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1、1.customise to change the appearance or features of something to suit your tastes or needs 2.impressive something that is . makes you admire it because it is very good, large, important etc 3.exceptional unusually good 4.ramp a slope that has been built to connect two places that are at different le

2、vels 5.dirt track a road or path made of hard earth 6.resulting coming from or caused by something else 7.concluding of an end or conclusion 8.spread like wildfire to become known about or used by more and more people extremely quickly 9.broaden to increase something such as your knowledge, experien

3、ce, or range of activities 10.extend to continue for a longer period of time, or to make something bigger or longer pose to write a letter, poem etc, or to write a piece of music 12.catch ones attention to make someone notice you, especially because you want to speak to them or you need their help 1

4、3.cater for to provide a particular group of people with the things they need or want 14.take place to happen, especially after planned 15.take part to be involved in an activity, sport, event etc with other people 16.get dropped to be no longer included in a team or organisation 17.statistics a set

5、 of numbers which represent facts or measurements 18.due to because of something 19.harsh difficult, severe, cruel, or unkind 20.firm not completely hard, but not soft, and not easy to change much in shape when it is pressed 21.aquarium a building where people go to look at fish and other water anim

6、als 22.audio relating to sound that is recorded or broadcast 23.whistle to make a high or musical sound by blowing air out through your lips 24.chirp if a bird or insect ., it makes short high sounds 25.chatter to talk quickly in a friendly way without stopping, especially about things that are not

7、serious or important 26.back and forth going in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and repeating this several times 27.captive kept in prison or in a place that you are not allowed to leave 28.crack to find the answer to a problem or manage to understand something that is difficult to

8、 understand 29.code a system of words, letters, or symbols that you use instead of ordinary writing, so that the information can only be understood by someone else who knows the system 30.capture to catch something, to get and keep something 31.previously before now or before a particular time 32.un

9、aware not noticing or realizing what is happening 33.vibration a continuous slight shaking movement 34.pest a small animal or insect that destroys crops or food supplies 35.sign up for to put your name on a list for something because you want to take part in it 36.apart from except for, as well as 3

10、7.bits and pieces any small things of various kinds 38.at first sight the first time you look at someone or something, before you notice any details 39.broad wide 40.curve to bend or move like part of a circle 41.wearily in a very tired or bored way, because you have been doing something for a long

11、time 42.over and done with finished, usually about something unpleasant 43.head for to go or travel towards a particular place, especially in a delibrate way 44.indicate to show that a particular situation exists, or that something is likely to be true 45.in sight inside the area that you can see 46

12、.reverence great respect and admiration for someone or something 47.approach to move towards or nearer to someone or something 48.stall an enclosed area in a building for an animal such as a horse or cow 49.occupy to fill a particular amount of space 50.wander to walk slowly across or around an area

13、, usually without a clear direction or purpose 51.pony a small horse ? Study online at ? 52.pull someone up short to surprise or shock someone so that they stop what they are doing or saying to think for a moment 53.a touch of a small amount of something 54.stroke to move your hand gently over somet

14、hing 55.resist to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do 56.temptation a strong desire to have or do something even though you know you should not 57.be absorbed in to be interested in something so much that someone does not pay attention to other things 58.be a mistress of something

15、 (of a woman) to be in control of something 59.admiringly showing that you think someone or something is very impressive or attractive 60.assure to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true so that they are less worried 61.nudge to push someone gently, usually with you

16、r elbow, in order to get their attention 62.trot the movement of a horse that is a little faster than walking 63.confide to tell someone you trust about personal things that you do not want other people to know 64.exhilarating making you feel happy, excited, and full of energy 65.whip to move quickly and violently 66.glow to produce or reflect a soft steady light 67.unwilling not wanting to do something and refusing to do it 68.make a dif


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