2.8年内一般机械、设备事故不得超过2起。4 职责4.1公司总经理负责批准和实施组织制定并审核公司职业健康安全、环境管理目标指标和管理方案。,并确保其在组织内得到理解和沟通,在持续的适宜性方面得到评审。4.2计划部负责组织制定公司职业健康安全、环境管理目标指标。公司主管领导审核后报公司总经理批准。4.3工程部设安全、环境主管人员,负责

14、检查各部门职业健康安全、环境管理的执行情况,以及日常的控制管理工作。4.4工程部安全主管人员负责组织职业健康安全环境控制策划和管理工作,负责确定职业健康安全、环境控制点,制定控制管理规定,并进行现场管理、检查和协调。4.5各部门、各项目监理方及各相关方负责各自的管理方案的制定、修改、组织实施和对实施情况进行监督检查。5 管理内容与要求5.1 目标指标和管理方案的制定要求5.1.1 目标指标和管理方案的制定依据:职业健康安全、环境管理方针、适用的法律法规要求、可选的技术方案、财务、运行和经营要求、各相关方的要求、持续改进的要求等。5.1.2 目标指标和管理方案制定的要求:应体现技术的先进性、并应

15、具体和尽可能量化同时应体现对持续改进的承诺。5.1.3 管理方案应包括实现目标的措施、实施方法、执行部门/执行人、完成期限、资金、检查人及检查频度、方法(见附录B)5.2 目标指标和管理方案的制定5.2.1 计划部负责组织制定公司职业健康安全、环境管理目标指标,管理者代表审核后报公司总经理批准。5.2.2 工程部负责组织职业健康安全、环境控制策划和管理工作,负责确定职业健康安全、环境控制点,制定管理方案。5.2.3 各部门、各项目监理方及各相关方负责制定和自己相关的各自的管理方案。5.2.4 当出现接收到相关方有关职业健康安全、环境的投诉、抱怨以及其他情况,需要通过管理方案进行管理时,应适时增加管理方案。5.3 管理方案的实施5.3.1 每年安环委应至少组织对公司内部及工程项目建设活动区域进行一次联合大检查,并进行考核,可作为工程验收以及竣工决算时的依据。5.3.2 每月(每周)组织一次月(周)检查由项目监理方分管安全、环境控制的领导组织,工程部安环专职、各实施单位安监负责人等参加,重点检查施工现场安全、环境管理情况。5.3.3 工程部应根据职业健康安全环境管理体系的要求对相关供方进行评价,作为计划部建立合格劳务供



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