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1、学校: 班级: 姓名: 考号: 密封线装 订 线 金川小学三年级英语(下)期中考试 (2012、4)一、认一认,选一选。将图片与单词配对。请将图片下面的字母序号填入相应的单词前面的括号里。(20分) A B C D E 20 F G H I J( ) 1. twenty ( ) 2. boy ( ) 3. father ( ) 4.egg( ) 5. fish ( ) 6. apple ( ) 7. cat ( ) 8.grandpa ( ) 9. kangaroo ( ) 10. icecream二、下列每组四个单词中,根据它们的意义找出一个与其它三个不同类的单词,把它们的字母编号写在左边的

2、括号中。(10分)( )1、A、ant B、leg C fish( )2、A、he B、she C、foot( )3、A、twelve B、ruler C eleven( )4、A、bag B、morning C、afternoon( )5、A、boy B、girl C、shake三、认一认,选一选。从右栏中找出左栏的答句,将序号填入题前的括号里。(10分)( ) 1. Where are you from? A. Oh, no!( ) 2. Whos this girl? B. I have twelve.( ) 3. This is my friend, Amy. C. Im from C

3、hina.( ) 4. How many pens do you have? D. Nice to meet you.( ) 5. Watch out! E. She is my sister. 四、写出正确的形式. (写出下列字母的大写或小写形式。)(10分)I F D A K 五、判断对错.(看图,读句子。如果两者相符,在括号中打,否则打。)(10分) 六、从B栏中选择与A栏相对应的句子,只填编号。(10分) A B( )1、Whos that girl? a、OK!( )2、Have some fruits. b、Shes my sister.( )3、Lets watch TV. c、

4、Thank you. ( )4、How many crayons do you have? d、I have twelve( )5、Where are you from? e、Im from China.七、单项选择(每小题2分,共20分)1. How many kites can you see?( )A fifteen B oh C lets fly it 2. How many crayons do you have? ( ) A too B twelve C kangaroo3. Whos that boy? ( ) A Thank you B my sister C my mothe

5、r D my brother4. Nice to meet you! ( ) A good morning B hello C good afternoon D nice to meet you5. We have a new friend today. ( ) A welcome B watch out C watch TV D Thank you6. Where are you from? ( ) A boy or girl B oh no C Really D Im from China7. Whos this man? ( ) A Shes my sister B Shes my mo

6、ther C Hes my brother D Hes my father8. How many pens do you have? ( ) A I have three. B I can see three C I like three 9. How many rulers can you see? ( ) A I have three. B I can see three C I like three 10. Whos that girl? ( ) A Shes my mother B Hes my father C Shes my sister八、阅读短文,判断对错。(对的写T,错的写F

7、。)(10分) There are five people in my family-my father, my mother, my sister Kate, my brother Jack and me. My father is a teacher. He is tall. He likes lions. He likes watermelons. My mother is a farmer. She is short. She likes to feed dogs and chickens. She likes eating strawberries.Jack; Kate and I

8、are all students. Jack likes monkeys. Kate and I all like pandas. Because we love peace. (和平)( )1.There are seven people in my family.( )2.My father likes eating watermelons.( )3.My mother is tall. She likes to feed chickens.( )4.Jack is my brother. He likes monkeys.( )5.My sister Kate doesnt like pandas.


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