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1、2015PEP小学英语五年级下册Recycle 1诊检测题 Listening part(听力部分)一、 Listen and choose.(听音,选出你听到的单词或词组,将序号写到括号里。) 绿色圃中( )1. A. eat breakfast B. eat lunch C. eat dinner( )2. A.spring B. summer C.autumn ( )3. A. often B. usually C. sometimes( )4. A.January B. June C. July( )5. A.trip B. holiday C. vacation二、Listen an

2、d tick or cross. (听音,判断与图片内容相符的划“”,不相符的划“”。) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )三、Listen and choose.(听问句,选择恰当的答语。)( ) 1.A.At 5 oclock. B. In 5 oclock( ) 2.A.Winter. B. The four seasons.( ) 3.A.Because I like snow. B. Because I can pick apples .( ) 4. A. Its in January. B. We have an Easter party.( ) 5. A.

3、I really like the singing contest. B.Yes.四、Listen and write.(听一听,写一写。)1. Clean the_ _ please. 2. I often on Saturdays.3. grows green . 4. -Why do you like ?-Because I often .5. Teachers Day is in . 绿色圃Writing part (笔试部分)五、Read and choose.(判断下列每组单词的划线部分读音是否相同,相同的划“”,不同的划“”。)( ) 1. play eggplant peopl

4、e( ) 2. clock class uncle( ) 3. library umbrella brown( ) 4.Chinese China children( ) 5.sheep fish chicken六、Read , choose and write.(选词填空。)in on go where when1. I often shopping on the weekend.2. - do you go to school?-I go to school at 8 oclock.3. - is your photo? -Its on the wall.4.We will have an

5、 English party February.5.What do you have Tuesdays?七、Read and choose.(选择最佳答案。)( ) 1.I often watch TV and play ping-pong _my father . A. with B. and C. but( ) 2. On the weekend , I _ _wash clothes ._ _I cook dinner.A.sometimes , then B. often , but C. usually, sometimes( ) 3. I like autumn best. Bec

6、ause the are pretty!A.colours B.snow C. colour( ) 4. _ is the first month of a year. A. February B. December D. January( ) 5.-When is Mid-Autumn Day? 绿色圃 -Its usually _September October. A. in ; on B. in ; or C.on ; and八、Rearrange the words. (连词成句,注意首字母大写及标点符号。)1. class a take sometimes I dancing (.

7、) 2. season best you which do like (?) 3. do on weekend do what you the (?) 4. is the when this trip year (?) 5. we a Easter have party in April will (.) 九、Read and choose.(将答语的序号写到括号里。)( ) 1. When do you eat dinner? A.I often pick apples.( ) 2. What do you often do in the autumn? B. At 6:00.( ) 3.D

8、o you like summer? C. Its in March.( ) 4.When is Tree Planting Day? D. No, I dont.( ) 5. Is Christmas in December? E. Yes, it is.十、Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择正确的答案。)My name is Amy. Im from Canada. I usually have Chinese class on Tuesdays. I often go for a walk on the weekend. I like spring best. Its w

9、indy and warm. We can go on a picnic with my family. And I like winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play in the snow. My mothers birthday is in February. My fathers birthday is in April.( ) 1. Amy usually has class on Tuesdays.A. English B. Chinese C. music绿色( ) 2. Which is Am

10、ys favourite season?A. Spring.B. Winter.C. Spring and winter.( ) 3. -Why does Amy like winter?-Because_.A. her birthday is in DecemberB. she can play in the snowC. A and B( ) 4. Is Amys mothers birthday in August? A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt.C. Yes, she likes spring.( ) 5.When is Amys fathers birth

11、day? A.Its in April. B. Its in July. C.Its in November.十一、Lets write.(写一篇介绍你自己和家人的短文,包括周末活动、喜欢的季节和生日,不少于五句话。) 附:听力材料一、Listen and choose.(听音,选出你听到的单词或词组,将序号写到括号里。)1.I eat breakfast at 7:00. 绿色2. -Which season do you like best? Summer.3. I often go shopping with my mum .4. -When is Dragon Boat Festival? -Its usually in June.5. -Why do you like summer ? -Because I like summer vacation.二、Listen and tick or cross. (听音,判断与图片内容相符的划“”,不相符的划“”。) 1. I often do m



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