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1、大学英语(4-4)(石油英语初级教程)重点句Unit 1 Introduction to PetroleumText A1) Modern-day scientists have proven that most if not all petroleum fields were created by the remains of small animal and plant life being compressed on the sea bed by billions of tons of silt and sand several million years ago. (Para. 1)现

2、代科学家已证明,大部分油田,即使不是全部,是由小的海洋动植物的残骸在几百万年前受到数十亿吨的泥沙挤压在海底形成的。2) During the decomposition process tiny bacteria will clean the remains of certain chemicals such as phosphorus, nitrogen and oxygen. (Para. 2)During the process of decay, the bacteria will remove certain chemicals from the remains of small a

3、nimals and plant life.在分解过程中,微小的细菌将会除去这些遗体中诸如磷、氮、氧等化学物质。3) The AOF theory has been championed for a number of reasons, but many current proponents point to the presence of methane on the comets, meteors, and other lifeless planets as evidence that organic material is not needed to produce petroleum.

4、 (Para. 6)champion: support and defend 石油无机成因理论之所以得到拥护,有很多原因,但很多当代支持者指出,在彗星、流星和其它无生命特征的星球上有甲烷存在。他们以此作为证据,证明在石油的产生过程中并不需要有机物。4) It is possible to speculate, make predictions and test those predictions to gain evidence to support or reject a given theory, but it is not possible to be as certain about

5、the formation of oil as we are about something like ice, which we can directly observe. (Para. 7)为支持或反对某一给定理论,人们会进行推测、做出预言并加以验证,但对于石油的形成过程,人们却不能像对冰的形成一样肯定,因为后者是可以进行直接观测的。5) Most scientists believe the evidence comes down decidedly on the side of oil forming from deceased organic matter. (Para. 8)Mos

6、t scientists believe that the evidence undoubtedly supports oil forming from dead organic matter.大多数科学家认为,证据明确地支持石油是由有机物死后形成的这一方。6) They also suggest that claims about the chemical nature of oil are spurious because we do not know what processes occur in the Earth that may cause oil to look as thoug

7、h it came from an organic source when it did not. (Para. 9)他们还认为,关于石油的(有机)化学属性的说法是不正确的,因为我们不知道在地球深处到底发生了什么,使石油看起来好像是来自于有机物质,实则不然。7) The second reason many scientists doubt the abiotic theory is that its basic tenets dont seem to be viable. (Para. 12)The second reason many scientists dont accept the

8、abiotic theory is that its theoretical foundations seem to be contrary to scientific research.第二,很多科学家质疑,无机说的理论基础似乎站不住脚。8) In scientific terms, the mass balance of the equation is errant. (Para. 13)In scientific terms, it runs counter to the principle of mass balance in chemical equation.换成科学术语,这不符合

9、化学方程式中的质量平衡(即不符合质量守恒定律)。9) In the end, science will settle the debate, but what science gets funded is directly related to which politicians are in power and who is footing the bill.At last, science will cope with the argument, but the two factors, which politicians are in power and who provides the

10、 money, decide what science will get the financial support. 最终,科学研究将会解决这一争议,然而,哪些科学能得到资金,与哪些政治家执政及哪些人买单直接相关。Text B1) But given the locations of the remaining oil, getting the next trillion is likely to cost a lot more than the previous trillion. (Para. 2)The cost of tapping another trillion oil that

11、 lie underground is much higher than that of previous one because of their locations. 鉴于剩余石油的分布位置,获取剩余的1万亿桶石油将比以前付出高昂的代价。2) Nor do King and his co-author James Murray , hold out much hope for future discoveries. (Para. 3)Neither King nor James Murray hold much hope for future discoveries. 金和他的合著者詹姆斯

12、默里, 都对未来的发现不抱多少希望。 3) Global economic growth itself may be impossible without a concurrent growth in energy supply. We need to decouple economic growth from fossil-fuel dependence. (Para. 11)如果没有能源供应的增长与之同步,全球经济就其本身而言是不可能的。我们需要减弱经济增长对化石燃料的依赖。4) If King and Murray are correct about 2005 marking the e

13、nd of easily extracted oil, however, then Smils additional having of demand, plus conservation and a rapid deployment of alternative energy, would be required to avoid even more economically painful oil price shocks in the future. (Para. 8)然而,如果King和Murray关于“2005年标志着石油易采时代终结”的说法正确的话,那么,要想在未来避免石油高价给经

14、济带来更为严重的打击,就必须实现Smil所倡导的需求再次减半,同时增加石油储备并加快对替代能源的开发和利用。ExercisesIII Translation Task 1 English into Chinese 1. 人们可以进行推测、做出预言并加以验证,以便获得证据来支持或反对某个理论,但是,对于石油的形成过程却不可能像对冰的形成过程一样确定,因为后者是可以进行直接观测的。2. 当油价达到或高于每桶100美元,全球经济将会遭到沉重打击导致经济下滑并阻碍其复苏。3. 假如King和Murray关于易采时代将石油于2005年终结的预言正确的话,那么,要想在未来避免因为石油高价而带来的经济衰退,

15、就必须实现史密尔所倡导的需求再次减半,同时实行节能并加快对替代能源的开发和利用。4. 石油在没有经过炼化的情况下也通常叫做原油,它包含几种化合物,其中含量最高的是碳氢化合物,这使得石油具有了可燃性。5. 用来描述石油的“轻”和“重”这两个概念可能有误导性。实际上,这两个概念不是指石油的重量,而是指石油的密度,轻质原油比重质原油密度要小。Task 2 Chinese into EnglishAs oil becomes increasingly difficult to find, the search for it is extended into more-hostile environme

16、nts. The development of the oil field on the North Slope of Alaska and the construction of the Alaska pipeline are examples of the great expense and difficulty involved in new oil discoveries. Offshore drilling platforms extend the search for oil to the oceans continental shelves. More than one-quarter of the worlds oil and almost one-fifth of the worlds natural gas come from offs


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