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1、Pushing ahead, East, North, West development, facilitating shanty, complete xincheng West Road, stability and reconstruction of the street, Star Ding garden built century Garden District, subject public housing construction, heating the gas expansion accelerated implementation, Jing Rui River and br

2、idge style line solid shaft, further expanded the town development. Beautiful country adhere to the advance and typical for a group to lead. According to ecological lay based, and industry increased income, and live upgrade civilization, and culture rich connotation of thought, caught built beautifu

3、l village, and whole village advance, and easily relocation, and five modified three built, project near 30 a; depth into ecological, and industry, and culture, and tourism, elements, high standards caught party original city Liu, and jade are Xia AO, model village, in province City set has benchmar

4、k. Four is equal benefits to promote sharing, coordinated development of various social undertakings. In the case of rigid spending slowing revenue growth, increase, financial 75% to the peoples livelihood, the masses have more access in the sharing. Cuoban something good and benefit. Adhere to the

5、affordable, best, carefully cuoban village oil, water and heat, cultural, city and County columns practical, developments benefit families, bring more welfare to the masses. Development of social convenience. Acceptance of balanced development of compulsory education through the national assessment,

6、 the County vocational education center was named top School of vocational education in China, the third batch of national reform and development model through provincial . Five is to deepen reform and innovation to break bottlenecks and endogenous development of effective fire. As an engine of dyna

7、mism, adding reform key to adopting reform measures stress energy and break bottlenecks and promoting development. Pay close attention to the key areas of reform. Conscientiously implement the provincial deployment and cancel, adjustment, to undertake the administrative approval items according to R

8、egulation 347 to further improve administrative efficiency continuing deepening reform for poverty alleviation, speeding up rural land right registration certification pilot project, encouraging the orderly transfer of land management, utilize the land resources, in order to promote scale management

9、 laid the Foundation. Actively cultivate the market. Firmly establish a market-oriented, nurturing family farms, industrial users, professional cooperation organization new market management main body 456, effectively improve the industry, intensive and marketization of encouraging support social ca

10、pital into the small micro-credit, urban development, culture and tourism, public services and other areas, easing development shortfall. To promote mass innovation. To support the rural sector to use new thinking and new ideas, creative work incentives such as actively promoting financial intermedi

11、ation, bring added 159 in non public enterprises, individually-1540, created a2012年小学语文教师招聘考试专业知识全真模拟试题及答案二第一部分教育理论与实践 一、填空题(每空l分,共10分) 1 课堂管理包括课堂时间管理、_营造和谐的课堂气象_和恰当处理课堂问题行为的策略。 2. 使课程与教学评价r 作更为有效,根据对象发展的进程,根据不同时期有不同进度、目的和重点的实际情况,评价可以分成三类:_诊断性评价、形成性评价和_终结性评价_。 3. 课程标准在“总目标”之下,小学按1-2 年级、34 年级、5 6 年级划

12、分为三个学段,分别提出“阶段目标”,体现语文课程的_整体性_和阶段性_。 4. 语文教学要注重语言的_积累、感悟_和_运用,注重基本技能的训练,给学生打下扎实的语文基础。二、简答题(10分) 全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)多处提及“语文素养”问题,如何理解“语文素养”的内涵?全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)提出:“语文课程应致力于学生语文素养的形成与发展。”这一理念是语文教育教学改革深化的产物。提高学生语文素养,在今后相当长的时间里将成为广大语文教育工作者不懈的追求。语文素养的内涵十分丰富,它以语文知识(字词句篇)为基础,以语文能力(识字、写字、阅读、习作、口语交际)为核心,是语文能

13、力和语文知识、语言积累(文化底蕴)、情感态度、审美情趣、思维道德、思想品质、学习方法和学习习惯的融合。这种素养不仅表现为有较强的阅读、习作、口语交际的能力,而且也表现为有较强的综合运用能力 在生活中运用语文的能力以及不断更新知识的能力。 三、教学设计(20分) 请为下面这段话设计一份教学方案。 长城气魄雄伟。它像一条巨龙横卧在我国北方的崇山峻岭上,从东头的鸭绿江边到西头的嘉峪关,高高低低,蜿蜒曲折,全长6500 多千米。城墙高810 米,用大条石和城砖砌成。城墙顶部铺着平整的方砖,五六匹马可以并排行走。成千上万的参观者登上长城,目睹了长城坚强、刚毅、庄重的形象,无不赞叹:“啊, 确实了不起!”

14、 教学目标 1运用多媒体创设情境,感受万里长城的雄伟英姿,解决文中的难点。 2. 指导学生抓住总起句、重点句,利用词语推敲等方法,读懂句子,理解内容,感受万里长城的伟大,激发民族自豪感。 3有感情地朗读这段话。 教学过程 1. 看长城风光片,思考:你印象最深的是什么? 2. 听教师朗读,思考:你在哪些语句中感受到长城的气魄雄伟? 3学生自学。 4. 找学习伙伴交流:可交流自学情况,可朗读,体现自己的感悟。 5. 全班交流,重点句举例。 例一:它像一条巨龙横卧在我国北方的崇山峻岭上从东头的鸭绿江边到西头的嘉峪关,高高低低,蜿蜒曲折,全长6500 多千米。 (1)学生谈自己对长城雄伟气魄的感悟和理

15、解。 (2)谈“巨龙”这一比喻运用的巧妙。 (3)朗读体会 例二:成千上万的参观者登上长城,目睹了长城坚强、刚毅、庄重的形象,无不赞叹:“啊,确实了不起!” (1)四人小组合作学习:该怎样来读这一句话。 (2)两组交流:谈自己的处理一现场朗读。 (3)学生评价同学、教师的朗读,加深对句子中蕴涵的感情的理解。 (4)全体有感情地朗读。 随音乐朗诵课文表现长城的气魄雄伟。视觉认识:长城气魄雄伟。第二部 分专业基础知识 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1 下列词语中加点字的读音,完全相同的一组是( )。 A删除 膻昧 籼米 潸然泪下 B信笺 歼灭 缄默 间不容发 C飙升 鱼鳔 剽悍 彪炳青史

16、 D血缘 戏谑 噱头 空穴来网 2下列各句中,没有错别字的一项是(A )。 A书刊要装帧,门面要装潢,居室要装修,营造一个舒适温馨而又品味高雅的家可以说是工薪阶层中许多人的梦想 B舞台上,弟弟的朗颂声情并茂,姐姐的伴奏锦上添花;母亲心中的那丝担忧很快便烟消云散了 C2008 年1 月以来,中国居民物价指数CPI 出现了明显的涨幅,不少低收人家庭倍感通货膨涨的压力 D在骄阳的曝晒下,牵牛花堰旗息鼓,美人蕉慵倦无力,矜持的牡丹也耷拉下了高贵的头颅,失去了先前的神采 3 对下面的汉字解说正确的一项是(B )。 A“字”的笔顺是,先写宝盖头“宀”,再写“一”横,最后写“了” B编字典时将“机、床、村、极等字编在一起,这些字都以“木”为部首,因此“木”也可称做义符字


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