岗位职责_staff communication officer职位描述

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《岗位职责_staff communication officer职位描述》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《岗位职责_staff communication officer职位描述(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、努力了的才叫梦想,不努力的就是空想!如果你一直空想的话,无论看多少正能量语录,也赶不走满满的负能量!你还是原地踏步的你,一直在看别人进步。Staff Communication Officer职位描述职位识别信息职位名称Staff Communication Officer所属部门Contact Center职位编号所在城市工作地点出差要求无偶尔经常常驻版本号V1.0生效日期工作网络关系直接上级职位Manager, Resource Management汇报职位直接下级职位人员管理权限薪酬无 建议权 决定权直接下级人数绩效无 建议权 决定权直接管辖团队配备无 建议权 决定权业务指导职位对职位产

2、生影响的外部机构受到职位影响的外部机构任职资格教育程度Graduate专业方向social work or psychology工作经验 1 year working experience or above in service industries with leadership role 行业经验培训经历核心能力 客户导向 精诚协作 积极进取 立足创新 求真务实 敬业诚信通用能力 组织认知 个人管理 绩效导向 可靠性 口头沟通 书面沟通 人际交往 谈判能力 领导力 团队管理 员工管理 分析/解决问题 计划能力专业能力 客户服务 业务知识 系统运用 销售技巧 效率导向 质量导向 投诉处理 知

3、识管理职位目的与职责职位目的(存在的理由,限制和目标)To build up good relationship of staff to support efficient operations of the contact center as well as various business lines of the company as a whole.职责范围(名称、定义、该职责所要达到的结果/目标)责任级别(全部/部分/协助)衡量标准(数量、质量)业务类战略层面战术层面操作层面 To work on different initiative, such as Employee Happ

4、iness Survey, Team Success celebration gathering, Monthly birthday functions, sport activities, Team Building and recreation functions in order to minimize the staff attrition rate and heighten staff morale To build up good relationship and take up the role as informal leader To administer for the s

5、taff bulletin board and responsible for the managing of staff recreational activities To act as the communication bridge and assist staff to channel grievance directly to senior management team To assist in conducting pre-exit interview and understand and feedback the reason for attrition To conduct

6、 individual counseling session for any employee issues. To collect employee opinions and dissatisfaction through informal channels To represent company to extend caring to staff and his family for any good or unfortunate eventsAll KPIs for staff communication Internal customer satisfaction External customer satisfaction Staff attrition 管理类


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