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1、广东省河源市2017-2018学年七年级英语下学期第一次段考试题满分:120分 时间:100分钟 第一部分 听力部分(25分)一、听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)A. 听句子(本小题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画或答案回答问题。每小题听一遍。( )1. What can Judy do very well? A B C( )2. What does the speakers aunt like to do ? A B C( )3. What does the speaker do at 6:00 am

2、 ? A B C( )4. What does the speakers sister do ? A B C( )5. How does Henry usually go to school? A B C B. 听对话(本小题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。每段对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6小题。( )6.What can Bills sister do? A. She can swim. B.She can play baseball . C. She can play basketball. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题

3、。( )7.What does Erics sister want to do in the school art show? A. To play the drums. B. To play the violin. C. To play the guitar.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。( )8.What does Sam usually do at six thirty? A. He gets up. B. He brushes his teeth. C. He takes a shower.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。( )9.What does Paul usually do afte

4、r dinner? A. Watches TV. B. Does his homework. C. Takes a walk.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。( )10.How does the girls father usually take a trip? A. By bus. B. By plane. C. By car. 听第六段对话,回答第1112小题。( )11.What club is Henry in? A. The English club. B. The sports club. C. The childrens club.( )12. What time does Hen

5、ry go to the club? A. At 4:00 on Friday afternoon. B. At 5:00 on Friday afternoon. C. At 5:00 on Saturday afternoon. 听第七段对话,回答第1315小题。( )13. How does Sam go to the park? A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.( )14. How far is it from Sams home to the park? A. Two kilometers. B. Three kilometers. C. Five

6、 kilometers.( )15. What does the girl want to do ? A. To exercise with Sam. B. To ride a bike with Sam. C. To play the guitar with Sam.C. 听短文(本小题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)请根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。短文听两遍。( )16. How does Sally get to school? A. By bike. B.By bus. C. By train.( )17. What time does Sally

7、get to school? A. At about 6:00. B.At about 7:00. C. At about 8:00.( )18. What can Not Sally do? A. Sing. B. Dance. C. Swim.( )19. When does Sally go to the club? A. On the weekend. B. On Thursday. C. On Tuesday.( )20. What do you think of Sally? A. Shy. B. Friendly C. BoringD. 听填信息(本小题有5小题,每小题1分,共5

8、分)你将听到一篇短文,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。短文听两遍。 Information SheetPlace The(21) _Museum Day On(22)_. People The students in(23) _ Departure(出发) time Start at(24) _oclock Transport(交通工具) There are (25)_big buses.第二部分 笔试部分(95分)二、单项填空(每小题1分,共20分)( ) 26My brother likes playing _basketball and I am good at playing_ pi

9、ano.A. /,the B. the,/ C. an, the D. the, a( ) 27We are from China and we_ Chinese.A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell( ) 28Li Yan can _ football well. A. play B. playing C. to play D. play the ( ) 29Let me _you _your English.A. help ,with B. to help ,for C. helping, with D. to help, with( ) 30. The song

10、 Gangnan Style _interesting. A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels( ) 31. Xiao Xiao _goes to school by bike. She walks to school. A. alwaysB. oftenC. sometimes D. never( ) 32What time do you usually get up, John? I usually get up at _. A. half past six B. half to six C. half after six D. half six(

11、) 33_do you usually go to school? By bus. A. What B. Where C. How D. Who( ) 34.Linda _homework but _ on weekends.A. doesnt do; watch TV B. doesnt do; watches TVC. doesnt ; watch TV D. doesnt ; watches TV( ) 35Tony is _boy. A. an 11-year-old B. an eleven-years-old C. a 11-year-old D. a eleven-year ol

12、d( ) 36_is the nearest bus stop? Its 10 minutes walk. A. What time B. How long C. How D. How far( ) 37It _him one hour _his homework. Atakes, to do Btake, to do Ctake, do Dtakes, do( ) 38Do you like to go to school_? No. I _to school every car, by bus B. on foot, take a bus C. ride a bike, on foot D. on a bus, by bike( ) 39Scott has an interesting _.He _at a TV station. A. work, work B. job, works C. job, work D. work ,job(


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